March 2, 2015

How Long Is Too Long?

Ahoy Pirates!

Before you get excited, you need to know that I'm not returning just yet! I want to make a blog post today about something that many of you pirates have been talking about. It's been nearly two years since Pirate101 has had a new world update. I've leveled my witchdoctor, Edward, to level 65, leveled all of my companions to level 65 and even went to many NXP events to raise my nautical level to level 65 in hopes that I'd be prepared for the next world. My witchdoctor is ready for the next world but it doesn't seem Pirate101 is ready for the next world..

Pirate101 released two new worlds to the test realm in Spring 2013, which was nearly two years ago! I know it seems like it's been awhile, but the two worlds were made to make sure we had plenty to before the next world. I believe Wizard101 doesn't even compare to Pirate101 in terms of graphics, storyline and voiceovers. I think that it takes a lot more to make Pirate101, especially since Pirate101 has so many more details to the game. Pirate101 does have to make new worlds: spells, ships, companions, skyways, storylines, hiring voice actors, sounds, music and so many more things that they have to do. There are more details in Pirate101 than Wizard101. Wizard101 is a world that many of us came from and we're used to the release of many worlds at a certain time. Marleybone and Aquila are two worlds that I love and when I leveled through them, I knew they spent a lot of time on them!

I believe Pirate101 is an amazing game and they have something very special planned for us, but we need to give them time to make it for us. They can't make it in seven days because they are only human, but it's amazing that anyone could make something like this game at all! I've been a fan of Pirate101 since their first teaser in April 2012! If it takes too long for you, play Wizard101. They have a lot of worlds releasing (maybe too much at one time), but I know I'm catching up on Wizard101 while Pirate101 is working on the game. I'm going to play it again when they release their new world or worlds. I think all of the small Pirate101 updates are good, and will help us. I want a new world, but I'm going to wait for it. Take your time, Kingsisle! I'm always a fan of your games and can't wait to see what you have planned for us! :D To answer my question above.. I don't think it's been too long, the only way it would be too long is if they wasn't KI!

P.S. Thank you for the fun events (KI LIVE)!

December 24, 2014

Nativity Of Jesus (Christmas Songs)

Hi there,

It looks like I didn't get to post as many Christmas songs as I wanted to this year. I decided to make one last post (other than tomorrow) of a few of my favorite Christmas songs. :D I am sad I couldn't post 25 days of Christmas songs this year, but that doesn't mean in the future I'll post it again. I think I need a fresh start and I will get that after my break starting in the year 2015 *tries to make that sound futuristic*. :P Anyways... CHRISTMAS! I can't believe it's already Christmas Eve. I mean... I remember talking about Christmas being so far away in July and it's already December 24th, 2014! AH! I'm so excited for Christmas this year and I am thankful for many things. :) *** Warning, if you don't believe in the Birth of Jesus, please stop reading. If you want to read, please do and I hope you have a great day and/or Christmas tomorrow! :) *** I never forget the true meaning of Christmas which is Jesus being born on Christmas (or whenever he was born) but a lot of people celebrate His Birth on the 25th of December. I know there are some who don't believe in this story but I do, and I feel like celebrating by posting a few songs that show parts of the story about his Birth. :D


Thank you for listening to the songs today. I really enjoy the first video I posted on this blog because it shows how many people can come together just for Jesus. :) Thank you for listening. I'll have a post tomorrow with more of my favorite Christmas songs. I hope you all have a great Christmas Eve and please don't eat too many cookies like I am tonight. :D Merry Christmas!!!! :D

December 22, 2014

Play2Crush Beta Signup!

Hi there,

I have a different kind of post for you all today! Todd Coleman (creator of Wizard101 & Pirate101) created a new game! There's a countdown on the Play2Crush site and I'm guessing it's a countdown for the release of the game to the public or Beta. You can sign up for his game by clicking on the image below! :D I can't wait to see what Todd & Gordon Walton (Executive Producer) have planned for us. :D Okay.. GO SIGN UP! :D