April 11, 2014

Pirate101 Test Realm: Advanced Companions & Class Companions!

Ahoy Pirates,

I made a post a few days ago about one of the new updates on the Pirate101 Test Realm, the advanced pets, and I decided that I'd make another about the advanced companions today! There's so much to look forward to and I've only had a chance to test out a few things on the test realm. I plan on testing more out today or tomorrow so I can make a new post about it to let you know what I think about it.

The advanced pets on Pirate101 are just as awesome as the advanced pets! I'll tell you the truth, at first I was worried advanced companions wouldn't make sense and I'd be left behind on it but this isn't something anyone should worry about. I think it's the best feature Kingsisle could add to this game. Why do I think this is the best feature? Well... let me talk about an example of one of the orders the companions can now do. Lets say one of your companions that you don't really like using for battling just stays behind and you never use him. Well when this feature is added to the live realm you can now use that companion, not for battle, but for an order. Let's talk about one of the features I like the best, Keel Haulin'. You can send one of your companions that you don't want to use in battle on a quest for training tomes by using the Keel Haulin' order! This is awesome because if one day you're busy and don't have time to farm for gold, you can send your companions on a quest to get training tomes by clicking on the companion you want to send and then you would have to click on New Orders. If you send more than one companion on the same quest, it'll take longer for the 2nd companion, and longer for the 3rd. This counts for all of the orders in the picture above.

There's one thing I'd like to talk about before I continue about the advanced companions. Kingsisle also added new class companions for all pirate classes! I'm happy all of the pirate classes gets new class companions (who doesn't love getting a new companion?). The musketeer class gets a flamingo companion- like the one above-, witchdoctors get a shark companion, swashbucklers get a frog swashbuckler, buccaneers get a new pelican companion named Peter Quint and privateers get a monkey conquistatrix companion. I've test out most of the companions and think they will be an awesome addition to my crew. I'm excited about using most of them as my firstmate. You'll be seeing my frog companion a lot on my swashbuckler's posts once this update is added to the live realm. :D The class companions are awesome but if for some reason you don't like your companion you can use the orders. Now.. I have one more thing to say about the orders.. If you want your companion to collect a lot more of lets say gold from Plunderin', you can train your companion a talent that will help your companion gain 10% more gold from that order quest you sent your companion on. I've added images below of examples of what I'm talking about.. :D Altogether, I think it's a nice idea Kingsisle added the advanced companions feature and new class companions to the game. I really can't wait to see these updates on the live realm! I'm already preparing for everything for the live game by well... making these blog posts! Haha. :D Okay... I know you've probably read a lot already but I have one last thing to tell you before you look at the images below.. Pirate101 is also giving us companion training tomes! They will give us the number of our companions we have worth of training tomes. This the last awesome thing I have to blog about... at least for today.. Okay, please look at the image below to see what else you can train your companion now and a code for a companion for the live realm for one pirate. :D


101st Day of 2014!

Hi there!

Today is the 101st day of 2014! Kingsisle is celebrating by giving away a few gifts on both games Pirate101 (Free 101 Eyepatch) and Wizard101 (Free Prickly Bear Cactus seed). They are also putting five different items in the crowns shop up for sale for 101 crowns! This means you can buy what they put up for sale for 101 crowns. :D I think that's awesome! Check out more information about this sale by clicking HERE for Pirate101's Information or HERE for Wizard101's information on the 101st Day Sale/Giveaway. I usually don't do this for wizards but since this is a Pirate101 blog post, I do have a code to giveaway. You could use these crowns for items in the crowns shop if you'd like to. I'm hoping a pirate gets a code but I do have another blog I plan on posting today or tomorrow if you don't get it. Congratulations to the pirate or wizard that wins the code worth 1,500 crowns. :)


April 8, 2014

Pirate101 Test Realm: Advanced Pets

Ahoy Pirates!

I'm sure you've heard by now that the Pirate101 Test Realm has been released with all kinds of awesome updates! I knew that I would have to wait for the test relam to see if all of the Pirate101 updates would be as awesome as Kingsisle said they would be and they are. :D I've been on the game lately testing out all of the new updates and you wouldn't believe how much fun I've been having! I've test out a little bit of everything but for this post I'm going to tell you what I think about the new advanced pets.

The first thing you have to do to figure out how to level your pet and everything is to talk to Mickey Dugan right by Avery's Office in Avery's Court. There's a long quest that will help you figure out everything you need to know about pet leveling & pet pvp. You will need this quest to sail to Bestia from Avery's Court. I recommend you complete this quest so you know how to level your pets and if you're up for a challenge, pet pvp. I won't give anymore hints on how you're supposed to do this since you can find out how to on the Test Realm or on the Live Realm once it's released. I think this update is my favorite update I've test out and can't believe how much awesome there is in this update.

I really can't believe how much fun I've had leveling pets. I know a lot of you know that leveling pets on Wizard101 does take a lot and sometimes you can't get what talents you want. Pirate101's Advanced Pets are different, in a good way. :D I like everything about the advanced pets and can't find anything so far that I don't like about it. I think everyone should test this out and then tell everyone if you like it or not, I bet you'll like it because it's not a requirement to level your pets because of a worry you're pirate won't make it through the next world. Pirate101's advanced pets are far different than Wizard101's advanced pets.

Leveling pets on Pirate101 are a lot faster and easier to level because you can choose the level and difficulty to level your pet. There are different worlds you can level your pet in *along with different levels* you'll earn more experience, health, strength, agility by each level and the higher world you level your pet in. You don't have to sail to that world to level your pet. You can level your pet anywhere you want to level it. If you decide to level your pet, there is a wait time with the type of strategy you level your pet with. You don't have to wait if you don't want to! You can spend a few crowns to speed past the wait time (doesn't cost much at all). I think it's awesome to level your pet by the level, and it doesn't take as long as you would think it would. You can actually buy and earn snacks (will blog about that on another post) and the snacks do not cost much gold. I'm sure by now you've read awesome about 100 times... no... 101 times now! Oh... did you know that your pets increase in size once you level them to a high enough level?! :D If you don't want the pet size to increase, don't level your pet and it'll stay the same size it was before the update. :)

One last thing I would like to talk about is the pet morphing. I can't believe how awesome this is. There is a pet morphing tent in Bestia where you can morph/hatch pets for the price of gold. You have to morph your pet with another different pet for a chance to get a new morphed pet. You can hatch your two pets or you could hatch with another pirate's pet to get your awesome pet. I know this is an awesome feature to have to get the coolest looking pets in the spiral! I am glad Kingsisle added this feature to the game, I'm sure you'll be noticing a lot more pirates in the live realm showing off their pets once the test realm has been released to the live game. Make sure to report those bugs on the test realm so we don't have any on the live realm. :) I know it'll be hard to remember that since Kingsisle released so many epic features. That's all I have for today, well... I do have a code below so the first one to redeem gets the code. This one has to do with a pet since this is a pet related post. :D
