December 5, 2013

El Dorado: Before, During and After!

Ahoy Pirates!

Lately I've been asking myself a question about Pirate101. What happens to the Pirate101 storyline after we visit El Dorado? I already answered this question but I really wanted to share my answer with all of you! Before I answer that question.. Lets ask ourselves... What does El Dorado look like? What does it have to do with us? Keep reading if you want to know a little more about the island/world El Dorado and what I think will happen with El Dorado and a little of what I think will happen after El Dorado!

El Dorado is a world/city made of gold that we pirates will be traveling to in the future. We are currently finding pieces of the map on the game in the worlds we are currently exploring to make our way to El Dorado. Once we find all of the pieces of the El Dorado map we can put them together and make our way there. We're supposed to find our parents that died (in the beginning you pick the way your parents died), and their spirits told us close to the end of questing in Skull Island to find them in El Dorado. I have a feeling our parents graves are in El Dorado and that's why they want us to find them. I think they left something important for us... Now that we know a little about El Dorado, what happens after we make it there? Will there be new worlds we travel to? My answer to that question is YES! Kingsisle will release new worlds for us to explore as long as we keep playing the game. I'm sure you're wondering what we will be doing in these new worlds.. I think we're going to have another new quest line that has something to do with our parents and the Armada. I think our parents left us another map/letter to travel to another world to save them. Once we travel to a new world that might mean the story line will expand into other worlds which will lead us up to another world. I think the Armada will be against us up until El Dorado. After that I have a feeling we'll have a new enemy. I could be completely wrong but that's how Kingsisle created the chapters on Wizard101 and it seems Pirate101 does have chapters.

Until Then, I think we'll have to continue defeating the Armada and gathering pieces of Marco Pollo's map so we can travel to El Dorado. We don't know much about El Dorado now but I think we'll learn even more throughout all of the worlds. I really don't know much about El Dorado but I really wanted to type this post up to tell you what I think will happen before, during and after the world. I'm sure that world is going to be epic but imagine what its going to be like getting there! It might be difficult but we have to show the Armada we will get the pieces of the map and make it there. Train your companions, get your best ship and lets get our map and make it to El Dorado to see what our parents are trying to tell us! What do you think will happen once we reach El Dorado? What do you want to happen? Comment below. Thank you all for reading this post and I wish you good luck questing and destroying the Armada/enemies. :D Now I really want to explore El Dorado.... :P

Little Drummer Boy!


Yes.. the 5th of December and the 5th Christmas song of the day. I love posting these songs, I can't explain how much I love posting Christmas songs on my blog! A few days ago Autumn Dreamwalker sent me a song to listen to so I could post it on my blog. I love this song and it's the first time I've listened to it. Today's song is Little Drummer Boy by Pentatonix. If you're not religious, you don't have to listen but if you still want to, I suggest you do! I love their singing voices and I'm sure you will too! :D

December 4, 2013

Confusing Wizard101 Post! :D

Hello Wizards!

Wow its been awhile since I've made a Wizard101 questing post. I think that's because of Thanksgiving and I didn't want to post since I wanted to be lazy. :P I haven't been doing much questing on the game lately but Autumn and I have quested far into Khyrselsasielissss, yeah however you spell it. I LOVE this new world and I'm happy KI took their time creating this world. :D I'm not going to get too far ahead of myself, that'll take time, until then I'll be posting different posts of different quests throughout the world and tell you what I like about the quest we were questing on. Today I'm going to show you what we did after this post: It's a Bug's Life.

I skip a few quests and didn't take any pictures before this post but you know I'm still going to blog even if it's confusing at first! :) I believe we went here after talking to the bug's name I can't spell in the beginning of Khyrsalis (did a few quests by talking statues). I believe we were here to collect a key or something but I don't really remember! We had to fight the first bug's sister to collect what we needed. On the way we met a mouse! 

That mouse told me he was captured by this bug and the story went on? LOL... I'm going to tell you the truth, I have no idea what I'm blogging about since I skip out a lot with this part of the story. I promise the next Wizard101 post will be better since I know what pictures to post and all of the rest of the storyline. It's the first and only time this has happened so don't worry. :) I promise I'll have a better Wizard101 blog post soon! I just need to read through the storyline before making a blog post last minute. :P Haha, thank you for reading and I'll see you Around the Spiral!