November 20, 2012

500th Post Contest Winners!

I will send an email to the first winner Cody with the choice of his card and then the second winner Aaron with the remaining card! Thank you everyone for entering :) I can't wait to have more great contests in the future. I still have the Admiral Bundle contest running until tonight. Good luck!

November 19, 2012

Contests Update

Hello there!

This week will be a busy week for me, I do have time to tell you a few things that I will be doing on here though.. There's two contests going on, one is the Admiral Bundle Contest and the other the recent contest the 500th post contest. Here's a few details about both of these contests:

2 Admiral Bundles Contest

- This contest will end tomorrow night at Midnight Central Standard Time
- You have to design a ship and send an email to
- Make sure you include as much detail about your ship as possible
- Click the picture to access more information about this contest!

500th Post Contest

- This ends tonight at Midnight Central Standard Time
- $10 Wizard and $10 Pirate101 cards are for the winners
- You have to follow Pirate101 or comment on the 500th post.
-Click the picture to access more information about this contest!

This week I won't be on that much and will only have time to announce the winners. I hope all of you have a great Thanksgiving and if you don't celebrate it, a great week! I will see you again with a new post tomorrow and again on Wednesday! 

November 15, 2012

Our 500th Post!

Around the Spiral with Edward Lifegem

I'm surprised we made it to 500 posts! I really can't believe that its been more than two years and 500 posts later and I'm still wanting to blog another 500-1000 for all of you :) So many great things have happened on this blog, Wizard101 and Pirate101 since I started this blog. Here's a year by year schedule of all of the things I loved since I started blogging :)


I started blogging in 2010, and most of my posts were about Celestia (Wizard101) that would be released soon and I was very excited about that. Most of my posts that year were about Celestia, new pets and my first parties on Wizard101. I would love to go back and do it all over again :) 


2011 was a huge year, it was my first whole year of blogging and I've had some downs during that blogging period but I've had a lot of ups too! I hosted my first contest thanks to Autumn Dreamwalker, I started blogging again right after my hiatus from blogging and made 270+ posts that entire year. This isn't my favorite year of blogging though... look at 2012..


Like it says, this is my favorite year of blogging so far! I've had so many accomplishments thanks to all of you, this blog reached 100 followers, then 150 and then 200 followers in one year! All three of these were huge goals. Another goal was accomplished that I didn't mention, to have fun with you all. This year has been a fun year full of excitement :) Oh and lets not forget to mention becoming an official Pirate101 blog, I owe a huge thanks to Friendly Necromancer and the community management team and all of you. I wouldn't have submitted this site if it wasn't for you :) This site will remain a FANsite :) One more thing... Contests. Wow, I've had a lot more contests this year than any other year! I have a end of the year contest going on, an Admiral contest, a 500th post contest.... SURPRISE! This is for you, thank you so much for all of the great years of blogging and here's to more years of blogging!