June 6, 2015

Wild Rice!

Ahoy Pirates!

I hope you're having an awesome weekend so far, I know I am! I've had more time to level and catch up on a few things. I've been trying to level a few nautical levels because I'm behind from where I'm supposed to be at this point in the game. I'm also trying to buy gold so I can buy a better ship and equipment in Mooshu... You'll know why I really need to raise my nautical level and buy that new ship after this blog post.. Before I tell you where I've been questing recently, I'm going to talk a little about the last blog post I published. :)

On my last post, I found out I had to help the Yakooza by defeating a governor that had unfair taxes on villagers in Yagiziwa Village, Mooshu. After I defeated Governor Nakamura, I returned all of the gold from the unfair taxes to the villagers. After returning the gold, I sailed back to the Yakooza Lair to tell the leader of the Yakooza the good news. Oyabun Shingen, the leader of the Yakooza, told me that I couldn't talk to Egg Foo Yung until I was done helping them with the few things they needed. Oyabun told me he needed me to sail to Sujimura Village and talk to one of his henchmen to find out how to deal with one of the Yakooza's enemies, the powerful warlord, General Tso.

After talking to the Yakooza leader, I had to sail to Sujimura Village to find one of Oyabun's henchmen, Yuji. Once I arrived, Yuji told me that General Tso's army takes rice from the villagers and he needs help sinking General Tso's Army ships in order to get the rice back so the villagers don't starve. Today's quest required me to find, sink and collect four Wild Rice supplies from Tso Warships in the Khoton Skyway. Remember what I mentioned above about my nautical level and not enough gold for a new ship? Well, this area wasn't a nice area to be in that position but I found a way around that issue. :D

I had to sink four or more of these ships if I didn't collect the Wild Rice from the Tso Warships. I had to sink about six of these ships since I didn't collect the rice a few times. Sinking the first three were pretty easy since I found a spot where the other ships in the images below couldn't get to me. I decided to sail somewhere else and attack another ship in a different area and other ships ended up casting attacks too. Fighting more than one ship means your ships health will decrease and you'll have to fight the enemies on their pirate ships. If you don't want to fight the enemies with full health, try to lower their ships health as low as possible and that will also lower the enemies health on the ship so you don't have to fight them with their full health. I promise you'll have your pirate and companions will have full health if you do end up doing this. :) You can do this with any other ship you're trying to sink and they end up pulling you in. I think that little trick made collecting the wild rice a lot easier. Well.. that's all I have today! We still have a few more things to do for the Yakooza.. I hope you stick around to see what they are. Until then, I'll see you around the skyways!

June 5, 2015

The Great Beast

Hello Wizards!

I'm sure most of you know that I've been leveling my ice wizard, Edward Wintergem, with Autumn Dreamwalker's ice & myth wizards through Khrsyalis. We actually made it to Khrsyalis Part 2 on my last post after earning shadow magic, and part of this area was easier to quest through. :D

It's not easy to solo through everything on the game, but it's a lot of fun to have someone else to talk to and quest with. This really does help if you're worried you will be defeated by a boss or in an important dungeon. There are many mobs and bosses you have to defeat in Khrysalis Part 2, but they're not as hard as long as you have someone to help you with your quest. :) If you are having trouble, I know Team Up and most recent update to the game, Join A Team, will help wizards that are having trouble in the game. We didn't have any trouble defeating bosses or the mobs, but nearly had trouble with a dungeon in Crescent Beach. This dungeon required you to summon The Great Beast so you could travel across Starfall Sea, but you had to defeat enemies in between to make sure you make it to the next area.

This dungeon gives a lot of XP which means you might level if you're at least three or four bars away from leveling. Even though this dungeon gave a lot of XP, it wasn't as easy as you think it would be. There were three fights during this dungeon: The First was death enemies with about 3,000 health, the Second Battle was myth enemies with 4,500 health, and the Third Fight had storm enemies with 14,600+ health! The first and second fight was not as hard, but you should always be careful when fighting myth since they cast Earthquakes. The Third fight with the storm enemies were crazy since they were all bosses... The first two fights were easy since you didn't have to fight all four enemies.. One Wizard can join the first two fights while the others disappear, and then the other wizards can join. Be careful after the fight because the enemeis that disappeared will reappear and might drag you in, but you don't have to defeat them. The third fight required you to fight all four Storm Bosses so don't send one wizard in during this third battle.

The Storm bosses were not easy to fight since they can cast storm lord to stun you, and a storm dragon to give you a smoke screen. I think this battle is a battle where a healer, tank, and at least two wizards that can hit is required. I was actually a tank and I cast a frost giants and snow angels quite a few times, Autumn's Myth Wizard also hit the enemies with her humongofrogs and when the bosses were close to being defeated, Basilisk. She also had her ice wizard casting heals when our wizards were down on health since we were the ones taunting the bosses. :D Autumn had two accounts during this dungeon, so that's pretty awesome that she was able to do everything! :) This dungeon was pretty difficult at the end, but we were able to make it through and our wizards eventually leveled to 100 after we made it to our destination, Ruined Alcazar. I was going to make this a short update post, but decided to talk a little more about how we're doing on the game. :D Thank you all for reading! Until next time, I'll see you around the spiral.

June 3, 2015

Where Is Book 15?

Ahoy Pirates!

There have been many pirates and wizards wondering if Book 15 will ever be released.. What is Book 15? It's supposed to be the next world update and continuing storyline after Aquila for Pirate101. I made a blog post a few months ago over this subject, but decided to make another post with a few reasons why Pirate101 is going to release it sooner or later.

Reason #1: Kingsisle Live

We've enjoy many Kingsisle Live episodes over the past few months! They have been through many Wizard101 Updates, but Pirate101 is getting less time than it does when there are updates on the game. Kingsisle Live is about both games, Wizard101 and Pirate101, not just Wizard101. The reason I think Kingsisle Live is an important reason Kingsisle will finally release Book 15 on Pirate101 is because they'll have more time to also talk about Pirate101 and get more players to play!

Reason #2: Continuing Memberships
*the offer below has ended*

Have you noticed that Pirate101 is asking Pirates to buy new memberships that last anywhere from one month to twelve months? This is proof that Pirate101 is not giving up. If they were giving up, they wouldn't be asking people to buy memberships that last a year. I have a feeling there will be a world update within this year. We have to stick by their side!

Reason #3: Blind Mew's Message

Blind Mew, a Pirate101 Developer, posted a message about Book 15 on the Pirate101 Message Boards last April. Blind Mew said that Book 15 is in development but they need enough Bandwidth to release the content. Pirate101 is somewhat new and needs time to release the content. If we're not getting it now, they'll at least have more time to test it out before they release it to us so we can test it out ourselves. We shouldn't worry that Kingsisle gave up on us. :) There are many other reasons, but I'm positive we'll see something sooner or later. :D