December 12, 2015

An Ice Storm!

Hello Wizards!

I hope you're having a great weekend so far. I'm already having a great weekend because I don't have any homework! :P The only thing I've been busy doing is questing with my sister, Melissa Rainstrider, on Wizard101. I really don't remember the last time we quested together on the game, but I can say that it was so long that I wasn't used to my storm spells when first started questing! We had a lot of fun and really made it pretty far considering how we've been in the same area for at least a year.

We started questing today at 9:00 A.M. and ended around 3:00 P.M. which means we quested for six hours! If you knew me back in the day, you'd know that I could stay on Wizard101 for 16 hours! I can feel a migraine just thinking about being on the game that long. I love Wizard101, but there's no way I could even stay on that long these days. I'm behind on the game because I always get headaches when I'm too long! I guess that's pretty normal. I really think it's because there's a lot more to do on the game than there was when I first started the game. You really have to think about a lot more than you had to back when I first started the game: Critical Attacks/Blocks, More Cheating Bosses, Pet Healing, Gear and so much more. That doesn't mean the game isn't fun, though. Critical Attacks ON bosses (no block) are always fun. :D I guess it's time to get back to talking about what we were up to today... :P

Today we started questing in Tierra de Brea (we were there for at least a year or the last time I made a post about my storm wizard and my sister's ice wizard), quested through Pitch Black Lake, Floating Mountains and ended up in the Twin Giants! Today might have been the most we quested together ever! The only thing that I missed today was taking pictures of my sister casting spells! Now that she finally has a membership, we're planning on questing through Khrysalis and Polaris during Christmas break. I already know that it's going to be a lot of fun to finally quest this much. We're planning on questing tomorrow too and I hope we can finally complete Azteca once and for all. It's been a rough world for us and we're ready for a new world. We (or I) mostly had trouble on boss fights since we ( I again) kept dying! :P We're going to farm for gear soon so it's easier to fight bosses. I've had the same level 58 gear since Celestia was released! We'll start farming soon and get the gear that we need so it's easier to quest through Khrysalis and eventually Polaris! I wanted to make this post to let you know what I've been up to on the first weekend of my break. I should leave now because I have to make a Christmas song post!  Thank you all for reading! Until next time, I'll see you around the spiral. :)

I love the screenshots that I took today! I'll take more of my sister's attacks on my next ice storm post. :D

~ Edward Lifegem

The Polaris Express!

Ahoy Pirates!

Did you know that Kingsisle gave away free Christmas items today for 12 Days of the Spiral? :D I was lucky enough to redeem a code (YULEZOMG) and I found out I won a permanent Polaris Express Mount on Pirate101! I usually don't get this lucky and I was thinking about buying one of these for my swashbuckler. I knew I wanted to somehow buy a Christmas mount since I'm planning on questing soon, but I didn't have crowns to buy one! :P I guess having a Christmas mount to quest with was meant to be..! :D Anyways, I wanted to show you all the mount that you'll see my swashbuckler on for the rest of the month. Don't forget to redeem the code above before December 17th at 11:59 P.M. CST for your free Christmas item on both Wizard101 & Pirate101. While you're at it, don't forget to check out the last four days of 12 Days of the Spiral this week/next week. :)

This mount can be bought in the Wizard101 & Pirate101 Crowns shop for 4,500 Crowns! :D P.S. Thank You KI!

December 11, 2015

Well Pirates....

Ahoy Pirates!

It's been awhile since I made an actual post outside of contest and Kingsisle announcement posts. I apologize for my lack of Pirate101 blog posts. I just don't feel like... WAIT, were you thinking that I'm actually done with Pirate101? No way! You couldn't be more wrong. No worries, I still love Pirate101 as much as I did when I created my first pirate in Beta. :D I also love making Pirate101 blog posts, but I was busy the past few months that prevented me from making the posts that I wanted to make. What have I been up to on the game?

I've actually been trying to level my pirate on this ship quest (that'll be published later on). I haven't been able to do too much since I didn't have time for nearly three weeks due to studying for exams and finals. I really do miss leveling my pirate on the game. Did you know that Edward Cringle is going to turn three years old on December 23rd? I can't believe it! I feel like I just started questing my swashbuckler through the game. I've also been preparing my pirate for questing by buying new weapons, gear and leveling my companions to the level that they need to be at. I promise I'll make more questing posts soon. :) I hope that I can also have an event or two over Christmas break. :D I'm still here and I promise you that I'm not giving up on Pirate101. Pirate101 is an amazing game and I can't wait to start questing my swashbuckler again. I hope I can make it to Marleybone!! Wait... Edward Cringle knows nothing about that world (yet). I really want to thank each and every one of you for reading my posts. I always enjoy making Pirate101 posts for you to read. Thank you for reading this post. Until next time, I'll see you around the skyways!

~ Edward Cringle