October 8, 2018

Sunken City, Halloween Dungeons, and Winterbane!

Hello Wizards!

I hope you had an amazing weekend. I'd say Saturdays are usually my favorite days, but this past Saturday was a very boring day. Yesterday (Sunday), was a lot of fun because I got to stream with Autumn and hang out with our friends. We did quite a bit for our stream yesterday - which ended up being just about two hours in length.

We usually stream on Sundays by doing different things. Yesterday we decided to play Wizard101 and finish our final quest in Wizard City - Sunken City. Most of you may know that we quest every Tuesday with an amazing group of friends (you're welcome to join with us) and we complete side quests when we're not main questing together. It was nice to complete this side quest. This was the very first time that I've completed all of the side quests in Wizard City!

Shortly after we decided to do one of the Halloween Dungeons. We picked up the Nosferabbit quest from Dworgyn in Nightside and made our way to the Haunted Cave. We met up with other amazing friends from the community and took a picture before we entered this dungeon. To my disbelief, this dungeon gave quite a bit of experience points (enough to level my wizard up). I definitely recommend this dungeon to the wizards currently questing through Wizard City or Krokotopia. It's always nice to have extra experience since it brings you that much closer to a spell you want to earn. This dungeon provided both experience points and fun! 

Jack Skullbreeze aka Jack Nightingale, invited us to go through his Winterbane Gauntlet after the Halloween dungeon. I'll be honest... This was the very first time I went through this Gauntlet. I know that many have already gone through this gauntlet because it's been around for years now. So I am happy to say we made more around the spiral history by completing this gauntlet. Overall, it was a lot of fun questing and interacting with everyone. Thank you for an amazing Sunday stream and we hope to see you all on Tuesday at our 5th week of Wizard101 Questing. We'll be starting Krokotopia. Until then, I'll leave you to watch our stream video from last night:

Watch Wizard101: Sunken City Run & Halloween Quests - Kelvin Realm from EdwardLifegem on www.twitch.tv

October 5, 2018

Wizard101 Teases Empyrea Part 2: Sky Ships

Hello Wizards!

Kingsisle released a sneak peek teaser to the community today of Empyrea Part 2. This teaser looks a lot like a Sky Ship. Sky Ships aka Pirate Ships can be found in Pirate101 sailing the skyways. Kingsisle has used ships in Wizard101 for dungeons and sometimes a mean of travel. It would be cool if our wizards could sail a ship for one of our EP2 quests... Maybe that would get more wizards to try out Pirate101. Anyway, here's a look at their new teaser!

Pirate101 Questing: Where We Ended Up (Week 3)

Ahoy Pirates!

I hope you're having an amazing week. Autumn & I have recently quest with our awesome group of friends. This was our third week of questing through Pirate101 with our new pirates. Let's talk a bit about what we did on our third week of questing!

On our second week of Pirate101 Questing, we left off on the quest "Sharks In The Water". This was the last quest from the Traitor's Cave. There were originally three different quests in this cave and we completed two of them. We were unable to complete the final quest in this area during our second week of questing, so we decided to finish it during our third week instead. The final Traitor's Cave quest was more of a collection of different quests. 

After we were done with these various dungeons, we made our way to Jonah Town. We didn't complete any main quests in this area since we decided to end the stream early. We did pick up a few side quests, that we will complete on our own. Overall, it was nice questing with everyone once again. I am looking forward to the next stream! Speaking of that... let's talk about where exactly we ended up and what you will need to do before our next stream!

Quest: "The Most Dangerous Catch"
Level: Levels 9-10
Your Task: Complete All Accessible Side Quests Using Quest Tracker

Pirate101 Questing Stream: Recap