April 25, 2014

Bacon and Eggs!

Ahoy Pirates,

It's been ten days since I last made an EC blog post! I need to start blogging about my character more often but I haven't had as much time to log on and make blog posts. This usually happens, so don't worry. I will start making a lot more blog posts over this Summer. I hope you all stick around to read all of the wonderful posts I have planned. :) The other day I quest through the game a little bit and had a lot of fun.. Before I tell you what I did, I'm going to tell you what I did on my last blog post.

On my last blog post I had to help Catbeard start a war! Why? Well.. I need to free Mustang Sally from the Fort Elena Prison, but first I need to start a war with Marleybone in order to help free Mustang Sally and Napoleguin. Napoleguin is a peguin from Polaris that Catbeard and Mustang Sally were planning on freeing but Mustang Sally ended up getting caught and imprisoned. I had to start a war with Marleybone by attacking ten of their ships. This quest wasn't the easiest quest but I did get through it. :) After I was done sinking all ten of the Marleybone Ships in Port Regal, I had to sail back to Catbeard's Lair and tell him the news. The other day I started to quest again and Catbeard told me that I really needed to anger the Royal Army by kidnapping the Governor's oldest daughter. He then gave me a note to drop in the Governor's chambers to blame the kidnapping on Valencia. After I was done talking to Catbeard I had to talk to Gilbert and Sullivan. Gilbert and Sullivan told me how to get to Mabel, the Governor's daughter, and how to sneak into the Governor's mansion. I had to sneak into a tunnel to get the governor's mansion to kidnap the governor's daughter *makes me wonder how they didn't know there was a tunnel that wasn't guarded in their heavily guarded mansion*. Once I made it to the tunnel, I noticed there were other kidnappers! I had to defeat Beemish and his gang before I could make it to the Governor's mansion. I didn't have any trouble defeating them, so don't worry about defeating them if you're on this quest. :) 

After getting through the boss I made it inside the Governor's mansion! Wait...Is that turkey bacon?? Wow... That actually looks pretty good. Well, I know it's almost lunchtime but can you imagine having turkey bacon and eggs?! I mean... Uh... Back to kidnapping the governor's daughter??! 

As you can tell by all of the images I've attached to this post, I was caught! I had to defeat a couple of redcoats to escape but I'm hoping they don't tell Marleybone that Skull Island actually kidnapped the governor's daughter instead of Valencia which we put the blame on by dropping that note. :D Mabel wanted to go so it wasn't that hard getting her to come with me. After I was done defeating the redcoats I had to escape the mansion before being caught again and sail back to Catbeard's Lair with Mabel. 

WOOT! It's official. Edward Cringle finally made it to level 30. I'm so happy I leveled with this quest because each time I level I feel like I'm a tougher swashbuckler, so my next post will be a lot of fun because I'm a higher level. I earned a new potion, training tomes and new attacks since I leveled. :D I didn't continue questing because I was busy leveling my companions and training new attacks from my Swashbuckler teacher. Have I told you I really enjoy questing on my swashbuckler?? Well if I haven't, I enjoy questing on my swashbuckler!! :D Well, that's it for today. I think I need to go eat something because I was hungry ever since the bacon and eggs.... I'll see you around the spiral. :)

My next quest! :D 

April 22, 2014

Pirate101 Party!

Ahoy Pirates,

There's going to be a huge party on Pirate101 in May! Alura from Art in the Spiral and staff at Adventures in the Spiral have put together a special event that I think all of you will enjoy. I haven't been to a party like this in awhile and I'm really looking forward to attending a party like this one. Many Pirate101 Fansite owners will also be attending this party! I'm going to post information about when this party is and then send you every name and link of fansite owners that are expected to come to this party. :D

This party will be hosted by the staff of Adventures of the Spiral and AluraRB from Art in the Spiral on May 3rd, 2014 at 3:00 P.M. CST until 6:00 P.M. CST or later! :D IF you want a pick up for this party, add the pirates in the picture above in Avery's Court by the life fountain in the One-Eyed Jack Realm, Area One. There's more detail about this huge party such as rules, contests, and prizes on Adventures of the Spiral and Art in the Spiral that you should read.  Please make sure you read them because it's important that you do. Thanks again for reading my blog and here's a list of Pirate101 fansite owners that are expected to come to this party. :D

Sheldon, Jason, Sophia

Me, Edward/Edward Cringle


Ditto Wizard

The Duelists

The Mercs

Paige Moonshade

The Pet Masters

Moderators of Pirate101 Central

Kelsey Fireheart

Pirates of the Spiral

Dr. Zeppers
Skull Island TV

Christina Icedreamer & Stephen Spiritcaller
Spiral Radio101

Stormgate Pirates

Make sure you read the rules on Alura's or Sheldon's website. They also have a few details about contests that will be hosted during the party! I hope to see you there on Saturday, May 3rd! :D I'll be on my witchdoctor Edward OR Edward Cringle so if you want an add, go ahead and add me. :) I'll leave friend requests on. Make sure to thank Sheldon, Jason, Sophia and Alura for all of the hard work they put into this event already. :D Thanks again for reading!

April 21, 2014

Pirate101 Online Safety Contest Winners!

Ahoy Pirates!

Last week I decided to have a new type of contest that I haven't ever had on this blog before, an Online Safety Contest. I ask everyone to send me an online safety tip they follow and would like to share with everyone else in the community. I received a ton of emails with so many important safety tips. I have random codes that I'm giving to the winners of this contest: Four 1,500 Crowns codes, Two Random Springtime Pets and Two Witchdoctor Housing Add-Ons. These codes will be mixed up so you never know what you won if you did win a code until you redeem that code.  Thank you all for submitting your safety tips, You never know, you might help someone reading this post! :)

Code Winner #1: Whiffy Lucas Burke

How I stay safe, and suggest others is to surround yourself with positive people, Stay away from groups or people who are being openly inappropriate and vulgar. Also, try to avoid crowded realms.
I have found and maintained long gaming relationships with this simple method. lastly and everyone should know. NEVER, NEVER,NEVER EVER share any kind of information with anyone.

Code Winner #2: Charming John Noble

· Screen Name. When creating your screen name, no personal information in it.
· Passwords. No password sharing with anyone.
· Online Friends. No to meet an online friend unless I know them before. 
· Personal Information. No personal info what so ever to anyone.
· Online Ads. Don’t buy anything online without reference.
· Downloading. Only trusted downloads
· Photos. No photos posting to strangers
· Bullying. No to bullying by any one and to anyone.
· Research. Trusted websites only for research. 
· Social Networking. follow social networking websites instructions

Code Winner #3: Chrissy

There are occasions when you want to contact someone out of game yet you still need to be careful. In those instances where they are not on Central I made a Facebook page that is my Pirate's name and has no identifiers and that way someone can contact me yet I am still shielded.

Code Winner #4: Simple Connor Silver

5 things to look out for when gaming with others in multiplayer.

It's easy to lie online, how can you tell if you can trust them or not?

1) They will try to gain your trust and make friends with you.

2) They may try and get you to do things e.g. give them your phone number.

3) They may offer you 'cheats' to help with the game, they may ask for something in return (Imagine they are Rumpelstiltskin)

4) They may send you a link and that may be a computer virus or software.

5) They may encourage you to give personal information.

Code Winner #5: David Everhart

My only tip for online safety would be to be careful who you talk to on social networks, because not everyone is who they claim to be.

Code Winner #6: Stormy Roslyn Stern

ALWAYS USE GOOD "Netiquette"

Have fun! Play and be nice!
Do not respond to any messages that are mean, inappropriate or in any way make you uncomfortable.
If you come across someone/something that makes you feel uncomfortable. Avoid it and if necessary ignore that person.

Code Winner #7: Evan Silver

The best thing to do if you wish to stay safe online is to prevent others from knowing exactly who you are. Posting your location (country, state, time zone, room in the house even) is unsafe and can help predators locate you. Selfies and images taken from your phone or another mobile device contain image data, including location which will allow people to find your state (if in U.S.), and sometimes even the room you are in. Selfies, posting age, and physical features also allow predators to find and identify you in a public location, or even at your house. Stay safe!

Code Winner #8: Little Tasha Liston

I think the best online safety tip is to never give out your personal info. Just because you think you know the person online, doesn't mean that you really do. The internet allows people to act like whoever they want.....you just never know who is really behind that screen.

That's not even all of the entries I've received for this blog post. The online safety tips listed above should not be followed by order, they should ALL be followed all at once. There were at least 40 pirates that entered my contest and I can't mention everyone because I don't want to make this post too long but I want all of you to know I'm proud of you! So many of you knew that you shouldn't share your password or personal information with anyone/strangers. It's nice that you know that. My Online Safety tip would also be about Password Safety for the game. Never share your password with anyone! If you share your password with someone, your account WILL be banned. Please be careful in the spiral, pirates. It's important you're safe and I hope all of you read through all of the online safety tips other pirates from around the spiral shared. Thank you all for submitting online safety tips to me! I know I've said this already, but I wish I could share all of your emails with everyone. Especially all of the emails that have to do with not sharing passwords. If you didn't win this time, it doesn't mean you won't next time. Just know that even if your email wasn't published, that doesn't mean you can't comment your email on this blog post! :) If you would like to comment below with the email you sent to me, that would be awesome. I know all of the online safety tips are important it would be nice to see other pirates following these tips that were listed above or in the comments. Thanks again for entering everyone! I expect you to follow these tips and stay safe in the spiral.