August 19, 2015

PayItForward: ShadowhornGG

Hi there!

A few days ago I decided to share a certain streamer, youtuber, blogger or anyone that's really nice a shoutout on my website. Trust me, if I don't share you, I'll most likely give a shoutout to somebody here on Around the Spiral with Edward Lifegem! The rules are: 1. Pay It Forward by giving a shoutout to somebody else that is special in the community. 2. Don't tell anybody that I'm the one who created the Pay it Forward for the community. 3.  Keep in mind it can be about anybody in the community!


ShadowhornGG is actually Blaze Shadowhorn from the Wizard101 community. We have been best friends/bros for over four years! He has done a lot in the community in the past who knows how many years and currently has a Twitch Stream and plays games such as Smite, Wizard101, Surgeon Stimulator (he's the best surgeon :P) and many other games! He just created this Twitch stream and does giveaways on it as well! He's done a lot for the community and was recently up from Midnight until 5:00 A.M. playing Wizard101 on his Twitch Stream! That's dedication! :D Make sure to check his Twitch Stream out by clicking the image above. :) Make sure to Pay It Forward to someone in the community that has done something amazing in the community that you think should be shown. You can only do it on your Twitch Stream when you're livestreaming. Make sure to tell that person to PayItForward to somebody else. Remember not to mention me!

PayItForward: Autumn Dreamwalker

Hi there!

This is the third and final Pay It Forward post I'm going to make this month! I'll publish three more Pay It Forward posts next month! I want everyone in the community to know they're amazing and this is why I made these three posts to let a few people know they're amazing and I want them to share somebody else in the community that they're amazing and the people who found out from the ones I choose to tell somebody else. I'm going to keep publishing three posts about wizards and pirates from around the community even if they're chosen. It'll be nice to see how far this goes and how many smiles are put on somebody's face to see that they matter. :D

I have been friends with Autumn Dreamwalker for nearly five years, this December! :D She created Secrets of the Spiral (click the image above to view her website) and started blogging about Wizard101 and Pirate101. She's made many guides and had amazing parties for the community! She's done a lot for the community and I think she's one of the best people you could get to know. :D I'm so happy that I met Autumn and to share her website with you. I'm glad we met all that time ago because I always have fun talking to you, questing with you and of course going to your NXP parties on Pirate101. :D Autumn, please Pay It Forward by giving a shoutout about one person in the community to let somebody know that they're amazing and you are happy you're friends/glad they're here in the wizard/pirate community. Make sure to tell them to pay it forward on your post. Don't tell them I'm the one the one behind this. :D

White Owl Tower

Hello Wizards!

I'm sorry I haven't made a Wizard101 post in awhile. I'm going to try to catch up on everything this weekend after I'm done with a few homework assignments. I'm sure you'll think I'm crazy by saying this, but I'm not as busy now as I was the end of last week and the beginning of this week! :P I might have homework, but the past few weeks have been crazy! That's it for homework and life talk, it's now time to Death and Myth talk?! Haha!!! I know, that was a hilarious joke.. :P

A few weeks ago I said I wasn't planning on talking about my Death and Myth wizard's quests unless they had a major quest or dungeon in the game. I decided I'm going to make a post every now and then to let you know how I'm doing on the game since I'm not blogging as much as I would like to. I've always been that type of blogger that loves logging onto the game and making posts about what I love about it. The White Owl tower is a dungeon that is memorable to me because it's really the first major dungeon in Avalon. The White Owl tower had two (possibly three boss fights if you don't mess up on the potions below).

I didn't have any trouble with the potions since I found a guide on Wizard101 Central! :D I mean really.. Thank you everyone who makes guides because it would be difficult to quest through the game without a guide. I think the White Owl Tower was pretty easy since I made sure both characters were powered up before they hit the boss and minion. I thought this dungeon would be difficult for my wizards, but I guess I'm doing great and shouldn't worry as much. :) I think questing is going great so far and I can't wait to have one day during a weekend to quest as much as possible. Yeah.. I'm planning that. Maybe I'll make a post about that sometime to let you know how that goes. So far, everything is going great. I didn't want to make this post another guide post, just another update on how things are going. BTW, my Death Wizard is level 75 and my Myth Wizard is level 76! :) Now I think it's time to make a few more blog posts. Thank you all for your patience and support! Until next time, I'll see you around the spiral. :D

That's cool! I didn't do anything to this photo. You know I'm not good at graphics, it's all KI! :D