August 18, 2015

Did I Rescue Mayor Komatsu?

Ahoy Pirates!

I apologize for not making as many posts as I did in the beginning of this month. I've been busy with a ton of real life things that keep getting in the way of me logging onto the game or making blog posts. I promise it's not going to be the same way as it was last year! :D I think this year will be a lot of fun and I know I'll make more posts than I did this time the end of last year. Today I had a chance to log onto the game and quest on my swashbuckler to see if I could rescue Mayor Komatsu from facing the same fate as Wan Po. I know the answer, but you'll have to read through to see if I did.. :P

Today I had to sail to Sujimura Village from the Cave of Whispers in Kaizoku Jima, to warn the Mayor about an attack against him. I found a list in the Cave of Whispers from the Ninja Pigs that attacked Wan Po. The list said that Mayor Komatsu was next and Doctor Noh was the one that hired the ninja pigs to attack certain people. I had to enter the Mayor's house and told him that there were ninja pigs after him. I was worried the ninja pigs would well.. be a ninja and attack while he was talking, but I was lucky enough to catch them before they could attack.

This battle was a simple ninja pig fight, like my last blog post but it was a lot of fun because I was able to catch a few cool screenshots! :D I really do love taking screenshots of pirate and companion attacks. You should know me by now! :P I think that this battle was a simple one since most of the Ninja Pigs were below level 40. Your pirate should be a few levels above 40 by this point in the game so it was pretty easy questing on my swashbuckler. I have to thank the privateer class for providing heals so I could survive! :P This swashbuckler says that anyone who bashes the privateer school doesn't know the game because all of the schools are just as awesome. I'm stronger than any pirate in the game though. :P Nah, I'm just kidding! Maybe... :D Anyways, this battle was easy and Mayor Komatsu told me that I needed to tell Constable Tatami the news about the Ninja Pigs and Doctor Noh. He also thanked me for saving his life, you know.. since I'm the strongest pirate in the game! :P I'm going to end the post here and I'll let you know what Constable Tatami says on my next blog post. :D I promise it won't take as long to make an Edward Cringle post as it did making this post since the last one. Thank you all for all of your support! Until next time, I'll see you around the skyways!

I tried to think of a perfect caption for this screenshot.

August 16, 2015

#Arrrgust 2015: Week Three!

Ahoy Pirates!

I can't believe it's already almost the third week of Arrrgust! Kingsisle always has something special planned for Pirate101 players during the month of August and I think this contest will be a fun for anybody that loves to PvP. From August 17th at 12:01 A.M. until August 23rd at 11:59 P.M. Kingsisle will begin tracking all Ranked Pirate101 Battle Royale and 1v1 matches for a chance to win many crowns! One winner will win 60,000 crowns and ten additional winners will win 10,000 crowns each! You only have to participate in the matches to be entered into the giveaway. :D I think I might try this out after I get everything done for school. I hope to see everyone there. If you would like more information about this event, click HERE or anywhere on the image attached below!

August 14, 2015

What Happened To Blogs Of The Month?

Hi there,

I have put this post off since last... 2013! :P I'm back this Friday to make this post and tell you why I don't share too many blogs on this website anymore. I'm sure a few readers have read this blog for a few years and know that I shared blogs from around the community to give them a headstart when they needed the bump. My website was and still is my favorite thing to do, but I knew I had viewers that might like reading more than just my blog posts so I decided to share quite a few blogs from around the community. I remember searching up Wizard101 blogs and look on Twitter to see if there were any new bloggers out there making posts about the game we all love. I found so many that it was a little overwhelming to make a post every month because there were so many new blogs! I did this not to promote my blog or anything, but to help not that anyone needed help. I made so many posts about blogs that I just love thinking about it because that was when blogging was actually a thing. Wait it still is a thing, at least for me! I love making posts about the games, just like many of the blogs I shared. I decided to stop sharing blog sometime ago because as soon as I shared a post about a few blogs, many of them stop talking to me. For the past few years, I kept thinking that maybe I'm not a good blogger and don't deserve to be one. Why did I think something like that? I didn't know if anyone actually liked me for my posts or just because I made posts about their blog or told them they were amazing. Hey, I could still say that now and many won't reply at all! :P Recently I kept thinking, maybe I should start finding Websites, YouTube Channels, Graphic Artists and whoever else that is creating something for the game and start posting them again. I'm not doing this for me, only for the community! The only thing I ask is that you pay it forward by sharing something NICE on your website, youtube channel or twitter about somebody else around the community. It could be about anyone that is helping the community in a nice way. I'll start this soon, but please promise me you won't forget to do that if I do share something of yours on my website. :) You don't have to tell anyone I'm the one that created it. I'll let you know on my first post. So, this post really is a great way of improving the community and showing everyone, not just somebody that creates something for the game, is awesome and belongs in the community!