August 9, 2017

Opinion: Kingsisle Needs To Focus On Their Main Games!

Ahoy Pirates!

It's been a few months since I've last made a post. I apologize! Today, I decided to make a post about a topic that has been discussed from pirates everywhere in the community: The lack of Pirate101 Updates.

A Shrinking Community
Let me start off and say that I love Kingsisle and Pirate101, but the Pirate101 community has shrunk drastically since the last major release of Marleybone and Aquila in 2013. Keep in mind that these worlds were released nearly FIVE years ago.. This make you wonder what exactly is happening at the Kingsisle studios. Well, we already know what's happening. Mobile Games. Some of these games, like Everclicker, are awesome games. However, Kingsisle has shifted focus to only focus on Wizard101 and Mobile Games. This shift has led to a shrinkage of not just Pirate101's main base of players, but also the Pirate101 community. 

Games like Everclicker have potential of reaching many players outside of the Kingsisle fanbase. However, there has been a focus on many mobile games. It does get confusing when so many mobile games are released when Pirate101 would most likely make more money if it got the attention it should have gotten in the past 5 years. Kingsisle had a reduction of force last year, which makes sense that they did lose money since the very start of the company. This doesn't mean the company itself is dying though. #Pirate101Lives ONLY if they give focus on their MMO Games. I can't imagine multitasking that much. It makes sense now to see why Pirate101 didn't get the attention it deserved, but it cost them millions of players by doing that. I love their company, but I will say that was the largest mistake they could ever make. The loss of players led to a shrinking Pirate101 community.

Focus On Your Main Games, Kingsisle!

I think we can all agree when I say that Kingsisle needs to focus on their main games: Wizard101, Pirate101 and if we include a mobile game, EverClicker! When you focus on 100 different things, you'll lose track of your priorities. I don't know the reasoning behind the lack of focus on Pirate101 - but this game had and still has potential. Many people love this game and I say it deserves something special.. We all probably had this in mind when I say something special:

New Worlds
New Ships
New Companions
New Bundles
New Packs
New Commercials

Copying things from Wizard101 is sometimes awesome, but I don't think people want to buy the same thing over again if they already have it in Wizard101. Please listen to your players when I say this in the most kind way possible.. Please update your main games. If you can pull it off and bring Pirate101 back, don't stop another five years. I know I'm a fansite owner, but even those who support you until the end must say something. Listen to your Pirate101 players when they say we deserve an update. This update shouldn't be rushed! Valencia 2 was awesome, but I couldn't believe the bugs (even in Test Realm) that came with it. I've played Wizard101 8 years and Pirate101 for 5 years and that Test Realm was the buggiest Test Realm I've ever seen. There are still bugs that haven't been fixed. We love your games, but please, put more work into them. It's not that you never do because we know you can do better. I'll always support your games until the end, but I hope you all at least listen to us in return. I believe Pirate101 has more potential than you think!

Wizard101: Santa Run Recap

Hello Wizards!

I hope you're having a great week so far! I've been busy getting ready for classes that will start soon, but it's still been a great week for me. I am also catching up on posts which I wanted to make, but didn't have a chance to since I had to get my computer fixed. Today, I decided to make a Santa Run Recap post for the Christmas in July Santa Run!

WhiteTiger93's Recap of the Santa Run

This event was another great event to get the community together. These events are thrown to bring everyone together, even through tough times. We don't have these for attention or fame. We truly love the community and will continue having events like this for a very long time. It was nice getting everyone together once again to interact with old friends and make new friends.

Numbers aren't that important, but I wanted to share that we had more in attendance during this Santa Run - Christmas in July than we had last year! This is good news because we got that many more people to come together to have fun, make new friends, and most of all support the game that we love. These events will always be for and about the community. I am glad everyone who attends these understands that message. 

Our run around Wizard City was a lot of fun. Shortly after the run, our amazing port wizards teleported everyone to the afterparty! They were a lot of help and deserve a special thank you! Thank you for helping put the event together. I would also like to thank the Santa Run Cohosts - Autumn Dreamwalker, Michael, and Frostcaller - for helping make the event continue when I didn't think I'd be able to attend. I was extremely worried, but it's nice to see that the event was able to continue!

Autumn Dreamwalker decorated amazing Christmas-themed houses for everyone to explore! Most of us went to the Celestial Observatory house to take a group picture. One of the sayings were "Santas Against Bullying" which may seem pointless, but it's a great sign that there are many in the community that want you to know that if you're being bullied, we're here for you! Speaking of bad behavior.. I wanted to update everyone again that...

We will have Hall Monitors At Future Events!

This is now required due to the growth in events. These events are broadcast everywhere so we'll just have to spread the word that Hall Monitors will now be present at future events. It will still be fun, as long as you behave! There is no need to worry if you don't misbehave. Speaking of future events.. our next major event will be the Halloween Run. This event will be unlike any event we've ever had. We'll have tons of epic contests, activities, and a lot of fun! Thank you again for your support! Let's continue to spread goodness and acceptance. Until next time, I'll see you around the spiral!

More Event Information At:

August 8, 2017

When Chaos Takes Over

Hi there,

This is an opinion post. I will not publish this on my Wizard101 Label Post, but since this is my website, I will publish it without a label. I haven't made a post where I just talk to you all in quite awhile. I'm usually on Twitter, but when I talk there... ouch! Today, I decided to make a post about this year. As many of you already know, I've been involved in quite a few arguments with people on Twitter. You wouldn't believe it, but it involves how we should treat a very important topic: Bullying.

No Apology

This does need to change. I'm not going to explain myself to anyone, but yes, it is very important. I've been told I don't accept opinions, but nobody accepts my opinion on this. I've been blocked, had personal beliefs attacked, and more. Unfortunately, this is how these people are. I will not support that type of behavior or give anymore attention to it after this post. It is really sad, to be honest. Those who try to do what's right (maybe not in a perfect way but still) are treated worse in the community than those wishing death upon people or telling people they'll kill them. I've always wondered why, but I've finally realized that they'll only realize on their own that they're wrong. There are many who agree, which is why I've continued to speak up. It's time that I realize my mistake of trying to convince people who want to bring good people down that they're doing wrong. I've done a good job ignoring trolls, but I haven't done a good job ignoring a few that promote this. However I want to say this..

 I am not going to apologize for standing up for what's right. Why would I? 

It would be a sad day if I had to apologize for being worried about people in the community. I know who I am, and that is not who I am. I do not regret doing what's right. A few months ago, I was worried about being blocked by people, but I was actually happy! That's when I realized, I was always doing the right thing. It was time to block them or have them block me. We do not support that. I was told by someone awesome on Facebook that I have the friends that I have attending/and or supporting the events that we have because they support me for who I am. That's who I'll support from now on. That's the reason I haven't left because of these amazing people. So, that's a heads up that I will not leave because of immature people in the community who do need to grow up. We are doing great.. However, I want to address something before I end all of this once and for all. 

Do I Only Care About Myself?

Something that hurt me more than anything said was that I was criticized for only thinking about myself. I am going to say this: 

I do not care about fame, fortune, or anything that benefits me. The events that we have are thrown to benefit the community. These events are thrown to bring people together. As many of you know, I've had severe anxiety and depression in the past. Fansites back in the day, like Diary of a Wizard and Ravenwood Radio threw events that brought people together. They brought everyone together, and I was able to make friends in the community. In my real life, I always pushed friends away, but these people were accepting of people. It was a great time. Today, we have these events to do the same and it's also a thank you to Fansites like Ravenwood Radio (now Spiral Radio) and Diary of a Wizard.

Why would I want fame/fortune? If anything I've spent money of my own and spent years here through tough times and very tough times like recently. People will always use my words and personal beliefs against me to make me look bad, but I know who I am. I am not that kind of person. They'll say things that are false - like things are said about quite a few people here already.  It's their opinion. I just want all of you to know again that the things we do are for you! Heck, my family even knows about events I want to throw for you all because I love having them for you. These events are and will always be about bringing the community together. Those who attack people should try to do the same thing. 

The Future

I'm done trying to convince people what's right and wrong, especially those who close their eyes and put their fingers in their ears. I still think the future is bright. We're not going to allow this to corrupt the entire community. We will not let this get the best of us. I for one will not even mention any of it after this post. I'm done with it. This doesn't mean I'll be silent because they told me so.

 I will not do the same thing to you because I'm not sinking down to that level. It is sad to see this happening to anyone here. We have to have Hall Monitors at the events now because of this.. Crazy how we had events all last year and didn't see any of this until this year.. That only shows how things have changed in a negative way. However, it's still positive since people want to keep the community together by attending/and or supporting these events whether its ours or someone else's event.

I will say this as one last final word. I'm going to be strong and continue to do what's right with or without personal attacks. I thank God I have chosen not to sink to that level with anyone. I'm not perfect, but I'm glad I don't do things like that to anyone. So no matter what people may say about me or others, we're not the ones doing what they're doing. That's a sign we're in the right. Now.. for as long as I am here, I am not mentioning their horrible behavior or support of it ever again. If they want to attack me for trying to bring people together, well.. that shows how they are. I am tired of it and I'm sure you all are as well. So, we're going to use that energy on new posts (which I've declined on quite a bit because of all of this) and the events. The things I stand up against are all true. Until that truth is seen, that is all. Until then, we're going to bring this community together! I will say this as an ending. I don't believe anyone is bad, but I do think people make bad mistakes. I worked so hard to convince to try to bring everyone together, but it's time to stop and let them decide where they want to go. It's their choice. There's nothing more other than ignore until they see the truth. Sometimes the truth hurts, but the truth matters. To those who have supported this message, please block all of the things below. Whether they're supported or not. Do what's right!