July 3, 2014

Red, White & Blue Sale!

Ahoy Pirates!

I wanted to make a little blog post about Pirate101's limited sale going on now through July 6th, 2014. Pirate101 is making all of the items in the crowns shop that's red, white or blue such as mounts, pets and teleporters up to 50% off! :D It's going to be fun seeing all of the pirates celebrate the 4th of July with all of their crown shop items. If you want to learn more about this sale and items that are up to 50% off, click on the image attached to this blog post. :)

Post #4: Meeting The Wizard101 Community


Tomorrow's the Fourth of July! I've been preparing to celebrate both the Fourth of July and my 5th year wizardversary. I still can't believe I've been playing Wizard101 nearly five years! I guess I'm shocked that I've been playing this long and at the same time know why I have. :) On my last post, post #3, I talked about the creation of my blog and a little bit about my ice wizard. I ended yesterday on a picture that I'm going to use today... :D

If you're new to the community, you might not know what this is an image of since Diary of a Wizard is currently closed down. I remember really meeting the community the first time in late 2010 at the First Annual Ravenwood Ball and Birthday Bash! I only knew Mary because she ported me there and I noticed a ton of people and I was very shy so I didn't talk much. I remember staying for a few hours because I thought it was fun and it was the biggest party I've ever seen on Wizard101. I couldn't believe the community was this big and I knew that I'd love to add everyone there (found out there was a limit on my friends list :P). During the second year (the picture above), I had more friends so I could talk to a few more people while I was there. :)

The third annual Ravenwood Ball in 2012 was a lot of fun too! I arrived about.... 6 hours early for the event! I remember the last two and knew I'd have a lot of fun at this one just like I did at the first one. I had plenty more events that I went to in late 2010 through 2012 and I love having those memories! The Ravenwood Ball happened around the time I was in Pirate101 Beta and I decided to change my wizard's clothes to match Pirate101 a little bit. :) 2012 was a very fun year... this brings me into the Pirate101 part of my posts that I will make tomorrow.. :D The next few posts will be Wizard101 & Pirate101 related. :D I will stop on Sunday with my last post (not my last blog post, but my last # of posts about my Wizard/Pirate history).. Thank you for reading! :D

July 2, 2014

Post #3: Creation Of My Blog

Hi there!

I didn't get to make this blog post this morning so I will make it now instead. :) On my last blog post I talked about how I made my Wizard101 account nearly five years ago (July 4th, 2009) and a little bit about my ice wizard, Edward Wintergem. It still feels like yesterday that I met Headmaster Ambrose the first time and helped him fight off Malistaire in the tutorial. I also remember begging for gifts from people.. LOL wait what? Edward begging for membership and crowns in the commons? Yes.. It happened! :P

After begging for gifts on my ice wizard, I met a friend that told me that I needed to be careful with my account because someone could steal it if I asked them to give me crowns by taking my account. I'm not going to lie to you, one time long ago I did tell someone I was going to give them my account in exchange for crowns and a membership.. I'm glad I didn't because I wouldn't be here blogging on my four year old blog getting ready to enter my fifth year of Wizard101! NEVER give away your password or you'll never get to celebrate every year of Wizard101/Pirate101. I want you to keep your wizard like I have kept mine all of these years. :)

I ended up creating a blog with Mary Dreamshade on May 10th, 2010. Mary's blog was called The Pie Loving Necromancer and my blog was called Wizard101... I know that's a crazy name, so I changed it to The Life Of A Wizard and then Around the Spiral with Edward Lifegem and now... Around the Spiral with Edward Lifegem.. ;D I was inspired to blog because of The Friendly Necromancer, I remember reading some of his old posts back in late 2009, early 2010 and thought he was awesome *I still think he's awesome*. After I created my blog, I met up with the community even more than I had before! I will blog about that tomorrow with post #4.. :D Thank you for reading!!! :)