May 3, 2016

Social Media and A Note to Blog Readers

Hi there,

I wanted to make this short little blog posts to let you know that I'm no longer going to personally be on Social Media. I am going to have tweets and/or Facebook messages going out through there from now on to update everyone when I have published new blog posts. I'm also adding a new feature to this blog to let you sign up to give you alerts when I've published a new blog post, called "Follow By Email"

-- Edit --

I decided to only take a break on Twitter. I will still have the follow by email option and blog post tweets going on there. I will no longer reply to anyone or make individual tweets like I have. I will be back. I will also make sure that nobody is bullying every now and then. I can't leave and allow this to continually happen. This is much more than being offended by opinions. I love different opinions (unless they hurt somebody), but I don't like bullying at all. I made a Twitlonger explaining more. If you would like to read it. Click the link below!

Pirate101: Valencia 2 News & Ending of Arc One

Ahoy Pirates!

I hope you're having a great Tuesday! I usually don't take time off from studying during Finals week, but I decided to take a little time off to make this post. Leah Ruben, our Wizard101 & Pirate101 Producer, announced that Valencia Part 2 would contain two chapters, five levels, contain a lot of answers to many questions we have about the Armada, and it will be the ending of Arc One.

Many are already worried that this will be the ending of Pirate101 since Arc One of Wizard101 ended at level 100 and Pirate101 was expected to last a few more books before the ending of this arc. I don't believe this is the end of Pirate101 for one simple reason. MORE QUESTIONS. If we were told all questions would be answered that would be the time I would start worrying. The quote below from Leah Ruben gives me hope that we will have an Arc 2 in Pirate101. Keep in mind that not everything in Pirate101 has to be related to what Wizard101 to continue.

"We’ll have more details as things progress, but have ever you wondered who built the Armada? Or the REAL scope of Kane’s plans? There will be answers, lots of answers, and of course, more questions too in the thrilling conclusion to the first story arc" (Leah Ruben).

The new city of Florenza, Valencia.

One thing that I was thinking is that this world will take a little bit longer with more quests. If a lot of questions are going to be answered, and maybe the experience of each quest in Valencia Part 2 is a lot lower than previous worlds? I'm ready to find out this information! This is NOT El Dorado. We have not completed the map to El Dorado. So don't worry so much. I'm pretty sure we'll have more worlds to quest through before we reach El Dorado. I don't know what Kingsisle is up to, but I do know that Pirate101 LIVES! :D If you would like to read the Producer's Letter, click this hyperlink -> HERE.

April 28, 2016

Around The Spiral's Old Headers: How Many Do You Remember?

Hi there!

I wasn't planning on making a Birthday themed post this early, but I decided to make this post early as a Throwback Thursday sort of post! :D Most of you know that I've been making posts for awhile, and with the well over thousand posts that I've made, I've also had different headers. I wanted to make this short little post with the headers and ask you a nice question. Of the ELEVEN below, how many of the old headers (yes many are missing) do you remember seeing when reading my website?! Comment below!