Before I start this post, I would like to thank everyone that took their Christmas Vacation time to enter my contest. I think this is one of the greatest ideas I've come up with, at least a last minute idea and I'm glad the community entered the contests. There are so many talented pirates in the spiral and its going to be hard picking who wins what but if you don't win something that doesn't mean you shouldn't. All of you are great and I'm happy you come to my site and enter contests and read my blog posts. Now I'm sure most of you are like, PLEASE TELL US THE WINNERS, So... I will. :D Drum Roll!!
Grand Prize Winner: Crazy Ryan Upham
Prizes Won: MistleToad & Prince Yulefest Companions + 12,500 Crowns
`1st Prize Winner: Victoria Fireflame
Prizes Won: MistleToad Companion, Random Yuletide Pet + 11,000 Crowns
2nd Prize Winner: Sly Steven Stern
Prizes Won: Prince Yulefest Companion, Random Yuletide Pet, 3,500 Crowns
3rd Prize Winner: Bad Terri Jones
Prizes Won: Prince Yulefest Companion + 2,500 Crowns
4th Prize Winner: Quick Lucas Newell
Prizes Won: Prince Yulefest Companion + 2,500 Crowns
5th- 15th Place Winners:
Sneaky Scarlet
Quiet Keena Davis
Brave Andrew Evans
Fearless Sam
Wicked Esmeralda Nightingale
Scarlet Owl
Fearless Sophia Liston
Generous Abe Rakes
One Code that gives Yuletide Pet + a rare chance of Yuletide Companion
Other Winners:
David Everhart
Victor Hawkins
(if I miss anyone, let me know by emailing me)
One Code that gives a Yuletide Pet + 1,000 Crowns
Thank you everyone for entering and winning. Lol yes, everyone who entered my contest should have won something! :) I entered the first list of names in Random.Org and the last two I decided to give the last list of prizes. This was a great contest and I'm glad everyone enjoyed it as much as I did. Thank you for entering and I would say don't worry if you didn't win, that there will be other contests but since everyone won... Congratulations. :D I will email everyone their codes they entered with through email. :) I don't know if I miss anyone while judging entries but if I did please let me know by emailing me the email you entered with. Thank you again, and I hope all of you have a great Christmas. :D