June 19, 2014

My Life Soloed A Dungeon!

Hello Wizards!

It's Thursday! That means tomorrow is Friday and we're so close to the weekend. Did you know Summer officially starts on Saturday? :D I thought Summer started about a month or two ago but I see I'm wrong. It's been raining a lot here so I guess that is normal since its still Spring. Storm wizards, I like rain but sometime we need to see the sun. :P Anyways.. It was raining today and I decided to log on Wizard101 a little bit this morning to level and to see how far I would get in a dungeon that I knew I needed to finish..

Today I had to quest through Banyan Tower in Zafaria. I didn't quest a few days because I knew there was no possible way I could solo this dungeon, especially since there were four myth enemies in the beginning of the dungeon. I decided to log on early this morning and start questing to see how far I could get in the dungeon and I ended up defeating all of the myth enemies! There was another level with ice enemies and of course there were four of them and they kept stunning me...

Each time one ice enemy stunned me, another tried stunning me and that took of the stun shield which met the next round they could stun me again. I was thinking about logging out since I couldn't hit at all since they kept stunning me and then I found the stun shield card! I cast that spell and it helped a lot, they couldn't hit me at all again. I ended up using a forest lord that hit about 5,000 on each enemy and the ice enemies had about 4,000 health. I decided to move on to the boss after I defeated the ice enemies and I thought I was safe since I had 50 crowns for a just in case henchmen. :P

Once I joined the fight I had a bad feeling because he kept using a hit each round that did damage over time and gnomes that got rid of my chance to hit as soon as possible. I decided to use Guardian Spirit before I died so I could try to heal and after I used it he ended up killing me with a hit and I didn't finish the dungeon. THE END! LOL, I'm kidding! I had bottles so I could get all of my health and any extra mana that I used in the battle back. I use the teleport back to dungeon option **Love that option, KI** and I tried to defeat him again... This time I was successful and ended up hitting him with a strong gnome. The boss, Kravenly The Hunter is a life boss with 18,800 health and I hit him with a 30,000 hit.. OVERKILL! I completed the dungeon which is very good! I'm shocked I did, but I'll never doubt my wizard again without trying. :D That's all I have today, other than the strong hit screenshot below, but I will have another post once I make it to 98. Thank you for reading and I hope to see you around the spiral!

June 18, 2014

Reuniting The Magnificent Seven (Pt. 2)

Ahoy Pirates!

I apologize for not blogging as much lately! I have been so busy in real life during my Pirate101 questing times and I really want to log on and play as much as possible. I have been playing a lot of Wizard101 lately because of a bet I made with myself and everyone. I think after August I will make a bet with myself again for Pirate101. We'll have to see what happens and how much time I have since I'll be starting college in August. I know I usually don't post about this sort of thing on Pirate101 blog posts but I thought I would today before I start my Edward Cringle post... I plan on getting my Associates in AAS under Computer Programming! Wish me luck? :D I will also be taking some web design classes which will be a lot of fun! Other than that, that's all I've been doing in real life. I have had a little bit of time to level on Pirate101 but haven't had time to post about the last quest I was on. :O

On my last blog post I had to start reuniting the Magnificent Seven because the Wild Bunch is blocking the Haunted Skyway which is a Skyway I need to get in to find Captain Blood's Lair. I met with Sly Winkum since he was part of Captain Blood's crew that betrayed him. I needed to see if he knew where his lair was located and he told me the haunted skyway (the skyway I need to get in of course). I started by finding one of the Magnificent Seven, Duck Holiday. Duck Holiday told me that he wouldn't join unless I found four others: Buffalo Bill, Jane, Bat and Three Bills. I had to start by finding Buffalo Bill. 

I found Buffalo Bill and he told me that he wouldn't join the Magnificent Seven. We made a wager that if I lost a fight with Tyson the Chicken that I would owe him five gold coins and if I won, he would join again! I didn't win for about 5 fights and ended up giving him 25 gold.... Kidding. Or Am I? Nah... I'm kidding around. :D I won the first fight and after I finished fighting him I had to talk to Buffalo Bill. Bill joined the Magnificent Seven after I told him that I won the fight and that means I'm 2/7 the way there. Well... I should say 2/6.. I don't think this is as difficult as the Brother Wolf quest... so far.. but I am having a lot of fun leveling on this quest. I promise the next blog post will have a lot more to it and if it doesn't, you can comment on my next post and tell me that I don't belong in the swashbuckler class. :P Thanks for reading everyone and I hope to see you around the spiral... OH, look at the picture below for a sneak peek of my next blog post. :D

June 16, 2014

Trying My Best!

Hello Wizards,

The last time I made a blog post about my life wizard, I just entered Khrysalis and I was level 92. My life wizard is now level 96 and almost halfway through Khrysalis! I can't believe how much I've leveled in the past few days and I soloed most of the world. I'm excited about the 4th Of July (as you can tell by the new background) but I'm wanting to get at least one more character to level 100 before that date. I had a little bit of trouble yesterday on my life wizard which makes me worry I'll have more trouble in the second part of Khrysalis.

There was a fight in Khrysalis Part 1 where I had to defeat a storm boss + 3 myth enemies alone and I knew I would have trouble since I didn't have crowns to buy any minions. I usually don't buy minions unless it's a very difficult fight (like Belloq in Azteca). I can't believe how difficult this fight was and thought about all of the other life wizards that tried to solo this boss. The myth enemies kept using earthquake which was bad since I couldn't blade and cast forest lord. Sometime they even use the imp where it dispels life and death spells and that's the spells I was using, feints since I couldn't use blades so I couldn't use any spells without not doing enough damage or losing all of my pips. A friend ended up helping me with the fight that didn't take long at all with help. Thanks! :D

There was another fight before the fight mentioned above. I wanted to post about the fight before because I had an epic picture from it and thought it would be perfect to talk about. The fight before my recent fight was difficult but I ended up making it through! I put this fight off for a few hours before I decided to do it since I had spells that would help me without worrying about fire enemies using efreet and not being able to use my spells without hitting with a wand and getting rid of it. :P I had to fight a life boss + 2 fire enemies and 3v1 wasn't fun but I made it through. I'm happy I can make it on my life wizard. I still can't believe I'm soloing most of Khrysalis on my life wizard, but I'm happy I can make it through. My next life wizard blog post should be about my level 98 pet or my life wizard making it to level 100! Thank you for reading and your support! I'll see you around the spiral. :)

Forest Lord fighting his brother... Yeah, my forest lord won! :D