June 1, 2015

Returning Gold!

Ahoy Pirates!

It's been about a week since I made a new Pirate101 blog post! I promise I haven't forgot about Pirate101 and I still love the game. :D I wanted to make a post about one of my swashbuckler's quest for about a week. I'm happy to announce I'm finally going to make that post today! :P

My last blog post was a lead in to this post so I'm going to discuss what happened on my last post. I haven't been in Mooshu long, and my last post was about doing my first quest to find Egg Foo Yung to find the other piece of the El Dorado map. I found out Egg was taken prisoner by the Yakooza. I was sent to Shiro Kujo, part of the Yakooza, and he wanted help with a few things before he would help me talk to Egg. I had to steal gold from the Emperor of Mooshu by sinking Marleybone ships. After helping Shiro, he sent me to the Lair of the Yakooza to speak to the leader of the Yakooza. I ended my last post with that. I had to speak to the Yakooza leader to see if I could speak to Egg Foo Yung to see if he had the other piece of the map to El Dorado.

After arriving in the Yakooza lair, the leader of the Yakooza, Oyabun Shingen, said he wouldn't let me speak to Egg Foo Yung unless I help the Yakooza. I also found out that the Yakooza were not bad and only meant to help the poor. The leader sent me to Yagiziwa Village to talk to Kennosuke and Kennosuke then sent me to Hidenari to talk about how to end the unfair taxes against villagers by defeating the Governor Nakamura. I almost forgot that it was a dungeon, so I wasn't worried since I thought I only had to defeat a boss.. I thought that until I found the gates! 

This dungeon, Governor's Terrace, was not an easy dungeon to solo. I really do enjoy posts where I can say that I defeat every enemy with no problem, but this time wasn't the case. Long story short.. I was defeated... KIDDING! I was worried during a battle with a mob so I ended up buying a witchdoctor minion from the crowns shop so I knew I would make it through the dungeon. There were three or four mobs you had to fight and the health ranged from 1300-1900 health. The minions in the crowns shop are very useful and I love that you don't have to worry about the minions using the wrong attacks because after you buy them you get to use the attacks you want from them! You've heard it many times from me, but I'll say it again... The minions on Pirate101 are AWESOME!

The last fight was not much easier but I didn't need to buy a crowns shop minion since I had the right companions for the fight. I didn't have to defeat Governor Nakamura, only a few of his henchmen. After I defeated his henchmen, he surdered and I got to return all of the gold that he took from the villagers! I think that returning the gold was the most exciting part of it, but I had to return the  gold to many villagers around the village. That governor made a huge mistake, I feel bad for the sheep above.. who would hurt this little sheep? Well.. I'm glad they have their gold again! :P That's it for today! Thank you all for reading my blog posts, it really does mean a lot to me. Until my next post, I'll see you around the skyways!


Aztecan Builder's Bundle

Hello Wizards!

Gamestop is now selling the Aztecan Builder's Bundle for $39! Kingsisle released a video of it today and it has a lot of information about this awesome bundle. I'm going to link you to their video and a video that Olivia StormCloud made a few days ago. :D If you would like more information about this bundle from the official Wizard101 website, click HERE.

May 27, 2015

Edward VS Celestia!

Hello Wizards!

I've been leveling my death wizard, Edward, a lot more than any other wizard on the game. You wouldn't believe how much time I spent the past three days finishing Celestia with help from my Fire and Ice wizards. I am not good at staying on long anymore because I get headaches when I'm on the game too much. I had a lot of fun leveling my death wizard through Celestia, and today I got to finish Celestia by questing through the Trial of the Spears dungeon! 

I've had trouble questing through this dungeon in the past, but today I didn't have as much trouble as I did on any of my other wizards since I had a level 97 (technically 100 ;P) helping me level! :D The puzzles in the beginning of the dungeon were easy to solve, but I had a little bit of difficulty on the first boss of the dungeon, Astreaus. Astreaus has a cheat where he can cast a -90 tower shield on himself. I had trouble finding my shadow magic spell on my ice wizard and it took awhile to actually defeat him! I finally found all of the right spells, blades and traps and took the hit and the hit did about 59,000.. Which was an OVERKILL since he had around 7,000 health! I knew I wouldn't die because the death and ice schools are awesome like that! Wait... is death already dead???
This spell is one of the best spells in the Spiral!


The next area was in my opinon the best area in the entire dungeon! I had to defeat eight different enemies in four different fights so I could fight the boss, Ptolemus. Ptolemus is a moon boss and an easier boss to defeat. He cheated by casting a -90 tower shield, but would remove it after you put blades on. :D He kept attacking my death wizard and we couldn't cast any traps on him so it took a little longer to defeat him. I'm glad he didn't leave the tower shield on or I would have never made it through this part even as a level 97. This boss would win and I'd never make it to the next boss... KIDDING!

I love this area, whoever designed this area did an amazing job!

The enemies we had to defeat to make it to Ptolemus

Ended up casting Mammoth of Ptolemus.. Ouch! Oh, and be careful with single attacks, he'll cast a tower shield if you cast them. Thankfully they can be removed if you cast any sort of blade! :D

After I defeated Ptolemus, there was one more boss... The Final Boss.. Mithraya! This boss cast a lot of smokescreens that would make you fizzle if you didn't put a blade and a trap on the boss. If you did, you wouldn't have to deal with all of her smokescreens. :) This boss was pretty easy to me, because I had my ice wizard helping. If you're not sure if a boss cheats or not, just look the bosses name up on Central, Duelist101 or any other site that may have dungeon guides. It's always helpful and will most likely prevent you from repeating it if you didn't know about any cheat at first.. :D That's my advice for the day! :P With that advice, I'm going to end this post with the rest of my screenshots. Thank you for reading and until next time, I'll see you around the spiral!