July 10, 2015

Shadow Palace Part 1: The Galleries!

Hello Wizards!

I hope you had a great Friday! It's finally the weekend and that means I have plenty of posts since I'm not as busy as I usually am during the weekdays. I'm excited about today's post since Autumn Dreamwalker and I went through a dungeon that we've never really been through. I'm sure most of you are already familiar with the Shadow Palace, the last dungeon of Khrysalis . We have a few exalted wizards but haven't had a chance to quest all the way through the game... A few months ago we decided to quest again so we could make it through the end of Khrysalis. I'm sure there are many people that are already ahead, but I still wanted to make this post to share my thoughts about the Shadow Palace fights and ultimately the end of Khrysalis. Today we had to quest through the Galleries area in the Shadow Palace and fight many cheating bosses to free the lords of night/stop them from continuing Morganthe's song..

The first Bosses we had to fight were familiar ones from KR Part 1, Ghost Dog and Kravenly the Hunter. Ghost Dog and Kravenly had over 25,000 health and that made us worry we wouldn't even get through this dungeon. We don't have the best gear in the game but we didn't want to give up because of that reason since we made it this far through many worlds without that many issues. This battle was a very difficult one, but we knew they would cheat mostly because I found an amazing article on Duelist101 that help me figure out what cheats they were going to cast and how we could bypass the enemies defeating us. We had to defeat Kravenly first since the Dueliest101 guide said he will hit you with a strong hit if you don't defeat him all at once. I decided to cast Sun Serpent with many blades, thanks to Autumn. I didn't think it would do that much damage on Kravenly and I kept stacking blades and traps! The Sun Serpent ended up doing well over 40k damage and defeated the two minions Ghost Dog summoned! :D I decided to cast another serpent on Ghost Dog so we could get through this fight without trouble. :)

The second fight also had two Bosses, Santa Muerte (a Death Boss) and Balor the Broken Fang (a Storm Boss). They also summoned two minions to help them, but minions were not the enemies to worry about during this fight. Balor cast a -70 tower shield on himself or even another teammate but we had Shadow Magic to take care of that. :D I had to cast another Serpent on him first since he kept protecting himself and everyone on his side. Santa said we needed to be afraid of him but he wasn't as much as a problem as Balor was. :P This fight was difficult at first only because of that tower shield Balor would cast every two rounds. We didn't have too many issues during this battle, because Autumn had her life wizard keep us alive during the fight. I can't imagine handling two accounts during this dungeon because it was already a headache with some pretty awesome drops (jewels and gear).

The last fight was so difficult I didn't even feel like taking screenshots! We had to focus on the battle since there were two balance bosses, Archmagus Lorcan and Lord Ombra, and these bosses had some pretty tough cheats. Archmagus Lorcan had a cheat that summoned two minions and when his health got low enough, the minions would sacrafice their lives and give 1,500 health each to Archmagus. On top of that, Lord Ombra kept casting a mana burn that steals pips on us and that made it harder to hit an enemy. We decided to hit Lord Ombra first with a Sun Serpent since he was taking pips from us. My Sun Serpent hit actaully did more damage than the first fight, with a whopping 99k damage (that's amazing to me)! After defeating Lord Ombra we had to attack Archmagus so he couldn't heal or summon anymore minions. This fight was difficult but we both made it through! Autumn didn't hit as much during this dungeon, but there no way my hits would have done any damage without help and I wouldn't have been able to make this post without her life wizard healing us when we were low on health. Thank you Autumn for your hard work too! :D This dungeon was a lot of fun, but was challenging because it was the first time we went through it. I really would like to thank Duelist101/ Heather Shadowslinger for publishing that article because there's no way we would have even made it through without knowing the cheats! Today was a lot of fun, and I really did enjoy this part of the dungeon! I know most of you went through this dungeon already, but I wanted everyone to know how we made it through the very first time going through. :) Thank you for reading and until my next post, I'll see you around the spiral!


July 9, 2015

Our Community Managers

Hi there!

I wanted to make a short blog post about our Wizard101 & Pirate101 community managers and how awesome they are. I have never been a community manager in my entire life, and even though it would be awesome to be one at Kingsisle, we all know there's hard work ahead for them when they work. I'm sure being a community manager at Kingsisle is a lot of fun since they get to play the game, but I'm also sure it's also difficult. Did you know all of the codes that fansite owners give away are sent by the community managers? If we didn't have a community manager do that, there wouldn't be any contests at all! Community managers also get events together such as the amazing PVP event they had last night. They create the newsletters and without spelling or grammar errors (that would be difficult for me :P). I'm sure there are plenty of other things that I'm not going to mention on this blog post that they do everyday and guess what... they do it for the community! :) They do a KI Live every month for the community, I think that's awesome!  They applied for a community job for a reason. Leala was once the co-host on Ravenwood Radio during the beginning of the show and Ravenwood Radio was a show that got the community together and Spiral Radio still does. Tom has a blog called The Friendly Necromancer and it's an awesome blog and one main reason I created my blog because made blogging seem like so much fun! Both of this podcast and blog are the reasons this blog even exists. I didn't know the community was as awesome as it was until I listened to Ravenwood Radio and read The Friendly Necromancer blog. I don't care what gear Tom or Leala are wearing on the game or how much knowledge you have about the game, they are amazing people in real life. Thank you guys and everyone at KI for everything you do for the community! :D I might not tag you to this blog post, but I'm still going to let everyone else know how awesome you are. If you don't see this, that's okay. You know I've supported you guys long before you were community managers for the game. :)

My Death Wizard Finished Zafaria With Help!

Hello Wizards!

I hope you're having a great week so far. If you're not, remember that tomorrow is Friday and I hope you have a great weekend. Today I have a chance to quest my death wizard through Mirror Lake, thanks to Autumn Dreamwalker! I have been putting Mirror Lake off because I was either busy or just didn't feel like doing it. Today was different and I decided to finish it, which made today a great day. :D

Mirror Lake is not an easy dungeon to solo, at least for me since my death wizard is a crowns player *can't afford the gear in the crowns shop* and doesn't have the best gear. I'm going to keep trying to get my Waterworks Gear or even try to save up money to buy new gear. Everytime I quest on my death wizard, I always have so much fun that I forget I even need to buy new gear! I know one day I want to solo the game on this wizard (maybe even at level 100 ;D) so I need to find gear to help him so you will enjoy posts at that time... maybe?! :D Wait... what am I talking about? Oh yeah.. Mirror Lake! This dungeon wasn't hard since I had Autumn Dreamwalker's balance and life and my fire helping my death wizard get through it. 

This dungeon had a total of four fights.. Tse Tse, the Spirtual Guardians, Ice Bosses and last but certainly not least, the storm spiders.. We didn't have one ounce of trouble during this dungeon since we had three exalted wizards! I've made many posts about this dungeon, such as examples of cheats, but I didn't want to make a post simliar to that today. I had a lot of fun today questing with Autumn and I'm on my way to level 100! My death wizard is currently level 71 and I'm trying my best to get to that level since I have a special plan for Wizard101. I hope it works out! I guess this post was more of a random post with awesome screenshots. I hope you all enjoyed it. :D I know I had fun questing with Autumn today and can't wait to blog about the final Avalon Dungeon. It will take me awhile to get through Avalon since I'm behind on crowns, but I promise once I do make it through, there will be a blog post about it! Until then, I'll see you around the spiral. Make sure to check back tomorrow to read a post about another wizard I'm currently questing.. :D

Thank You Autumns & Edward Firegem! :D