October 10, 2015

Rafflecopter Contest Update

Hello Wizards,

I'm announcing the winners of the Rafflecopter Contest on the Epic Wizard101 Contests post on this post. I wanted to let everyone know that there are going to be a few changes to the page due to somebody telling me something that wasn't true..

List of Prizes

$39 Bundle of Choice

$39 Bundle of Choice
(decided to change this prize from
 Evergreen Bundle - you can still pick
that bundle if you want)

$39 Aztecan Builder's Bundle

$10 W101 Gift Card

$10 W101 Gift Card

$10 W101 Gift Card

There was only one change due to me making a huge mistake in trusting that the store I always buy cards from always have the cards. Unfornatuly this means I'm not giving away cards for this contest... LOL NO, THAT WON'T HAPPEN. Why would I do something like that? I actually have to wait until the beginning of next week to buy them because they were out of quite a few cards. I thought I was the only one that bought Wizard101 cards in my town! Another part was that I waited too long to buy them (I promise from now on I won't wait long and will buy them right away when I announce a contest) Winners are still going to be announced and emailed their codes once  I get them. Autumn Dreamwalker gave me the Aztecan Builder's Bundle to giveaway and the third prize winner should get that. Keep in mind that the bundle of choice may not happen right away due to any bundle you might choose. If you choose a new bundle, I'll buy that bundle for you. I apologize for the delay (I'm only human). Okay, now for the winners...

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Halloween Pumpkin Contest Winners!

Hello Wizards!

I can't believe it's already been a month since I announced that my Epic Wizard101 Contests! Thank you all for taking time out of your day(s) and entering my contests. :) I don't always get to have a contests like this and it's always nice to have them when I can. Okay, I think it's time to stop rambling and announce the winners! :D

Halloween Pumpkin Winners!

Winner #1: William Deathwhisper
$10 W101 Gift Card

Winner #2: Charles
$10 W101 Gift Card

Winner #3: Michelle Mooncatcher
$10 W101 Gift Card

Thank you all for entering my contest. I wish I had more cards to giveaway but this was a contest where I had to spend my own money and I had a budget. I love Halloween! I decided to include a slideshow of everyone's pumpkins on this blog post. This contest was a lot of fun. I'll email the three winners their codes soon!

October 7, 2015

Pirate101: Halloween Contests!

Ahoy Pirates!

I hope you're having a great week! Yesterday our awesome community managers sent me a few codes to giveaway just for Halloween (and Pirate101's 3rd Birthoween). I love Halloween! There are so many spooky places on Pirate101. I thought I'd have an easy contest this time around for everybody and have a Spooky Screenshot Contest and Raffle. :D

The Spookiest Place Screenshot Contest:

  • Take a Screenshot: I want you to take a screenshot of your pirate anywhere in Pirate101 that you consider spooky/scary. There are many places in Pirate101 that I consider spooky (snakes in Aquila being the number one place LOL). Start by clicking on the CTRL + G keys and then click on the PrtScr key at the top of your keyboard to take the official screenshot. 
  • Email Me Your Screenshot: Send your screenshot to my email -- > edwardfrostgem@gmail.com with the subject: The Spookiest Place Contest. Make sure you send this before the contest ends! Don't forget to include your pirate's name.
  • Contest Start/Ends: This contest starts TODAY and ends on Saturday October 24th, 2015. Please follow all of the rules that I mentioned above. :) 
  • Random.Org: All winners will be chosen randomly with a list randomnizer on random.org. All prizes and amount of winners for this contest are listed below. The Raffle is right below the prizes. Good luck everyone! :D

1st Prize
Pirate101 Smuggler's Cove House and House Space Elixer
Pirate101 Octoberpus Pet
5,000 Crowns

2nd Prize:
Pirate101 Smuggler's Cove House and House Space Elixer
Pirate101 Octoberpus Pet
5,000 Crowns

3rd Prize:
Pirate101 Smuggler's Cove House and House Space Elixer
5,000 Crowns

Rafflecopter Contest:

a Rafflecopter giveaway