October 15, 2019

Happy 7th Birthday, Pirate101!

Ahoy Pirates!

Did you know that today is Pirate101's official 7th Birthday? Seven years ago, Kingsisle officially released Pirate101 to the public. I remember logging into the game with my new pirate and watching all of the new pirates join in. It was crazy to see so many people logging in all at once! But before I get into screenshots. I thought I'd a share a few of my favorite memories of the game!

One of my favorite memories was being able to participate in Pirate101 Beta. I have to say that it was definitely the coolest experience I had involving video games. It was the first time that I got to test out a game before the official release. One thing is that I had to keep silent and couldn't share any screenshots or videos. Towards the end of August of 2012, I finally got to release a few of my screenshots from my first pirate - Edward (a Buccaneer). You'll see a video above of those screenshots! So overall, I'd say Pirate101 Beta was definitely one of my favorite moments! 

One other thing that I really love about Pirate101 was the events! I remember attending so many great events and even hosting one here and there! Pirate events have always been different since we had pirate ships. With those, we got to participate in NXP Events where we'd earn nautical experience all at once with tons of pirates. I know you may see us hosting Wizard events, but the pirate events were always the most fun to host. While I can't pick one certain event, I will say that every Pirate event was a blast to attend. 

Anyway, I'd love to wish Pirate101 a very Happy 7th Birthday! Lucky Number 7! I'm happy to see the game still going & being updated to this day. Pirate is definitely an underrated game. There's so much possibility. I hope that possibility is one day discovered. Until then, let's eat cake & celebrate that we still have the game! Thank you all so much for reading this random Birthday post. And thank you, Kingsisle, for continuing to update the game, even if it isn't as much as you'd like to update it. Keep up the great work... P.S. ADD Friend Chat Channels in the game! 

Wizard101: The Creepier Carnival Bundle

Hello Wizards!

I'm sure most of you have already heard, but Kingsisle has released a new bundle at Gamestop just in time for Halloween. This new bundle is somewhat an upgrade (entirely new items) to the previous Creepy Carnival Bundle. You can buy the "Creepier Carnival Bundle" at Gamestop for only $29! I was lucky to get my hands on one recently for my myth wizard, Edward Gem. I must say that he is enjoying the carriage! I already have plans to use that mount for my group questing adventures! Anyway, if you would like more information about this bundle, feel free to click on the link below and/or watch the video. Thanks, Kingsisle, for an awesome new bundle!

Buy The Creepier Carnival Bundle

October 10, 2019

A Look Into The Future

Hello Wizards!

I hope you're having a wonderful week. Today I wanted to talk a little bit about something that I wasn't so sure of a few weeks ago - the future of the events. Many of you have asked me if we were going to have a Halloween Run this year, and I regret to tell you that will not have one this year. We are, however, going to have something else later this year!

That's right! There will be a Santa Run this year. Something special about this year is that it's going to be our 5th Annual Santa Run. That means we've had a Santa Run for five Decembers in a row! It's so cool that these have gone on for so long. It is tough to have them, especially when people go. But one thing I need to keep in mind is that most of you that attend our events today have never attended. So you, like many others in the past, will get to experience community togetherness!

Nearly seven years ago, I thought it would be cool to host some sort of Santa Run in the commons. So I made a blog post, tweeted it out, and when the time came, several friends in the community showed up. We had fun only running around the commons. There were no pre-activities, no afterparty, no stream. It was just a moment for friends to hang out. I have a few key events like that, that truly are my favorites. I hope we reach many new friends that feel the same way about the community in our upcoming events. I'm going to consider this as a relaunch/reboot of the events. Especially since I'd like to change things up for next year's events. 

Nothing will ever be perfect, but I am hoping to do bring positivity to the community next year through various projects that I'll be working on. On top of that, we'll also host events (some new, some classic). But as we host new events, I ask all of you to spread the word about our events when we announce the dates! It would be fun to get the word out to like-minded peeps in the community. And if you've been with us since the beginning - thank you so much for your support. I know there are a few of you that have been with us for years. You have no idea how much that means to us that you still support our efforts. Anyway, I think that's all I have for today. I have a busy day, so I should really get started on some stuff in real life. Thank you for reading and I hope to see you at our 5th Annual Santa Run in December. More information about this event will be announced in late next month or early December! Until next time, I'll see you around the spiral.