November 17, 2020

A Transition To Happiness

 Hey there,

I hope all of you are doing well. I took a massive break from social media for a week and a half. While that may not seem like long - it was the longest break I've had in almost 10 years. I gotta say, I'm addicted. Something led to this much-needed break, though. 

I said it a few months ago, but I have been mentally unwell. I've had people use this to their advantage to make me a bad guy, even though I don't want to be a bad guy. However, many that I've had disagreements in the past have reached out to show their support. I truly appreciate that. With that, I want to say no matter how old you are, it's okay to be vulnerable, especially during a year like this. One thing I've done is continue to push forward despite the mistakes I've made. 

I'm done with people using my mental illness as a way to build themselves up. I've recently started a new medicine and I'm starting to feel more like myself again. I will continue working on myself. And I might have a Santa Run this year - but I'm going to mostly focus on my happiness. That means hanging around people I truly care about. I don't agree with 99% of the community. But I will always be here for people who need someone. I do hope you will be here for me during this crazy time. 

Now, I'm going to continue working on myself. And just letting everyone know, mentally, when it comes to life, I'm A-Okay! I love life... I mean, I'm a life wizard, after all. ;) My next step is to remove toxicity from my life. There are people in the community that uses people for their own advantage. I've seen it happen to numerous people in the community. I'm here to say, I'm no longer going to be used. Those days are officially over. It's time to start my transition to true happiness. The community made me happy at one point, and I believe it will again. 

I certainly have said I wanted to quit numerous times, but I come back. I don't want to be a "community leader". I want to be accepted as an individual in a place I was once accepted. Individuality isn't as popular as it once was. We need to change that. There needs to be one area in this crazy world where people can come to feel better. A place people can get away from politics, religion, etc. I'm no longer mentioning any of it ever again because we know what that got me into over the years - being judged by my cover. I'm going to continue working on my mental health, but in time, we, not I, will change the community for the better. 

September 12, 2020

Moving The Mirror For Positive Change

 Hello Wizards!

Long time no talk! I hope all of you have been staying healthy & safe during these past crazy few months. Today, I wanted to talk with the community about something that has been on my mind for quite some time - individuality.

Over the past several years, individuality has been looked down upon by a large portion of the community, and frankly, the world. The only way to be accepted by these types of people is if you put a mirror in front of them and talk about what they believe in. You may not move the mirror or talk as an individual. Overall, you have to be them, not yourself, to fit into this mirror world.

As many of you know, I've hosted in-game events with a group of amazing friends. We didn't share common political or religious beliefs. We did, however, share one common belief - bringing the community together. That one belief paved the road for years of in-game events for the community. These events didn't work out for the majority, but it did work out for everyone that shared this same common goal. All of the awesome people that attended our in-game events had numerous beliefs - but we all wanted to hang out in the game as friends. As a Community of people. All Unique.

As an individual, I have my own beliefs, that are clearly not popular among many in the community. But, I'm not here to be popular. As I've stated, my goal is to bring the community together. It took years, but it's nice to see that SpiralVision was no failure of bringing people who have different beliefs together for years. We're one of the most diverse groups of thinkers and people in this community. This is the type of diversity that will succeed both here and in the world. Let's move the mirror. Let's accept individuality. Let's change this community.

July 19, 2020

It's Scary - 10 Years Later

Hello Wizards!

I hope all of you are having an amazing weekend. Today, I thought I'd talk about something that has been on my mind for quite some time - a massive burnout. Well, a massive blogging burnout, at least. 

Over the past several years, I've seen bloggers that once were quite active in the community, disappear into their real life, one at a time. There are people I thought would be here longer than me that have already left the community. I'm not like many that move forward right away. I see the good things that people do to make this community inclusive and when they leave, it actually makes me sad.

For a while now, I've had blogger burnout. It's not because I don't like blogging, but it's because guides are not my thing. Interaction is - as you could tell from the events, streams, and now, Spiral News. There are times I want to make a blog post, and I know y'all still read my blog - thank you for that - but I don't feel like I did before. I don't know if it's because I've been blogging half or possibly 75% of the time many of you've been alive. 😂

Overall, I don't know where this blog will go in the future. But I do know that I'll do my best to continue trying my best to bring the community together - no matter the platform. Thank you all for giving me the change to do that over the past 10 years. And yes, I know this was a very random blog post. Thank you for reading! Until next time, I'll see you around the spiral.