December 16, 2019

Wizard101 Group Questing Returns In 2020!

Hello Wizards!

It's been a while since I've made a Wizard101 blog post! The last time I made a post (outside of events) was in early October. Today, I wanted to talk about something that you may have already heard about - Wizard101 Group Questing!

We started group questing in September of 2018. Since then we've leveled up nearly 80 times together. We've quested all the way from Wizard City to Mid-Avalon. On Monday, January 6th, 2020, we'll continue our group questing adventures! I would like to invite all of you to join us as we quest through each Monday next year through the game. 

We've made a lot of progress since the first of the year (even with many breaks). But I hope to quest a lot more next year with fewer breaks. If you are interested in joining us on our group questing adventures through Avalon, do save the date & time below! In the meantime, I hope all of you have a very Merry Christmas & wonderful Holiday Season! Thanks to everyone that joined us this year. 2020 Vision! 

530pm Central / 630pm Eastern
Quest: "Dread Of Knight" - The Wild

25 Days of Christmas - Day 16 - Happy Xmas (War Is Over)

Hi there!

Today's the 16th Day of December which means it's time for the 16th song of the month! By the way, Christmas is approaching so quickly that I can't even believe it. Today should be December 1st! Okay, I wish it was December 1st. But since it isn't, here is the 16th song of the month - "Happy Xmas (War Is Over)" by John Lennon!

December 15, 2019

25 Days of Christmas - Day 15 - Let It Snow

Hi there!

Today's the 15th Day of December which means it's time for the 15th Christmas Song (by the way we're only 10 days away from Christmas - ahhh!). It's been snowing here a lot today, so I thought the appropriate song to share today is "Let It Snow" by Dean Martin! Enjoy! And a major thank you to everyone that attended yesterday's Santa Run. Look for the Recap Post tomorrow (December 16th). :D