June 27, 2015

Wizard101 Test Realm: Rattlebones Master Dungeon

Hello Wizards,

I hope you had time to stop by the Wizard101 Test Realm to check out some of the new updates that will be added to the live game after being tested! I decided to make a post about one of the Wizard101 updates, the one-try boss fights, and what I like or don't like about them. I will also make more blog posts about some of the other updates over the next few days. :D Today I'm going to talk about the new Rattlebones Master Dungeon.

The New One-Try Rattlebones Master Boss fight costs 500 Crowns in the Wizard101 Crowns Shop or can be farmed for around the spiral (currently only on the Test Realm). Rattlebones, Fairy Queen Boss and the other Dark Fairy ice minions are not as easy as they are in Unicorn Way. The bosses in this dungeon use many new cheats and advanced spell cards such as  which made it different from the Unicorn Way boss fight! I really didn't think think fight would be that difficult since we bought the Master Rattlebones dungeon. We don't have the best gear of the game for any of the Exalted ones, but it was fun to try a few out, including this ultra dungeon.

Do I like the Rattlebones Master dungeon?

  • Do I like the Drops? I really do like the new drops from this dungeon. After we finished this battle, Autumn found out she had the new death school-themed mount! You can also get gear to help your wizard (around level 40 if you're currently questing), and if you don't get gear, you can always get the new crafting material to craft your mount.
  • Do I like the Challenge? The challenge for a wizard around level 40 might be a little difficult if you ask me, but if you go into the dungeon with a higher level wizard, should be a lot of fun! :D If this dungeon was only intended for level 40 wizards, maybe the difficulty should be adjusted. 
  • Do I like this dungeon? I actually do like that this dungeon is a one-try dungeon and the price isn't bad considering you can get a mount from it instead of waiting a very long time to craft a mount (not that it's bad to), or to buy a mount like this from the crowns shop for over 10k crowns. I like that this dungeon is a one-try dungeon and the dungeon itself! :) Thank you Kingsisle for the amazing dungeon!

June 23, 2015

I Will Always Support Kingsisle!

Hi there,

There's been a lot of talk about Pirate101's Book 15 and talk about how Pirate101 and Kingsisle gave up on their pirate players.. I don't believe this at all and I don't care how much hate I get by saying this. I've been playing Kingsisle games nearly 6 years (next Saturday), and know Kingsisle does care about what their players think. I'm sure most of you think I'm a robot because I'm a fansite owner but the truth is, I'm not... I'm only a supporter of their games and even if I wasn't a fansite owner, I'd still be typing the same thing. It's sad to know that so many players are giving up on the game but really want Kingsisle to release something. Are you really a fan of their game? I've asked myself that many times. A true fan will stick by their side even if it has been two years since the release of something. Kingsisle has released a new tower and advanced pets to keep us busy in the mean time. We had two new worlds released before this update and if you think about it, that's 15 levels... Wizard101 only had one world (Celestia) worth 10 levels and had a two year break. This reminds me of the Fast101 world release when players of Wizard101 were used to having so many worlds and updates be released all at once. Maybe you're thinking Pirate101 will be the same? Don't get me wrong.. I want a new area to explore, but I'm not going to complain everyday up until a new update is released. I'm currently questing my swashbuckler through Pirate101 and I love doing that! If I decided to complain about a world not being released every single post.. would you get bored? I'm sure most of you would. :) Yes, before you comment and say everyone has a right to have an opinion, freedom of speech, or whatever you're going to say.. and I'm not saying you don't have a right to complain. I've had many moments where I've complained about things, but I promise you I didn't complain everyday until something was done. What will you do when an update is released? You'll get to level into a new area and earn many new things such as ships, gear, and new promotion quests! I really don't know what the next update will bring, but how I get through this is thinking about what Kingsisle will release for us since they did wait this long. I'm not speaking for KI at all, I'm speaking for myself and that's why at the end of the day, this is my website and I'm going to post what I think about the games. I think Kingsisle is an amazing game team and know they never fail to surprise me with their updates. The best thing you can do now is hope the best for Kingsisle instead of putting them or anyone else that supports them down. That's all I have to say for now. Thank you all for reading.

June 22, 2015

99th Edward Cringle Post!

Ahoy Pirates!

Lately I've noticed my swashbuckler's companions were being defeated a lot more during fights than they were when they were at the right level. I also noticed that trying to sink ships were becoming more and more difficult since I had an entry level Mooshu pirate ship. Last week, I decided to take a break from questing on my main quests and farm for gold with Autumn Walker!

It's always fun to farm with Autumn Walker! I'm thankful she stuck around a few hours so my swashbuckler could farm for gold from Friar Sand. Friar always has extra gold and I know they say Avery is the richest pirate in the Skull Island, but I think Friar is the richest Ogre in Mooshu! :P We actually earned about 150,000 gold from farming that day which helped my swashbuckler so much! I ended up leveling many of my companions that were behind in level and buying a new pirate ship! :D 

After getting leveling my companions and buying my new pirate ship, I decided to sail around the skyways and show off my new ship by completing a few companion promotion quests. I'm currently working on promoting Old Scratch. It's a lot of fun to do these quests because in the end, the companions get a new epic talent and a new look! I'm still working hard promoting my companions, but should be able to level a lot easier with less problems than I had before farming for gold. Thank you again Autumn for helping me! :) This post was actually my 99th Edward Cringle post! My next post will be my 100th! Thank you for sticking around each and every post, all of your support really means a lot to me. Until my next post, I'll see you around the skyways!

Working on an Old Scratch Promotion Quest