I wanted to make another short blog post about the reactions below each blog post I make. If you've read a recent blog post all the way through, you'll notice a ton of reactions that you click on below the post. I added this option so I know what you all think of my blog posts so I know I'm doing the right thing on my blog posts. Lets talk about my NXP Event I'm having this Saturday.. This Saturday I'm having a Contest with Event I'm having on Pirate101 and I think it's a great idea for a contest, but I would like to know what you all think about my idea.
- If you look below the picture attached and Posted By, you'll notice reactions that you can click on. For example: If you're excited about my contest and think it's a great idea, click on the :D, :), or :O reaction. The reactions above is a part of a picture so I want you to try this feature out by clicking on one of the reactions below.. You can click on any reaction below. If there's a not so great post, click on that D: reaction! Thank you for your time and if you do have any questions, comment below!