September 11, 2015

Epic Wizard101 Contests!

Hello Wizards!

I decided I'm going to have a Wizard101 Contest of my own since I haven't had one in awhile. I'm announcing this contest early so everybody has a chance to enter. :) I usually don't have enough money to have Wizard101 giveaways, but when I do, I love going big on the contests since pirates are a little spoiled since I have codes from Kingsisle giveaway. The codes for this contests are from me and it's my choice to giveaway the prizes that I will mention soon.. :P Okay... enough rambling, it's time to talk about the contests!

  • Draw A Pumpkin: I want everybody to draw a Halloween Pumpkin that is Wizard101 related. What do you think a Wizard101 pumpkin would look like? Show me by showing off your artistic skills. Try to show me something new! :D 
  • Email Me Your Entry: Once you're done drawing your pumpkin, send your entry to with the subject: Halloween Pumpkin Contest.  You're only alloweed to enter once. If you have trouble sending me your pumpkin, just send me an email at the same email to let me know!
  • Winners: There will be three winners and three prizes. I'm going to giveaway three $10 Wizard101 giftcards *update on which store cards will be added soon* which means three people will have a chance to win a $10 card worth 5,000 crowns or one month Wizard101 Membership. Please don't cheat and take your time! This contest starts TODAY and ENDS October 10th, 2015. Contest winners will be announced on a new post next month and will be emailed their codes if they win!

Epic Rafflecopter Contest:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thank you Autumn Dreamwalker for the extra Aztecan Builder's Bundle to giveaway! If you get a chance, please visit her amazing website at: Remember that both contests end on October 10th, 2015. The Bundle of Choice option on RaffleCopter will be a late arrival, but you still still get your bundle of choice even if it's not on October 10th. Thank you for reading and good luck everybody. Please comment below if you have any questions!

September 3, 2015

Kingsisle Live Birthday Recap!

Hello Wizards!

I'm sure many of you had a great time watching Tom, Leala and #JuliaFromKI on the Birthday edition of Kingsisle Live, I know I did! Today was filled with a lot of fun which included a Banshee scream from Professor Falmea (that made me laugh for a full 20 minutes)! There were was also a  huge party at Leala's Massively Fantasy Palace with a ton of skeletal pirates and... CAKE! Wait.. You're here for the spoiler.. Right? :P Well....

The image above shows penguins and what seems a dog ( or penguin) sled race in the largest image in the background. I'm sure everybody knows it's Polaris by now! This world was teased back when Kingsisle created a Zafaria commercial when Todd Coleman was still aboard. I think this could be a main world, but it could also be a side world off of Wintertusk. I can't wait to see what Kingsisle has planned for us! Make sure to LIKE their Facebook, FOLLOW their Twitter, and FOLLOW their Google+ for the next reveal. :D

This episode was an amazing episode with plenty of great surprises, like the one above! The first 3,000 people who entered a code also got one of the ultra dungeons. I had a lot of fun at the parties and watching Kingsisle Live. Thank you Tom, Leala and #JuliaFromKI for all of the hard work you do for the community. It really means a lot to me and thousands and thousands of others! :D I'm glad I have this blog so I can post this down for a memory that I look back on in three years and say "OH, I remember that amazing day!"

Skeletal Pirates took over the commons... Sorry, Wizards!

September 2, 2015

Happy 7th Birthday, Wizard101!

Hello Wizards!

Today is Wizard101's 7th Birthday! I feel like I'm getting old(er) because I remember celebrating Wizard101's first Birthday in 2009. Time flies by fast when you're having fun! I've met many friends, created a website after meeting the community and decided that I wanted to be a Computer Programmer all because of Wizard101. Wizard101 and the community helped get rid of my fear: anxiety, social anxiety and depression. I have met great people in the community that helped me through tough times in real life and even here online. I'm glad Kingsisle decided to create an amazing game that not only changed my life, but I'm sure changed many lives. Thank you Kingsisle and Happy Birthday, Wizard101! :D Don't forget to check out Wizard101's Birthday decorations in Ravenwood and the Commons if you log onto the game today. P.S. Kingsisle Live is TOMORROW at 4:00 P.M. CST! Make sure you finish your homework and tune in tomorrow!