January 1, 2016

Pirate101: 2016 Goals!

Ahoy Pirates!

I hope you had a great New Year's Eve! It's 2016! :D I'm excited about this year because I have many plans and goals in place for the year. Wait? You thought I was done blogging about Pirate101? Ha! I don't think so.. I apologize for this, but... you're stuck with me for awhile! Pirate101 is an amazing game and we have an amazing community here. :) I have a feeling it's going to be a great year for Pirate101. :D As I mentioned above, I have plenty of goals for this year. I thought I'd share a few of my goals for Pirate101 and this website, with you today. :)

Build The Community: If you're a wizard and you read my Wizard101 posts, you know that I mentioned building the community on my Wizard101 Goals post. I want everyone to know that if you're being bullied by somebody, not to listen to them. I want to be your friend and I do care about you! I think it's important to get this community together so everyone can make friends. There are many amazing people in the community and I think everybody deserves a friend. :) My goal is to have as many Pirate101 events as I can this year! I think that'll be a great way to get the community together and hopefully, everyone can make new friends. :D

Build Our Website: I have many design updates planned. I want to make this part of this website more about Pirate101. That means I should make more blog posts about pirate101, right? :D I also have plans to make more Pirate101 blog posts than I did last year.. Wait I wasn't even here in January 2015, so this will be a great year! :D

Quest My Pirates: This is way too similar to my Wizard101 post. I still want to quest my pirates, though! This is one main goal that I have for this year. I have five pirates and I've mostly talked about my swashbuckler, Edward Cringle, and my Witchdoctor, Edward. They are both great pirates, but I want to quest more on the game than I have been. I have a Privateer and Buccaneer that I want to start questing again. I believe all of the schools on Pirate101 are amazing so I can't wait to try out each and every one of them. I mean... Have you ever bought a minion from the crowns shop? If you do, you can use  and control their attacks to attack the enemies that you're attacking. Their attacks and powers are amazing and gave me more hope about questing other pirates. :D I hope I can quest to level 65 or through Book 15 & 16 when they are released. :)

Family Friendly Blog: My Pirate101 goals might be similar to my Wizard101 Goals, but I think that's a good thing. Keeping this website family friendly is very important to me. I have been here for nearly six years and I've kept well over 1,000 blog posts family friendly. I want everyone to feel welcomed here when they click on a link. I am thankful for each and every one of you and I really appreciate all of your support. :D I'm ready for a new year because I'm going to make 2016 a great year. I can't say nothing bad will happen this year, but if it does, that doesn't mean the year is ruined. I'm going to make it a great year, no matter what! I hope you take my advice and make your year a great year too. I think even saying it and not giving up is a great way to make a day, week, month and year great. Thank you again for reading and for all of your support you gave me in 2015. :D

Wizard101: 2016 Goals!

Hello Wizards!

I hope you're having a great first day of 2016! I can't believe it's already 2016. I joined Wizard101 nearly SEVEN years ago! I've been in the community nearly five years! I've enjoyed every moment of the community and seeing how much it's grown is amazing. I joined when there were a few hundred people in the Twitter community and now I guess you could say there are THOUSANDS. :D My website has also grown thanks to you (the W101/P101 Facebook and Twitter communities). I am thankful for each and every one of you and it really means a lot that you like reading my posts, attending my events and even entering my contests. :D Last year was an amazing year, but I have plenty of Wizard101 game and Around The Spiral goals for this year. Here are a few important goals that I have for this year:

Build The Community: The community is very important to me and there have been many incidents of bullying last year. My goal is to let everyone in the community to know that they're welcomed and to ignore anyone that says they're not. I want to do this by having more events on the game so everyone has a chance to make true friends. We have to remind everyone that no matter what, they're welcomed in the Wizard101 (and Pirate101) community. 

Build Our Website: There are many things that I want to do to this website this year. I want to improve Around The Spiral by making more blog posts this year and maybe a few design updates here and there. I'm not going to update it too much because I want to keep the older theme. :) I have many plans/goals for this website and I hope everything works out. One goal is going to be to try for W101 Fansite. I think anything is possible if you don't give up and even after five years, I'm not giving up. :) Regardless, It's going to be a great year!

Quest My Wizards: I need to quest my wizards through Polaris. I've been doing a great job so far and I think the next month or so I will quest many of my wizards after school. I have to make it to level 110 on seven wizards... I don't think it'll be that bad. I have to keep in mind that there's always Summer too! :D By the way... I will make posts. :D

Family Friendly Blog: This website has been and will always be a family friendly website. Being family friendly is not a struggle so this is really not a goal. This is a promise! This website will always be family friendly and I hope you enjoy each and every blog post this year. :D This year is going to be a great year because I'm going to make it a great year! I hope all of you have an amazing 2016. Thank you again for all of your support that you gave me over the past six years!

December 30, 2015

2015: A Year In Review

Hi there!

I hope you're having a wonderful break so far. Can you believe that we only have a couple days left of the year 2015? I can't believe in a few short days we can finally say that it's 2016! This year has been a great year for Around the Spiral with Edward Lifegem. I wasn't here for the first five months since I decided to take a long needed break from blogging. Will I take another break? Maybe.. years from now! I love making posts about the game and if you ever see that I'm quiet, there's always a reason behind it. Lately, I've been trying to figure out what I'm going to do next year. I have MANY goals for this website next year and I hope you stick around to see them. :D We'll talk about this year in this post for now...

Questing My Death Wizard
I started questing my 2nd death wizard, Edward, again in May 2015. I didn't think I'd ever quest that wizard again but I was lucky to start questing him again and with my myth wizard after awhile. I had a few blog posts, but it was a major moment for me. I hope I can quest him again soon and hopefully make more blog posts about him next year. :D I started questing him again at level 45 in Dragonspyre and now he's currently level 76 at the end of Avalon! :)

 My Fire Wizard
My second favorite moment of the year was questing with Autumn Dreamwalker's Balance and Life wizards. We've been questing for awhile and this year our wizards quested through Azteca, Khrysalis and we're currently waiting for Polaris. :D It was very nice to quest with Autumn again! I am hoping we can quest again through Polaris the start of next year. :D

Completing Cool Ranch
On Pirate101, my swashbuckler, Edward Cringle, said goodbye to Cool Ranch and Hello to Mooshu. This was a major accomplishment this year because Edward was in this world longer than expected. I'm currently questing through Mooshu and hopefully, I'll get back to posting about my swashbuckler soon! :D You know I'm not giving up.. By the way... Edward Cringle recently turned 3 (on December 23rd)! I can't believe it's already been three years since I started questing my swashbuckler. I will say that I've enjoyed making each and every blog post for you to read. Hopefully next year I can get some kind of guide together for this character's questing posts so far. :)

 Pirate101 Events
Pirate101 has been a lot of fun this year! I hope next year we can have more events like the one above (Welcome Back Event with Autumn in early August). That event was a lot of fun and really a great way to get the community together! :) I can't wait to have more events next year, hopefully we'll have mroe than we did this year. I need to get back to my regular Pirate101 posting. :)

Santa Run #3

Santa Run #3 2015 on Wizard101 is one last thing that I'm going to post about on here. This was one of the best event turnouts that I've ever had. It's all of you that made it happen and that really means a lot to me. Thank you for attending this event! I WILL have more Wizard101 events soon, so I hope you stick around to see what I have planned. :D We will bring all of the Wizard101 community together next year. :) 

Your Support

Overall, I had a great year! I hope all of you had a great 2015 too. There were a few stressful times, but it seems to have ended on a great note. We only have 30 hours until 2016 arrives. :D I am thankful for all of you and your support that you gave me this year (and all past years). I also want to thank Kingsisle for their support. I'm not the best blogger in the world, but its nice to see that Kingsisle (Tom, Leala and #JuliaFromKI) gave me a second chance to be a Pirate101 Fansite owner after my break. :D There is so much more that I enjoyed this year, but I can't post about all of them.. I'd have at least 100 favorite things on this post! :P Thank you all for reading. Until next time, I'll see you around the Spiral.
