December 18, 2015

Wizard101: Best Dressed Christmas Contest Winners!

Hello Wizards!

Try saying the title five times fast! I can't believe how many entries I've received through email for this contest. This contest was most likely the most entered email contest that I have ever had on this website! That's pretty awesome if you ask me. :D Thank you all for entering my contest! Remember that our awesome Wizard101 community managers made this contest possible. :) I hope I'm able to have more Wizard101 contests in the future. I'm always thankful to host one for the community even though I'm not a W101 fansite owner. Okay... I think it's time to announce the winners of this contest!

10,000 Crowns, Reindeer Sleigh Mount

1,000 Crowns, Polar Fox Pet, Random School-Themed Jewel Pack

1,000 Crowns, Random School-Themed Jewel Pack

1,000 Crowns

Fiona Ravenheart
Isaiah Soulcrafter
Ashley Dragon

December 17, 2015

The Ice Storm VS Azteca!

Hello Wizards!

I was planning on making a post a few days ago, but I decided not to make that post and make a current one since my sister, Melissa Rainstrider, and I are leveling so quickly through the game! I knew when she got a $10 Wizard101 Gift Card we were going to level a lot, but this is actually beyond a lot. :D

The other day we quested so much that we made it to the final dungeon in Azteca, Xibalba. I've already made quite a few posts about this dungeon so I won't go over every single detail about this dungeon. I will say that we had a lot of fun in this dungeon! We didn't have any issue thanks to a few guides on Duelist101 and Mercaneries101! These amazing people spend a lot of time making guides for everyone else and I think that's awesome. Thank you to each and every one of you who make guides like these for other wizards in the spiral. Anyways, thanks to these guides we knew what we were doing through this dungeon and we followed all of the rules. We had a little bit of difficulty on the last fight, Malistaire and we decided to buy a few minions from the crowns shop. They are also helpful, especially the life minion because they can cast Rebirth. I'm sure you agree that Rebirth during a huge fight such as this one can help a lot. :) The level 110 Fire and Life minions also attacked with some pretty awesome Darkmoor Spells (yes, I still have to farm for those. I need to get a team together to do that - any volunteers? ;D).

Xibalba was a fun dungeon to quest through! I can't thank all of the people who puts guides together enough. I am thankful that we have awesome people that spend that much time putting all of that together. I'll dedicate this post to all of the YouTubers, Bloggers, Fansite Owners and all who do just that. :) We were actually in Azteca for well over a year and it's great to finally say that we beat Azteca! I love all of the Wizard101's worlds, but I'm not afraid to say that this world is my last favorite world on the list! :P I'm just glad we finally beat this world. I'll make another post another day, letting you know how things are going in Khrysalis. Until then, I'll see you around the spiral. :D

We made it to level 91!

Sleigh Ride!!


I can't wait until Christmas! This weekend I'm planning on watching Christmas movies and listening to as many Christmas songs as possible. This is my favorite time of year and Christmas has always meant a lot to me. :) Most of you know that that I love new Christmas songs, but I also love older Christmas songs like Christmas Song #17: Sleigh Ride by The Ronettes! Music like this puts me in the Christmas spirit. :D I don't own the video below. :)