May 25, 2014

Wizard101 Character Update: Edward Lifegem

Hello Wizards!

I apologize for not making new posts. I've been busy doing things in real life and I haven't had a chance to log onto the game to level! Will I still make it to level 100 on all of my wizards on my main account? I hope so! June should be a month where I can level a lot more than I could this month. I plan on getting pretty far the first few days of June to catch up for missed time this month. :)

Lately I've been leveling my life when I could because this is the second character I plan on getting to level 100. I already made it to level 100 on my fire wizard and that means my life wizard is next! I can't believe how much time it takes to level now but I have a good feeling I'll make it to level 100 in time with all of my wizards. :) ... The best thing about leveling on a life wizard is that you can hit with strong hits AND heal yourself if you're low on health. Life is probably the easiest school I've quested on since I don't die at all. Now that I said that I'm sure I'll die on my next quest, I'll let you know on my next update! :P Today I leveled on a few side quests that I missed and ending up leveling to level 90! :D It's nice to level every 10 levels because you get a new badge to show off. :) I plan on making another post when I make it to Khrysalis (I'm currently questing in Pitch Black Lake), so that means I'll make another blog post soon. Well, that's all I have for today! Thank you for reading and I hope to see you around the spiral. :D

May 24, 2014

A Huge Explosion!

Ahoy Pirates!

Wow... It's been awhile since I leveled on Pirate101. I wonder how many times I said something like that on this blog? :P Anyways. I'm back now and I had a chance to level on the game today! I was on the game for an hour early this morning so I could make a post today since it's been awhile since I made an EC post. I'm happy I'm back because I really miss leveling on Pirate101. I did a lot on the game today but before I talk about that, lets talk about Edward Cringle's last quest. :)

Okay... It has been a long time since I made a post involving Edward Cringle. My last post was published on April 25th, nearly a month ago! A lot of craziness happened this month and things like that usually don't happen. One bad thing is now better and one busy thing I've been doing is almost taken care of. :D That means I can blog again and hopefully make a lot more Edward Cringle posts this Summer! Oh! Speaking of my last post... On my last blog post I had to kidnap Port Regal governor's daughter to start a war with Marleybone. I had to start the war with Marleybone so I can free Mustang Sally from Fort Elena Prison. After kidnapping the governor's daughter I talk to Catbeard and he told me that I needed to start another war with the Armada by destroying 10 of their ships! I stop questing there last month and I knew this quest would be a little hard because I remember questing on this on my witchdoctor and it wasn't fun. Today I decided to continue and sink the 10 ships. This quest wasn't as bad as I thought it would be since I had potions just in case the Armada ships made my ship's health go low enough for me to join in deckside battle. I had to join deckside battle a few times because I ran out of potions but it wasn't that bad since I got their ship low enough on health (if you attack the ship enough you'll be able to make the enemies health lower than it usually is).

After I defeat the ships I sailed back to Catspaw to talk to Catbeard and he told me that the next thing I needed to do is go to a building, Dreadnaught, and attack clockworks and then blow up their machines in Dreadnaught's core. Catbeard said that the armada will blame Marleybone for the attack if they don't catch me. I leveled through Dreadnaught's Dungeon today and had to defeat a ton of Armada Clockworks and didn't have any trouble at all! I think this was the easiest quest I've done in awhile. After I destroyed the machines in Dreadnaught's core I had to defeat more clockworks (at least 3 fights in this dungeon) and then sail back to Catspaw to talk to Catbeard to tell him the good news. That's where I'm going to stop for today since I'm hungry because I read the Bacon and Eggs post... LOL. I hope you all have a great weekend and thank you so much for reading this post. :D I'll see you around the spiral AND here's a peek of my next post.. :D

May 23, 2014

World Turtle Day!

Ahoy Pirates!

Today is World Turtle Day and Kingsisle is celebrating the day by adding a new turtle mounts in the crowns shop! You can buy the permanent mount for 7,500 crowns or you can buy the 7 day turtle mount for 2,000 crowns . Thank you Kingsisle for the great mounts! If you want to read some interesting facts about turtles on Kingsisle's Blog, click HERE. If you want to buy crowns so you can purchase these two awesome mounts, click the image attached to this blog post. :) I hope you have an awesome day and enjoy your new turtle mounts!