April 14, 2020

A Massive Comeback

Hello Wizards!

I hope you're having a wonderful start of the week. Over the past few weeks, I've been getting more involved in blogging and many other community-related things. It's almost as if Around The Spiral is making a major comeback. I mean, technically, it kinda is. So it's best for you to keep an eye out on this website and social media for all of my awesome plans for the community. Speaking of plans, let me first give you an update on our group questing group.

As of late, the SpiralVision group questing group has made it at least halfway through Azteca. We're continuing to make our way through this world while also making it a fun streaming experience for everyone. This is still one of my favorite things to do with friends in the community, and I'm proud to announce that it will continue for a long time. If any of you are interested in joining us, we stream every Sunday @ 530pm Central / 630pm Eastern on www.twitch.tv/spiralvision. Everyone is always welcome to attend. 

On top of group questing, the events and more blog posts are also coming! I hope you're ready for a new community experience. My goal has been and always will be to bring the community together. I truly appreciate everything y'all have done for me since 2009 and want to continue to show that appreciation by doing things that I believe will help the community. All that want to participate are more than welcome to participate in a true community experience. An old community experience.

A lot has certainly changed since I joined the community, but I want to come back with a fresh, non-dramatic, non-toxic, start to show today's community what the community was like when I joined. Now, there's no way I can be exactly like the old community leaders, but I can certainly give everyone the option to support a community that I believe represents all people in the community, not just certain select groups of people. With that, prepare for a major comeback of Around The Spiral. I'll have new blog posts, events, streams, and much more. Also, be sure to follow my official social media pages as well for special event, contest, and stream announcements!

You won't want to miss what's coming to this website. I had time to reflect on my past mistakes and don't plan on repeating them. I'll be using the rest of my time here in the community to make it the best place to be for everyone. That means I will not include myself in any toxicity or drama that is usually a reoccurrence in a small part of the community (which no longer exists to me after the publishing of this post - will never reply to it again). After all, there are better things to focus our energy on. I've planned a lot of great blog posts over the past year and I plan to make every single one of them and more. I'm no longer being held back with self-doubt. Keep in mind, you are the reason that this website, the events, and everything else, is here. I appreciate all of you and I'm thankful for all of you. I've done this for 10 years. I'll continue doing so to help be a small part of building a more inclusive community. So, let's get to it. 

April 12, 2020

Happy Easter, Everyone!

Hi there!

Can you believe it's already Easter?! The past few months have flown by. I still can't believe that it's Easter, let alone, Mid-April. Today, I'm celebrating a few things. First of all, I'm celebrating the resurrection of our Lord & Savior, Jesus Christ. I am also celebrating friends and family. (Just adding this note - I hope you enjoy the continuous loop of the Bunnicorn aka Autumn Dreamwalker running).

Today always reminds me of how thankful I am. I'm very thankful for my friends and family. It's also a reminder of how much I appreciate my life - though everything is not perfect, I'm still thankful for the great moments that I have. Remember to hang out with your family, even if it's just today (though, it should be a lot more than just today). But remember not to hang out with too large of a crowd. With that, have a very Happy Easter, everyone.

April 6, 2020

Does Kingsisle Favoritism Exist?

Hi there!

Welcome to another blog post! Today, I thought I'd make another blog post about something that has been on my mind, not only over the past few weeks but over the past year. Kingsisle Favoritism. Today, I thought I'd make a post full of my opinions on why it doesn't exist. I was guilty last year of saying it did, but today, I'll be making a blog post to prove 2019 Edward wrong.

So, let's talk about what I said last year. During a rough time, I made various comments about Kingsisle favoritism for certain members of this community. I truly believed, at the time, that Kingsisle, as a company, only accepted feedback & supported a select few members of the community. But, like I said above, I am here to prove myself wrong. So here are a few bullet points as to why I believe I was wrong. Let's get started, shall we?

Game Spoilers - From A Select Few To A Select Many
In 2009/2010, Kingsisle only shared game spoilers on their official pages and every now and then would allow Official Wizard101 Fansites to share spoilers on their websites. While there were YouTubers that shared their game experience and content creation, not one - no matter how well known they were - got the opportunity to share upcoming game content. Today, YouTubers - no matter how well known they are - have been allowed to share awesome upcoming content with the community. Even some who are on record of criticizing the game the more than most, have been allowed to share game spoilers. In terms of game spoilers, it's quite awesome that Kingsisle is widening the opportunity for everyone to have a chance to share their awesome creations.

Contests - Content Creator Support
As of late, trusted content creators have become quite lucky to receive codes from Kingsisle to giveaway to their communities. Just a few years ago, Official Fansites were only allowed to receive codes. Sometimes, certainly not many times, YouTubers were able to host a giveaway from Kingsisle. It's quite nice that Kingsisle gives every content creator a chance to give away a little something to the community. I'm no longer an official fansite, but they've even helped me out on contests as well - even after all of the chaos of 2019. More people have been included to give so many awesome things away, so I give a special THANK YOU to Kingsisle for all of the codes they create for many content creators here in the community.

Feedback - A Few Official Channels to Interaction With The Devs
One last bullet point I really wanted to include in this blog post is about feedback for the game. Since 2009, there has been an improvement that I never thought I would see. I remember thinking how amazing it would be to talk to a Kingsisle employee on Twitter or the game. Now, the devs join in our Twitch Channels, our events, our channels, ask us what we want in the game, etc. This is the great atomic bomb to my comments last year. Kingsisle has improved its relationship with their fanbase, unlike most game companies, do. Before and After this pandemic, Kingsisle employees joined in on the conversation with the community while at home. They could have spent their time elsewhere, but they're still here dealing with dramatic people. The interaction is massive with anyone and everyone - content creator or not. So with that, I want to give a MAJOR thank you to Kingsisle for their hard work. The majority of your fanbase appreciates what you do for us and we hope your company continues to thrive. So to answer the question. Yes, it does. They favor all of us. (Had to edit the post to include that - hehe).