July 9, 2015

My Death Wizard Finished Zafaria With Help!

Hello Wizards!

I hope you're having a great week so far. If you're not, remember that tomorrow is Friday and I hope you have a great weekend. Today I have a chance to quest my death wizard through Mirror Lake, thanks to Autumn Dreamwalker! I have been putting Mirror Lake off because I was either busy or just didn't feel like doing it. Today was different and I decided to finish it, which made today a great day. :D

Mirror Lake is not an easy dungeon to solo, at least for me since my death wizard is a crowns player *can't afford the gear in the crowns shop* and doesn't have the best gear. I'm going to keep trying to get my Waterworks Gear or even try to save up money to buy new gear. Everytime I quest on my death wizard, I always have so much fun that I forget I even need to buy new gear! I know one day I want to solo the game on this wizard (maybe even at level 100 ;D) so I need to find gear to help him so you will enjoy posts at that time... maybe?! :D Wait... what am I talking about? Oh yeah.. Mirror Lake! This dungeon wasn't hard since I had Autumn Dreamwalker's balance and life and my fire helping my death wizard get through it. 

This dungeon had a total of four fights.. Tse Tse, the Spirtual Guardians, Ice Bosses and last but certainly not least, the storm spiders.. We didn't have one ounce of trouble during this dungeon since we had three exalted wizards! I've made many posts about this dungeon, such as examples of cheats, but I didn't want to make a post simliar to that today. I had a lot of fun today questing with Autumn and I'm on my way to level 100! My death wizard is currently level 71 and I'm trying my best to get to that level since I have a special plan for Wizard101. I hope it works out! I guess this post was more of a random post with awesome screenshots. I hope you all enjoyed it. :D I know I had fun questing with Autumn today and can't wait to blog about the final Avalon Dungeon. It will take me awhile to get through Avalon since I'm behind on crowns, but I promise once I do make it through, there will be a blog post about it! Until then, I'll see you around the spiral. Make sure to check back tomorrow to read a post about another wizard I'm currently questing.. :D

Thank You Autumns & Edward Firegem! :D

July 7, 2015

Catching Up!

Ahoy Pirates!

I hope all of the pirates that celebrated the 4th of July on Saturday had a great one! I know I did. If you didn't celebrate, I still hope you had a great day. :D I've been extremely busy in real life the past few days, but I'm now getting back to making new blog posts. :) I wanted to make this short blog post about what I've been doing on Pirate101 the past few days when I had time to play..

Lately I've been promoting all of my companions as many of you know on my last update post. I had to farm for gold so I could level my companions and I have been leveling many of them to their next promotion levels. I think it's important to have your companions, or at least your main commpanions, on or close to the level you currently are. I have been promoting them so they'll be more useful during boss fights and I won't have to take more time out later to do that. Earlier today, I decided to finish El Toro's promotion quest which took awhile, but wasn't as difficult as I thought it would be. I didn't think it was as difficult since I was prepared with doubloons! I know doubloons are an old update, but I'm still glad Kingsisle added them to the game. :D

The El Toro promotion quest was a lot of fun and wasn't too difficult and really didn't require as much fighting as I thought it would. After I promoted El Toro I decided to start questing on side quests I missed in the past. I've been blogging about many main quests and I didn't take the time to do any of the side quests. I decided to go back to Cool Ranch and sink a few Red Sash pirate ships so I could turn in a quest that was taking up space in my quest book. I also went to Mooshu and fight more Inoshishi Bandits..... This quest wasn't as bad as my last quest where I had to defeat them to collect a key to fight their leader. I actually collected what I needed in two fights! I'm going to continue questing on as many side quests as I can the next few days so I have another strength to fight through the Bandit Cave without henchmen. :D Wish me luck! Until next time, I'll see you around the skyways!

July 3, 2015

Shark Week Contest (Pirate101-Closed)

Ahoy Pirates!

Can you believe Shark Week has arrived again?! I'm sure most of you know that fansites have contests on Shark Week and I have a special contest and prizes for you this week, thanks to the community managers of Wizard101 and Pirate101, Tom and Leala! :D

Shark Week Crossword Puzzle Contest!


1. Shark with an indigo blue body that seems to move effortlessly from the surface to the deep sea that it favors.

2. A shark that likes to keep cool and inhabit coastal regions and the open sea.

3. A shark from the movie "Jaws"

 4. A shark that can weigh up to 1012 pounds, favors coral reefs to supply food and shelter.

5. The first type of shark we have to fight in Skull Island


5.  First name of the Witchdoctor Only Shark Companion on Pirate101

6. Sharks with black stripes and usually are from a surface of 459 feet!

7. Sharks located in the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans. May reach lengths of 13 feet!

All information about sharks that have nothing to do with Pirate101 found at the link below!

Prizes you could win!

Grand Prize
5,000 Crowns + Stormtiger Shark Pet

2nd Grand Prize
5,000 Crowns + Stormtiger Shark Pet

Third Prize
Stormtiger Shark Pet

Fourth Prize
Stormtiger Shark Pet

Fifth Prize
Stormtiger Shark Pet

- All winners will be entered into a Random.Org Prize, IF you have all of the right answers filled into the Crossword Puzzle. :D

More Contest Information:

  • How to Fill In The Crossword: You can click on the image attached above, copy and save and then open the crossword in Microsoft Paint. Click on the A to type in the right letters where they need to be (or any other way you can fill the crossword puzzle in).
  • Submit your crossword Puzzle: Please submit your crossword puzzle with your pirate's name and make sure you have all of the crossword puzzle filled inThere's a link above to help you with sharks that are not Pirate101 related. :) You'll have to figure out the rest. You can submit your crossword puzzle to my email edwardfrostgem@gmail.com Label Your Email: Pirate101 Shark Week ContestThis contest ends on July 13th! 
  • Questions: If you have any questions, please ask me on one of my social sites or on the comments below. Good luck everyone!! :)