July 13, 2015



I recently made a Twitlonger on Twitter about somebody who cheated on one of my contests. I have never had anybody cheat on my contests in the past and I've been here a long time making posts and having contests. I've had contests of my own before becoming a Pirate101 Fansite (some of which where I gave away $100 worth of goodies), but knew I didn't have anyone cheat. I've had many Pirate101 Contests too, and nobody cheated.. I guess it's shocking that anybody could for somebody that trusts the community that much. I'm not blaming everyone, but I feel that I need to lower that level of trust because it happened. I usually send emails of codes out before or a little bit after I make the Contest Winner Announcement posts. I was stoked to have a Wizard101 Contest because I haven't had one in at least a year. I usually have Pirate101 Contests, but when the community managers said I could give away Wizard101 codes I was excited not because I was going to get any (No, I don't because I want to give as many away), but because I wanted to give them away to the Wizard101 community and show everyones talent. I'm still planning on making another post (or editing the other one with a slideshow) with everyone's sharks! I really do love all of your sharks you created. :D I don't know who this person is, but I want to say, please don't enter contests with somebody else's art. I remember when I entered contests when I was first introduced to the community and never had any thought like taking somebody's art, screenshot or anything and entering a contest to win something. It's always nice to enter your own work. I would have loved to see your true work, but you decided to fake the entry. I can no longer allow you to enter any of my contests again. That's really my decision because I think it's the right one for a situation like this. I want to let everyone else know that I still trust you. Please follow rules on all of my contests, because I'm not going to allow somebody who sets a fake entry, account or anything else enter any of my contests again. I will know if you do. Thank you for reading, and I really want to thank everyone for their support during this. I know it's not as serious or sad as it seems, but to me it is. I do have some good news though..! I'm going to enter everyone that didn't win and entered my Wizard101 Shark Week contest into a Raffle later this week for 5,000 Crowns or a Swift Shark Mount. Thank you Tom and Leala for giving me the codes to giveaway to rightful winners. I will make sure your entries are made by you before I enter you into my Raffle. Thank you all for your time.

~ Edward Lifegem

Wizard101 Shark Week Contest Winners!

Hello Wizards!

I want to thank each and everyone of you for entering my Wizard101 Shark Week contest! I don't usually have contests for wizards and this Shark Week contest was a very special one. I hope I can have more contests for wizards in the future, but that depends on Kingsisle. My Shark Week Contest was a fun one to have! I had wizards draw or create a a sort of shark just to celebrate Shark Week. I didn't have as many Graphic sharks, but had plenty of drawings of sharks which made it VERY difficult to decide which ones would win. If you submitted a shark to my contest, I really do love it! I still have to pick only a few winners, but I really want you all to know that you're all talented and hope you keep entering my art contests.. you never know, I might have another one soon! Okay, I'm going to stop rambling now and announce the winners of this contest.. That's why you clicked on the link, right?? :D

Grand Prize (Drawing)
5,000 Crowns, Swift Shark Mount

--Read my Plagiarism Post by clicking HERE for a Contest Update--

Grand Prize (Graphic)
5,000 Crowns + Swift Shark Mount

Neela Heart :D

3rd Winner!
Swift Shark Mount

Scarlet Firerider

4th Winner!
Swift Shark Mount

Diana Bearshard

Thank you all for entering my contest. There are so many talented Wizards in the spiral! I'll have a new post sometime later this week or next week with all of the other entries because I want to show everyone how talented you are too. I've had many contests on this website, and this one was the most difficult to choose from. Why do you all have to be so talented and creative?! :P Thank you for your time on drawing for my contest. I usually have Pirate101 contests and Wizard101 contests are always a treat! I hope Kingsisle decides to give me more codes to giveaway sometime again. :) I hope you all have a great week. I will email all of the winners shortly after this post has been published. Thank you for reading and I hope I see you around the spiral!

Pirate101 Shark Week Contest Winners!

Ahoy Pirates!

I want to thank you all for entering my Pirate101 Shark Week Contest! This contest was a fun one and unlike anything I've done on my blog before. I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did and learned a thing or two about sharks on the game or outside of the game. :D Shark Week is always fun and I can't wait until next year to celebrate again! Here's the winners of the Shark Week Contest and if you would like to see the answers of the Crossword Puzzle, scroll down toward the end of this post! :D

Grand Prize: Earnest Caley
5,000 Crowns + Stormtiger Pet

2nd Grand Prize: Dark Angel
5,000 Crowns + Stormtiger Pet

Third Prize: Clever Julia Visser
Stormtiger Pet

Fourth Prize: Beatriz Abbott
Stormtiger Pet

Fifth Prize: Misty Jackson
Stormtiger Pet

That's all I have for today! Thank you all for entering. All winners will be emailed their code(s) shortly after this post has been published. Each winner was chosen by a Random.Org list randomnizer. It really means a lot to test something new on this blog and many, many pirates try it out. I didn't think I'd get as many entries for the crossword puzzle but I did. Enjoy your prizes and if you didn't win, there will always be more contests... I am wondering what Pirate101 has planned for Arrrgust.. That's another post though. We'll see what happens. *Don't Ask me because I don't know* Thank you again and I hope to see you around the skyways!


1. Shark with an indigo blue body that seems to move effortlessly from the surface to the deep sea that it favors.

2. A shark that likes to keep cool and inhabit coastal regions and the open sea.

3. A shark from the movie "Jaws"

 4. A shark that can weigh up to 1012 pounds, favors coral reefs to supply food and shelter.

5. The first type of shark we have to fight in Skull Island


5.  First name of the Witchdoctor Only Shark Companion on Pirate101

6. Sharks with black stripes and usually are from a surface of 459 feet!

7. Sharks located in the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans. May reach lengths of 13 feet!