February 17, 2014

It's time to sink Frogerale Ships!!

Ahoy Pirates,

I'm sorry I didn't make a blog post yesterday, I was tired all day long because of a bad sleep the night before. I'm awake and back today and I'm ready to blog about another adventure I was on when questing on my swashbuckler, Edward Cringle. Before I begin I just want to thank you all for reading my blog posts, no matter how short or long they are. You're all awesome for reading and I'm thankful for you. I've noticed that this blog is nearing 300,000 views, which means this blog has been viewed nearly 300,000 times since I created it! I'm shocked. Even if I had one view on this blog, I'd be shocked because that person took their time to read my posts. Thank you again for reading my blog, even if it's your first time reading. :D

Before I begin on what happened next, I want to remind you what happened on my last blog post and after that and then, where I am now. On my last blog post I had to enter a dungeon on Boot Hill to defeat English Bill. I had to fight him two times because when I was done defeating him the first time he escaped to a nearby ship and I followed him and defeated him again. I'm hoping it's the last time I have to defeat him! He causes so much trouble in the skyways :P. After defeating him and destroying his ship I had to talk to Tonka, the one that was kidnapped. I found out English Bill kidnapped Tonka to find out more about El Toro. Tonka also told me that English Bill had plans to use magic to call Dan Rafael's ghost to find out more about Captain Gunn. I needed to go to Rafael's grave to find out more about Captain Gunn but found out that Rafael's mausoleum was locked and I needed a key to enter. The only way I could find a key to open the mausoleum is to talk to Don Rodrigo (EL TORO- HE'S EL TORO).

I sailed back to Santo Pollo Skyway and spoke to Don Rodrigo and he told me that the key was stolen by banditoads. After that, frogerales stole they key from the banditoads and didn't return it to Don Rodrigo. He said I could have the key once I defeated a few of the frogerale ships and collected the key. I only had to sink one ship before collecting the key so it was easy to complete that quest. I have one more quest I have to do but will have to finish it later since I stop questing on my swashbuckler and made my last blog post with my witchdoctor. I promise I will have that post soon! My next quest is to enter the mausoleum and I believe it is a dungeon. I can't wait to blog about that! It should be tomorrow or the next day before I blog about that so make sure to keep reading. If you want to read more, I invite you to check out all of my other Edward Cringle posts by clicking HERE. Thanks again for reading my blog posts! :) Until I make my next post,  I'll see you around the spiral!

February 15, 2014

I'm Done!

Ahoy Pirates,

I'm done... No... not with blogging. Why would you think something like that? I love Pirate101! I love Pirate101 so much that I finished the last part of the main game quests on my witchdoctor. I think it's bad it took me that long to finish the game but I did have computer issues and lag and I really didn't feel like questing at all. That's why you probably are seeing a lot of blog posts lately because I have a new computer and I can finally level on the game and blog about what I've been up to on the game!

I logged on the game yesterday to see which quest I left off on my witchdoctor and found out I left off on finding my way to Medea to get golden apples so I could defeat the Medusa. Is it bad I mix the names up and though Medea was really The Medusa? I leveled up my companions so much and trained for all of the spells/attacks I could learn before entering that dungeon. I was worried I would have to fight Medusa but I was wrong. I only had to defeat Medea for her golden apples. After defeating her in her dungeon she ended up putting a curse on me and that curse could kill me if I didn't do what she said. I told her that I was there to get her golden apples so I could defeat the Medusa and she actually gave me the golden apples since she hates Medusa. She hates both of us, she could kill me with the curse anytime she wants to... Or will she? She told me that if I brought back a professor from Ravenwood Academy (Wizard101) that has been turned into stone from Medusa that she'll lift my curse. He could teach her more magic and that's why she wants me to rescue him. You know what's confusing? I don't remember the balance professor in Ravenwood being turned to stone... I'm thinking that's the reason he stop training balance wizard spells and I will stop being a wizard now! I BE A PIRATE!! 

After I talk to Medea I had to sail to Illinois to defeat The Medusa. I noticed there were many statues that were stone but once I entered the dungeon, there were SNAKES... I know, I know.. Medusa is a snake but I really don't like snakes! I think that's the reason I ended up defeating the first round of the dungeon. Oh... I forgot to tell you what the golden apples were for! The golden apples helped us enter the dungeon by listening instead of seeing our way around. If we look at Medusa, we'd turn into stone and we sure didn't want that to happen and that's why I had to talk to Medea to get the golden apples so we could defeat the Medusa. After defeating the first round of snakes, we found our way to Medusa and she was shocked (proof? Look at the image above!). Okay.. she wasn't shocked, she wanted to turn us to stone but she didn't. Once we entered the battle she was shocked because of how strong we were.. I think. I don't think the battle was as hard as I thought it would be and I'm happy it wasn't because I was tired that day and didn't want to be in the dungeon forever.. After defeating Medusa I had to take a break since I was tired and needed to wake up!

After I defeated the Medusa and collecting the Balance Professor that had been turned into statue from Medusa (I'm surprised Merle didn't save him, oh well I guess), she lifted the curse from me. I'm happy she did because this met I got to take another epic screenshot (see image above). Now let me catch you up on why I had to talk to Medea and then defeat Medusa.. Medea help me with the golden apples to defeat Medusa so I could collect Ulysses bow so he can reclaim his throne. I don't know how much of you know what I'm talking about so I'll explain a little bit. Bad guys in his community thought he was killed and took over his throne and he's really not dead! He plans to take it back but he know they won't give it up easy because the bad guy wants to marry his wife to gain the throne. Medusa ended up stealing his bow and he needs it back. I ended up getting it back and it was time to sail back to the Ithaca to the Humble Cave to give it back to him. Medea was nice enough to give me a teleport there which was actually behind me. When taking the picture I back up too much and ended up teleporting there. LOL. 

I ended up having to defeat everyone that was against Ulysses and it was a pretty difficult fight since the eagles were strong. They almost killed most of my companions but I was lucky enough to have enough crowns to buy a minion. If you have crowns and you need help with a fight, you can either ask your friends for help or if they can't or they're not online just buy a minion from the crowns shop. They help so much and I'm happy they're there. I'm not just saying that because Pirate101 is the best game in the world created by the best game team in the world. They're really helpful and I'm just trying to help you help yourself :P. Okay.. don't really know if anyone is still reading or not but I actually have more to this blog post so I hope you do continue to read! I'm not done until I'm done and I have quite a bit to blog. If you're still reading, thank you! You must really love my blog posts and that really makes me happy that you do. :) Okay time to continue.. What happened after Ulysses regained this throne??

After Ulysses defeated the enemies that were planning on taking his throne, he ended up giving us what we really needed, Argo's Piece of Map for El Dorado! We're at 3 and the Armada is at two pieces of the map. I think that means we'll have to defeat the Armada to find out where those two pieces of the maps are. I really can't wait to make it to El Dorado... way too excited but since this post is very long I think I should continue because I don't want any of you getting bored. I am only making the longest blog post I've ever made on this blog, longer than any post I've made on this blog! Okay.. x continues blogging x.. After getting the pieces of maps we noticed a Stone that had markings on it just like the markings on all of the mechanical birds scattered through all of the worlds on Pirate101. Ulysses told us that it's the Rosetta Stone. We had to take it back to Marleybone to Admiralty to see if he knew what the markings on the stone said.

After sailing back to Marleybone and talking to Admiral Doggett and a professor to see if they knew what the markings on the stone and they didn't know. They ended up sending me to The Glass House (Prison) to figure out if Meowiarty knew what the symbols meant. I just wanted to tell you all I ended up locking him up in the prison about uh.. 7-8 times? Yeah.. so, SHHH! don't tell him! Meowiarty ended up telling me what the markings meant on the stone and there was a message on it from The Toy Maker that told me he knew how to defeat Kane and that he wanted me to sail back to Valencia to find him. I needed to find Caligostro, G. After Meowiarty told me what the markings translated to I ended up traveling back to Mycroft Bones and he ended up promoting me to Royal Majesty's Secret Service from the Royal Navy.. Will the be yum included?? No?? Okay. I ended up completing the mission but had to sail back to Skull Island to talk to Avery because I needed help finding a way to sneak into Valencia. TO BE CONTINUED! That's the message I received after talking to him... Yeah... Like I said, I'm done but only for now. Thanks for reading the longest post I've ever made on this blog post and I'll let you know how everything goes my Witchdoctor when the next world when it's released. Thanks again for reading and if you made it to the end of this post, make sure to click on one of the reactions below. And know that you're the coolest pirate in the skyway if you read all the way to the end of this post.. Okay I'm done and I'm ready to rest! See y'all in a few years.. KIDDING. I'll be back tomorrow. 

February 14, 2014

The Overseer!

Hello Wizards!

Wow, today has been a day of questing, blogging and love (not the evil bosses of The Spiral, it's Hate Day for them). Happy Valentine's Day! I hope all of you are having a great day so far. I'm so happy I can level on the game again and post about what I have been up to on the game. I have been a little busy lately, but I still have time to level and quest. After I'm no longer busy, I plan on having a few events and contests! I have been telling you that everyday so far, but I promise I will have something special soon. I haven't host my own event on Wizard101 since 2011, I hope when I do it'll be epic! Maybe the overseer knows how it'll go? It better be the best event, Edward! :P.. No, I'm not talking to myself.. well it kinda feels like it when I blog but I know you're reading.. Ha.. ha... ha....

Before I talk about what I did today, I would like to talk about what I did on my last post to refresh your memories. I know I don't really know exactly what I'm doing since I haven't quest on my myth wizard since October (other than the past few days). I promise we'll all know once I get used to questing on the game again. I think I'm starting to figure out where I am in Zafaria and why I'm here. Anyways, on my last blog I had to help Umlilo defeat Blackback soldiers and then free Flameingos because the Gorillas were stealing their magic. After I freed all of the flameingos I went back, and felt like saying sailed back but didn't, to Umlilo and told him about Prince Tiziri.. I think I'm starting to remember but really don't.. I ended up having to defeat a boss, The Overseer, to find out if he knows where I could find the Prince. Umlilo also told me that if I find an Eternal Flame to take it.

After I ended up defeating him, I did find an eternal flame for Umlilo. Okay.. I really don't know about this post.. I usually have posts that don't make sense to myself and don't really know if they make sense to you or not. If they don't, please let me know! I'm planning on watching a walkthrough of Zafaria to find out why I'm here but I'm hoping soon I get my wizard101 posts back on a track. :) I hope you're enjoying the posts I have been putting out lately. If you are, please let me know by clicking on the reactions below. They show me that you like the post. If you don't, I will find a way to make my posts a little better than they are now. Thank you for reading and I hope to see you around the spiral. I do plan on blogging everyday, so I'll see you tomorrow! Here's one last screenshot of the day.. :D (after reading that, things really should get back on track).