January 14, 2014

New Pirate101 Sneak Peek!

Ahoy Pirates!

Today Kingsisle updated their Pirate101 timeline with a new sneak peek picture which you can see by clicking the image below! If you haven't clicked on the image below I would like to explain more of what's in the image.. There's a flamingo in the Musketeer's school. I think this has something to do with a side world/side quest. I don't know if it's a main world or not, but if not I still believe it's going to be a lot of fun.   I have nothing else to say other than, I think something else will happen this week or next week. I think it'll be the test realm, maybe another sneak peek image! Okay... enjoy (can't blog because I'm too excited). :D

My Thoughts On Recent Bans

Hi there,

Recently Kingsisle banned a bunch of players that were apparently cheating in the game trying to get unlimited items that gave them a lot of gold (correct me if I'm wrong). Kingsisle either banned players for a short amount of time or forever since they cheated in the game. I think Kingsisle did the right thing banning players for a short amount of time but don't really know about banning players forever.. Before I get started let me talk about what happened in the past and what's happening right now. There's been a lot of bugs in the game and players don't really know which things could be bugs. There could be a bug where players and spells are all red or a bug like this one where you get unlimited gold from something. I think I would know if I was getting unlimited gold so this doesn't mean you didn't know about it so don't tell KI they are wrong, you're going to sue them, or whatever you're saying because it's not their fault.. it's yours. They may have had the bug in the game and didn't know about it but you did so that means you are the only fault for picking up the items and selling them over and over. Now, if you accept what you did was wrong I really would like to thank you and hope that you get your account back soon. I don't know what I would do if my account was banned and would probably go crazy but I would know what I did was wrong and wouldn't blame Kingsisle for something I did that I knew was wrong. This reminds me of the bugs that happened in the past, like the gardening bug that happened. This was something that was unexpected, but we found out that we shouldn't have done something like that and a lot of people were banned for cheating in the game. I'm sure most of you that's made it to Azteca or Khrysalis know about this bug I'm talking about. It's about lessons and I think everyone should learn from their mistakes. If you've learned from this mistake than you will know next time not to do something like that. I have a feeling Kingsisle will change their minds about punishment. I'm only hoping, I really don't know if they will or not.. Usually when I make posts like these, a lot of people get mad but if you do, you really don't know who's fault it is about your banning and it's not my fault that you were banned. I'm here to blog what I think about the bans. Now.. I think it's time I really talk about people who are using bad language against Kingsisle... I'm surprised you haven't been banned for all of the bad language you're using. I've seen so much bad words on Twitter (and I'm sure other sites) lately and I can't believe how you've made it past Azteca acting like Morganthe. Please don't cuss Kingsisle out or I'm sure you'll never get your account back even if they reverse all of the bans. Let's hope they do reverse the bans (at most the bans that last forever). Thanks for reading. If you have anything you'd like to say, just comment below. I hope everyone that isn't using bad language against Kingsisle out does get their account back and if you stop using bad language against them, I hope you get your account back to. Please learn from your mistakes and don't do anything like that next time because Kingsisle is probably getting tired of it. I've read about other games where people were hacking the games and they weren't getting punished for doing all of the things they were doing to the game + hacking the game. That game ending up being closed. Do you want Wizard101 to shut down if Kingsisle didn't do anything for anyone doing something they shouldn't be doing or do you want to continue playing the game we all love?

January 13, 2014

I'm Back!

Ahoy Pirates!

Wow, today has been a long day. I decided to delete Wizard101 and some other apps (no offense wizards reading, I'll still be posting and will be back soon) so I could blog about Pirate101 again! I think I'm addicted to Pirate101 because I've been missing it ever since Christmas the time my computer really started acting up and I didn't get to blog as much as I wanted to. Before I get started, I want to say Happy One Year and who knows how many days Birthday to Edward Cringle! :D Yeah he turned one on December 23rd, because I created him on December 23rd, 2012. I'm sorry I didn't blog that at the time, I promise I'll blog about his second Birthday. :) Okay before I post so many smileys on this blog post that you can't see anymore words I think it's time I get started on my blog for the day... :D

Today I decided to log onto Pirate101 after deleting all of the apps I downloaded on my computer in the past to see if everything would work out. I was hoping I wouldn't have any lag and I guess my luck was good today because I didn't have any lag! That means I'm back and posting again. I wanted to keep questing so I decided to click on Sarah Steele's first promotion quest and start questing to see if everything would be okay. I had to talk to Morgan Lafitte, the swashbuckler teacher first, so I could start my quest. Morgan told Sarah that she needed a new fine blade so Sarah could become the fencer she always wanted to be. Sarah said that her Uncle had a perfect sword but we had to talk to a Rat named Nicodemus. We had to get a golden spyglass from Nicodemus for Sarah's Uncle. Nicodemus said it wasn't for sale but he'd trade it so we had to collect four Cannons from Rojo Guard ships (see epic image above). After we did all of that we finally got to talk to Sarah's Uncle and we gave him back his spyglass. After talking awhile we found out that some enemies had the sword so that meant.... meant.... it was time to defeat some rats, but first we had to talk to One Eyed Jack to find out more information! 

After talking to One Eyed Jack he told us more about Mick Dagger, the rat that stole the sword, and told us where he thought the Mick and the bilge rats were. We found the bilge rats and defeated them but after defeating them they told us that Mick wasn't there and told us the exact location where their one and only leader was!? LOL. That's actually funny. He's their leader and they told me where he was... that's crazy.. I mean, yeah.. THEY TOLD ME because I'm the strongest pirate in the Spiral! Level 24 FTW! x acts like I'm not crazy and continues to blog x. Yeah.. after they told us where Mick was I sailed to Scrimshaw and defeat him. The End. :D Oh, he gave us the sword and said that Sarah Steele was a traitor and I shouldn't trust her.. So far, she's awesome. :D After we got the sword I went to a tavern to finish her promotion (see image of Sarah after promotion).. She looks pretty awesome doesn't she? :D I love the hat! Thanks for reading everyone and I'm sorry this post was so long and had a lot of detail. I miss Pirate101 blogging and I promise this year will be 1000x better than last year. :) I'll see you Around the Spiral!