May 13, 2016

Stupendor-X VS Stormzilla (Edward Cringle)

Ahoy Pirates!

I hope you're having an amazing Friday. It's finally Summer Break for me! That means I'm able to quest and blog a lot more. :D I can't tell you how much I missed making new posts. Now, before I begin to make this post I'm going to let you know that I still support KI and both of their games. That is my choice and you don't have to agree with it, but you should accept that everyone has different opinions. The last few days have been crazy, but I think things will get back on track soon. Hopefully, the support shown will help keep the game alive. Valencia Part 2 will be released next week (so test that out if you can). Now to get back to the main point of this post.. Edward Cringle!

Today I had a chance to log onto the game and complete a quest that I've been wanting to work on since Spring Break. I was able to fight Stormzilla! On my last post, I found out from the Dragon King that I had to obtain the Jade Egg for him in order to get a wish/Monkey King's Staff back from him. Now.. I'm a fan of Iron Man, really robots in general, and I can't tell you how much it is to be a robot on this game! Well.. I think he's a robot. I had to use Stupendor-X, a vessel of the Titans, to get rid of the threat Stormzilla. Stormzilla was actually destroying the temple where the Jade Egg was located and I had to get rid of him before I could make my way to the Jade Egg. 

The Stormzilla battle was, simple. You had to defeat Stormzilla. Every now and then he would summon eggs (view the second image above) and eventually those eggs would hatch into Stormzillas that were not as strong but enough damage will bring your health down. The Boss Stormzilla had just about 2,900 health. The attack card options were not enough to defeat him, so I had to hit him with simple attacks which eventually defeated him. My advice to you would be to save area attacks because the summoned Stormzillas will start attacking you by gathering around you. Make sure they are gathered around the boss so you can hit them and the boss at the same time. Keep all of your focus on defeating the main boss! After I defeated the Stormzilla boss, I had to defeat six of the Tengu goblin sorcerers.

These fights were not that difficult, as you should always be prepared. I always choose my best companions that can get me through a fight. Always make sure they are close to your level. It helps out because the higher level they are, the better chance they'll have more health and hit more damage on an enemy. Shortly after I took my screenshots above for this blog post.. I mean... After I defeated the Tengu Sorcerers, I found the Jade Egg! It took a lot of work, but all hard work eventually pays off, right? :D Finding this jade egg means that I have to end this post before it is too much to read. Until next time, I'll see you around the skyways. :D

I hope the Dragon King returns the Monkey King's Staff! He will, right? Hmm I hope so. Okay I'm leaving now. Bye!

May 12, 2016

No Bullying on this Website

Hi there,

I wanted to make this post letting everyone know that this website is a Kingsisle related website. If you don't like Kingsisle by not supporting them, do not view a Wizard101/Pirate101 website. This summer I will play the games and frankly, comments will not be approved if they are bullying me and/or have bad language. I'm not afraid of you and will report you if you continue doing what you're doing this Summer, I will report you. This is a reminder to stay away from my blog, Twitters, and other Social Media. If I have to warn you again, you'll be reported. I don't mind criticism and have published comments in the past, but I will NOT allow bullying on this website. This is a family-friendly website and you might have it on your Twitter and real life but it will not be published here. This was just a reminder. I feel bad that I can't even include a comment system where everyone can comment without it having to be approved. I was actually planning on changing that this Summer since I didn't have any evil comments on my blog, ever, but you ruined that. Now. That's it. Stay away from me. Stop spending so much of your life hating somebody. There is much more to life than that. Let me live in peace, and that will be the end of that. All I want to do is have fun this Summer is play the games, not deal with people who think it's okay to hate somebody they don't even know. I don't hate you, but I will say that I don't agree with your bullying and that needs to stop.

Important Kingsisle Information

Hi there,

You may have heard the news around Twitter, Facebook or other social media that Kingsisle had to reduce their amount of employees at their company. I got an email from Kingsisle and decided to release it here on my blog too. I will miss all of you! Thank you all for your hard work at Kingsisle. You have no idea how much it means to us. I also want to thank all employees still at Kingsisle for their hard work. We will get through this. Here is more information from Kingsisle:

“To verify, many talented employees were released as part of a reduction in force today at KingsIsle Entertainment, and we wish them the best. This coincides with a couple of unreleased mobile games being cancelled. The strategy is to refocus our efforts on our MMO games and polish our more promising mobile projects, many of which are still slated for a 2016 release. Fans of our MMOs should know that Pirate101 is soon to receive an update and will be going to Test Realm most likely next week. Wizard101 has new content updates in the works for both Summer and Fall 2016. “

Our community manager, Tom, is still at Kingsisle to answer any question. Leala and #JuliaFromKI was let go. It is sad, but this might be good for the future of the game. My prayers are out for all of those out there who were let go to find another job soon! I know they will because they are very talented just like all of the Kingsisle employees. We have to continue to support Kingsisle. We'll see what the future holds. I hope the future is bright for everyone.