August 7, 2017

Wizard101: Fall Party Recap

Hi there!

I hope you're having an awesome Monday. This Monday might be one of the best/laziest Mondays I've had in quite sometime. Today, I've decided to make a Recap post of yesterday's Fall event, hosted by Lail and Taylor!

Lail and Taylor got the community together for the love of the community! I'm glad they put this fun event together for everyone. It's nice making new friends, along with interacting with old friends. During this event, we got together in the commons in the evening and started it out with a dance line near the pond. If you've read my blog in the past, you know I take hundreds of screenshots for a three-four screenshot post. Most of them are amazing and are kept for memory, but I also upload some to my website. I wish I could upload all of them, but it would take forever! Events like these make me want to post hundreds of screenshots! 

After the dance line, we went on a Run from the Commons to Unicorn Way. Some of us did get caught in a battle, but the pixies were not match for our powerful spells.  Shortly after battling, Wolf started a hide-and-seek. I wasn't able to join the chat channel, but I think everyone had fun! After playing a bit of hide-and-seek we were ready to teleport to Wolf's Polarian Shipwreck house for some Trivia and later Tournaments!

I stayed about two hours! I really do love attending events - it does take a lot of work to put on an event, so I thank Lail and Taylor for having this event for the community! I am looking forward to more events from you two. I hope all of you consider having events one day. Events never fail to bring the community together. Thank you all for reading! Until next time, I'll see you around the spiral. By the way, please give Lail and Taylor a Follow on Twitter!

Lail's Twitter

Taylor's Twitter

Although bad things are said/done, good things will be remembered the most!

August 5, 2017

Wizard101: Never Share Personal Information

Hello Wizards!

Today, I wanted to share an important video along with a message that everyone should remember. Never Share Personal Information with anyone! You need to remember that if something seems too good to be true, it usually is. Below, I've included a video that you should watch and a few tips from myself/others over the past 9 years. Please watch and read!

  • Never Share Personal Information: As I've said above, if something seems too good to be true, it usually is. If someone asks you for your personal information in return for gift cards/codes, they're only wanting to take your account. They will not give you any codes. After that, your account will be banned. If you want to keep your account, remember to keep your personal information. 
  • Use Trusted Websites: I've included a list of the official Kingsisle Websites/Fansites. You can click on the Wizard101 Tab Above or HERE to access that list. If you see a website unlike any of those websites, it should not be trusted and reported to Kingsisle right away! Using trusted websites also means using trusted emails. The Official Kingsisle emails are listed below:

Help/Game Card Redemption Email 

Support Email

Community Email

Please follow those two important tips above! Again, if you want to keep your account safe, keep your personal information safe. Please Stay Safe Online! It's important that you do. Those who stay safe are the ones who will keep their accounts the longest. Let's show everyone how long we can keep our accounts safe. Thank you all for reading. Until next time, I'll see you around the spiral. 

Wizard101: Fall Party

Hi there!

Today I wanted to announce a community Fall-themed event that will be hosted tomorrow - Sunday, August 6th - by @Twizard_Taylor and @MLG_Sloth_Lail from Twitter. I am planning on attending this awesome event. If you would like more information about this event, please continue reading.

TODAY at 6:00 pm CST

The Commons, Imp Realm 


Port Wizard
You will need to add the port wizard below to make it to the Afterparty:

Wear Fall-Themed Colors if you're planning on attending this event! I hope to see you all there. It's always good to support everyone, especially for events that are meant to bring the community together. Thank you Taylor and Lail for putting this event together for the community!