July 7, 2014

Reuniting the Magnificent Seven (Pt. 4)

Ahoy Pirates!

Wait a minute... Is it true that I'm making a blog post a day after making my last one?? Yes! I promise you're not dreaming. :D I will have a lot more Pirate101 blog posts this month (especially since next month will be my 2nd pirateversary)! Today I leveled my swashbuckler a little bit more and I thought I'd make another blog post today.. :D

On my last blog post, I had to find Bill Peacock & Jane in Cooper's Roost and ask them if they would rejoin the Magnificent Seven. They both ended up joining again and they sent me to talk to Bat Masterson to ask him if he would rejoin. Bat told me he would join but he needed to pay his miners before he could. I had to fight six Banditoad Pirate Ships in Tumbleweed because they stole the money Bat was going to use to pay the miners. After I completed that quest I had to return to Bat and he told me that he would rejoin the Magnificent Seven again.. I left off on talking to Jane and Bill and they told me that Billy the Kid was the last of the Seven because Wyatt died in the past. They said he ended up going to Santo Pollo but was thrown in jail by the Frogerales in Banditoad Trail. I had to pick up some dynamite in Cooper's Roost so I could bust Billy out of jail along with the other members of the seven. After picking up the dynamite I had to sail to Santo Pollo from Cooper's Roost (long ride so I made some popcorn ;D).

Once I made it to the inside the Frogerale Jail, I had to fight 2 fights of frogerales and usually three or four joined. I didn't have any trouble with these three fights and my companions made it through without being defeated! I don't think the first three fights were difficult. The third fight was a little bit more difficult because I had to fight a ton of frogerales and a few more appeared after I defeated one of them on the third fight. Make sure you're prepared for more to enter on the third fight if this is your next quest. After I was done with the fights outside of the place Billy was being kept, I had to fight the Warden of the jail before I could free Billy the Kid. I don't think this fight was as bad as I thought it would be.. :D If you look at the picture below, you can see that I had a lot of fun defeating the enemies in this fight. :) If you pay attention to the fights in this dungeon, you'll have a better chance of finishing the dungeon a lot faster.. :D

After I defeated the warden and all of the other frogerales, I had to free Billy by using the dynamite I picked up in Cooper's Roost. After I freed Billy we went outside and used the mine cart to escape and that was the end of the dungeon. This dungeon wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be and I'm happy I had my swashbuckler because he made it a lot of fun. :) If you're about to start this quest, don't worry at all! You should do fine and you won't need to worry about anything unless you're not paying attention to which enemies you're attacking. I put my popcorn away for this dungeon so I wasn't distracted by anything. :D I wish you all good luck if you're about to start this dungeon! :) Okay, now I'm going to end this this blog post with one last picture.. I'll make another blog post about the magnificent seven another time! Until then, I'll see you around the spiral. :) OH, I wanted to say one more thing before I end this post... I would like to thank Little Nigel Xavier for the kind words on the game about my blog posts! That really meant a lot and I'm glad you read my posts. Thank you so much for taking time out of your day to read, and thank you all that's currently reading for reading my posts too. :D

July 6, 2014

Reuniting The Magnificent Seven + 400th Pirate101 Post (Pt. 3)

Ahoy Pirates!

I can't believe that last month was the last time I made a questing blog post! Today I have another one for you and I hope I have more Edward Cringle questing posts this month too. I wanted to make this my 400th post since a lot of my blog posts are related to Edward Cringle! I can't believe I've made 400 blog posts about Pirate101. I know I'll end up making a lot more but I thought I'd let you all know how many Pirate101 blog posts I've made so far. Anyways... Thank you all for reading my blog this long and I hope you continue reading my crazy Pirate101 posts. :D

Now... Let's talk about Edward Cringle and where he has been as of late! On my last blog post my swashbuckler continued to reunite the magnificent seven. I had to fight Tyson the chicken so Buffalo Bill could join again. If I didn't win that means I'd owe him money, but that wasn't the case! I won the fight and I talked to him afterwards. Buffalo Bill told me that he would join the magnificent seven again and he told me where to find two other members of the seven. I left off on a quest to find Bill Peacock and Jane in Cooper's Roost. Buffalo Bill told me that he would meet me in Tumbleweed after I get them to join again. I had to sail to Cooper's Roost (on my old ship) to ask them if they would join the Seven again..

Once I arrived in Cooper's Roost I had to run into the Silver Spoon Saloon to talk to them and ask them if they were willing to rejoin the Magnificent Seven. I talked to Bill first and he said he didn't want to go until Jane said she wanted to rejoin the Seven again. :P I didn't have any trouble reuniting these two the Seven but they told me that Bat Masterson (another member of the Seven) was in the Mines of Cooper's Roost. Once I arrived to the Mines, Bat told me he was willing to rejoin but a strongbox that Bat was going to pay the miners with was stolen by Banditoad Ships in Tumbleweed Skyway and I had to defeat six of the ships to collect the wages so the miners could be paid.. :P

I decided to buy a new pirate ship in Tumbleweed because I had problems with Banditoads in the past and knew that I needed a new ship before I tried sinking their ships. I bought my new ship for 15,000 gold and plus a lot of new equipment (other than the horn) and I knew I'd be ready to battle these ships. I didn't have any trouble sinking the ships and I didn't have join a battle with them. I had a lot of fun on my new ship! My ship does look bad (good) doesn't it? :D After sinking six of the ships, I sailed back to Cooper's Roost to give Bat the wages that were once stolen. Bat told me that he would join the Magnificent Seven again and he was glad to get out of the cave we was stuck in... :P I leveled to level 32 when I went back to talk to Bill and Jane to tell them that Bat joined too. They told me that there was one more person that I had to get in order to have all six of the members... I'll blog about that another day! Thank you all for reading and I hope to see you around the spiral. :D

5th Of July Party Recap!

Hello Wizards!

Yesterday I made a short blog post about a party Blaze Shadowhorn from Tales of the Spiral was planning on throwing last night. I can't believe how many people were there at the event! We had a lot of fun and the party had a nice turnout. :) I took a lot of pictures when I was there and I thought I'd share them with you. :D There are photos of the pre-party and a few events that happened at the event.. :) Thank you Blaze for taking time during the middle of night where you are to have this event and get the community together! :D