July 27, 2018

Ramble About Events / Holiday Mashup Tomorrow

Hello Wizards!

I hope you're having a wonderful Friday. It's finally the weekend! I'm looking forward to this weekend because of the Holiday Mashup plus I get to eat cake & ice cream tomorrow. I am looking forward to this event since I spent most of this Summer with amazing people preparing for it.

I can't believe that tomorrow finally the day of one our best-planned events that we've ever had. We continue to improve our events as we go. If you've been here a while, you'll know that we first started streaming our events during the Halloween Run. Since then, we've had many amazing new activities. These activities range from hide & seek to caroling. We've been adding and testing new things as we continue these events. Not one event will be the same as another event, which is amazing! I love having these events because even I don't know what to expect. :D

Speaking of not knowing what to expect. I think a few of the amazing co-hosts of this event know how nervous I get the day and even a few minutes before an event. My main goal is to bring the community together for a fun event. I think I overwork on some event details to make everything perfect. Sometimes I need to remind myself that nothing is perfect. However, I never boast, but I am extremely proud of what our events have become. It's never been about numbers, so I am most proud that the events have brought many people together to make new friends or to just hang out with old friends! So our main goal for tomorrow will be to bring everyone together for some fun Wizard101 event fun. I want to thank all of you for your support, whether you're able to attend or not. Thank you! If you would like more information about our Holiday Mashup event, please click on the link below:

July 26, 2018

It's Time For Wizard101 2.0!

Hello Wizards!

Lately, I've been thinking about the new amazing graphics & music that Kingsisle has added to Wizard101. We know that the free areas of Wizard City have been updated with all of these new updates. But many of you are asking, what about the other worlds? I believe that they're already in the process of updating most (if not, all) of the worlds!

New Wizard City - A Shock To The Community

Nobody really knows what Kingsisle is up to! The new Wizard City update came to a complete surprise to everyone when they updated all of the graphics. When I first found out that they were planning on updating The Commons, I thought they'd add a few new items in there. I believe nearly everyone was surprised to see they updated all of the free areas. If you log into Wizard101 now and really look around, you may notice things you didn't even notice before. They're putting a lot of detail into everything and I say that's amazing! 

My Predictions Of The Future
Updated Graphics + Empyrea Part Two: The second part of Empyrea is set to be released later this year. Could Kingsisle be in the process of updating a majority of the worlds to release with Empyrea Part Two? This would mean we'd get to hear all of the new music as well. If Kingsisle wanted players to see any updated areas/worlds, that would be awesome! 

A Few Worlds At A Time: Kingsisle updated the graphics of Wizard City, but they've only updated the free areas of Wizard City. Could they be releasing a few areas/worlds at a time so they can work out all of the bugs? I could see them releasing a few worlds at a time. Possibly 2 for each main season. That would add up to 8 worlds by the end of next year if they plan on taking that route! It would take just over two years for them update all of the worlds. 

Only Updating Wizard City: Okay. I've added this section because there is no way they're only updating Wizard City! As I've said at the beginning of this post, I believe they're going to update most, if not, all of the Wizard101 worlds. The main reason I believe everything will be updated is that of a quote from Professor Falmea last December. The word "everything" sticks out to me! We also have a Classic Mode. Why would we only have that for one world? I guess we're gonna have to wait to see what happens. Kingsisle never fails to surprise me! No matter what happens, I wish Kingsisle the very best. Keep up the great work!

"Everything old will be new again." ~ Professor Falmea

July 25, 2018

My Life Is Now Complete!

Hello Wizards!

Happy five months until Christmas Day! Okay, I'm being silly, but we really do have five months until Christmas. I can't wait to see all of the Christmas lights, snow, and everything else that is amazing about the Holiday season. So today I wanted to announce to everyone that my life is now complete! Well, my life wizard that is!

The picture above really speaks for itself. I finally got the Spiral Staff (Commemoration) from the new Decaversary pack! Yesterday, Autumn Dreamwalker told me that she wanted me to log into the game to check my gifts. I'm usually reluctant to accept any gift (I mean I would and have given away my crowns before I spend them on myself). This time, I was so excited, gracious, and nervous! I opened the last pack that I was gifted and found that I got the staff that my wizard has been needing for nearly 9 years, the Spiral Staff!

I thank Autumn Dreamwalker for gifting me this amazing wand. I also want to thank Austin Stars for helping me out the first day the pack was released. These are memories I will not forget. It is a virtual item, but it really completes the purpose of my life wizard. I will keep this staff to always be part of my main look. Thank you again, Autumn, for gifting me those packs yesterday. It's always been Around the Spiral with Edward Lifegem - now you can just look at my life wizard and recognize this amazing website of memories. Thank you all for reading. Until next time, I'll see you around the spiral. 

Decaversary Pack (399 Crowns)