December 9, 2015

Winter Wonderland!

Hiya! :D

It's the 9th Day of December and that means it's time for Christmas Song #9! I feel like this month is already flying by! If anybody says it's too early for Christmas, well... I'm sorry, I've been looking forward to Christmas since December 26th, 2014. :P I'm also looking forward to SNOW. I've been waiting for it, but my state hasn't been lucky yet. I heard my state MIGHT have a chance of snow on Christmas week and I'm already hoping for a White Christmas (that song is on its way... don't worry). Today I decided to post another favorite song by The Eurythmics, Winter Wonderland!


Hi there!

I'm finally done with my third semester! I feel like this semester was a semester that took a lot more work than usual. I didn't get to make as many posts last month (or the beginning of this month), but that's going to change soon! I hope I won't be as far behind on Christmas Song posts as I have been the last few days. Christmas Song #8 is Falala by Olivia Jade Archbold! :)

December 7, 2015

Shake Up Christmas!


Long time no talk! It's been about a minute since I published my last post! Christmas Song #7 is Shake Up Christmas by Train. I've loved this song since it was released in 2010 when the Coca-Cola Christmas commercial was released. Tim Allen is a great Santa Claus, but the Santa Claus for the Coca-Cola commercial was an amazing one! I've attached a picture below the song so you can see what he looks like. If you want to see the commercial I'm talking about, just click anywhere on that picture below the video. :) Thank you for reading and enjoy the song! :D