I wanted to make a little update post about my life wizard today! Yesterday he made it to Khrysalis! The past few days I haven't had internet and that meant I couldn't level but I'm back now and I've been leveling a lot more than I have been. :D I have three weeks left before my 5th Wizardversary and I'm trying to level as much as I can before that date. I haven't been doing bad considering my internet was turned on again yesterday. I won't tell you exactly where my wizard is because I want it to be a surprise so instead, I'm going to blog about the last dungeon of Azteca and the beginning of Azteca. :D
Yesterday I completed Azteca with a new friend I met in the spiral, Angel, and a few other friends on my list! Thanks for helping us with this dungeon, you know who you are! :) This dungeon wasn't hard to finish and was a lot of fun. I think it was fun because I was excited about finishing Azteca and Khrysalis is my new favorite world so I knew I'd get to level there soon. I liked leveling in Azteca but for me, it takes a long time to finish the world. I'm ready to level in Khrysalis because I know I'll have a lot more fun and it has a very interesting storyline.
I entered Khrysalis today and I knew it would be fun leveling because this world is a lot easier to solo, well in my words. I have a life wizard that can hit and heal if he needs to so it's not that hard to level through the worlds alone... unless there's a dungeon! It's also hard to defeat myth enemies because of their earthquakes and imps that dispel life and death. Other than that, I know I'll have a lot of fun in Khrysalis and I can't wait to tell you what I think about the entire world as a whole after my life wizard finishes it. Anyways, thanks for reading and wish me luck in Khrysalis! I don't think I'll need good luck, even if it's Friday the 13th! I'll see you around the spiral. :D