April 6, 2014

Wizard101 Character Update: Edward Lifegem

Hello Wizards!

If you haven't read by now, my life wizard Edward Lifegem made it to Azteca! Lately I've been questing him through Azteca to see if it would be easy to solo through the world on a life wizard. I don't think it's that bad soloing through this world but I do need help a few times because of a dungeons/bosses I can't defeat alone. I've noticed I've had a lot of trouble defeating myth and ice enemies. I've had trouble defeating myth enemies because of their earthquakes that get rid of all of my blades so I put feints in my deck instead. Ice enemies are also difficult because of their tower shields but I always do find a way to defeat them. It takes longer to defeat those two schools but I always finish! :)

Yesterday I knew I would have trouble defeating a myth boss and his fire minion alone so I decided to side quest since to put it off until I could defeat Ponce De Gibbon. As you know, he does cheat on the game so I knew I wouldn't be able to defeat him at all. After side questing through a few quests Brandon Owlsword ask me if I needed help on any of quests and I ask him if he could help me on the Ponce De Gibbon quest. He was nice enough to help me through this quest that I would be stuck on until I finished every side quest on the game past and future! :P Thank you so much Brandon, you have no idea how much this meant that you helped me through this quest. I do feel bad for him, he went first and Ponce kept on attacking him (see image above). He's an awesome balance wizard, thank you again! :) There are bosses that I know I'll be able to fight even though I know it'll take awhile to defeat them. I'm just happy to announce that leveling on my life wizard isn't as bad as I thought it would be soloing and it is okay to ask and accept help. Thank you for reading, I'll update you again on how I'm doing in Azteca when I can. Level 85 on my life wizard so far!! I'll see you around the spiral. :)

April 5, 2014

Pirate101 Easter Pet Hunt!

Ahoy Pirates,

I'm sure by now you know what I'm going to blog about today.. :D A few days ago, One-Eyed Jack made a bunch of codes to giveaway on my blog. Thank you One-Eyed Jack for all of the hard work you do for the community. :) I have codes to giveaway but for this contest I want everyone to have the same chance to win the codes I will be hiding. I will be hiding a pet on my blog everyday with a code right below the pet I attach to my blog posts. If you find this pet, this means you will win a code! I'm not going to giveaway all of the codes this but I will be hiding a pet everyday on my blog each time I make a blog post on that exact post with a code directly below the pet. I will announce more contests I plan on having another day. Keep reading for more information!

  • Hiding Pets On Pirate101 Blog Posts: I will be hiding different pets (like the ones attached below) on each Pirate101 blog post I make and publish STARTING TODAY and ENDING Tuesday April 15th, 2014! This means each time I publish a Pirate101 blog post, you should expect a random code I plan on giving away below the pet attached to the post. I will let everyone know when the codes that I giveaway have been redeemed by typing below the code that the code has been redeemed.
  • Type Of Codes I'm Giving Away: I plan on giving away quite a few different codes including: Codes for Hoodoo Cornelius Companion from the Hoodoo Bundle, Witchdoctor's Lab from the Hoodoo Bundle, Springtime Pets, and 1.5k crowns! I plan on making it surprise for all of you so you won't know exactly what I'm giving away to you, you'll have to redeem the code to find out!
  • Follow My Social Sites: If you want to know what time I'm going to give away the codes, follow & like my social sites. I usually post on there what time I have published a new post. Please make sure you are over the age of 13 before following them. They are friendly but I want to make sure you have permission and are older than 13. Click HERE to like my Facebook Page and HERE to like my Twitter Page. If you have any questions about this contest, please comment below (and look below the pets because I've published a random code.

Code: 3656D5L9T533H5M8Q592

- Keep in mind that just because I publish these pets doesn't mean you won one. It means you won a code. Good luck everyone and don't forget to check each and every new Pirate101 blog post I make until the 15th of April. :D Remember if you have any questions, please comment below and I will answer them! :) 

April 4, 2014

Meow, Meow, Meow!

Ahoy Pirates!

It's been about a week since I last leveled through my main quests on my swashbuckler, Edward Cringle. I think I've been putting him off because of all of the news that keeps happening and I love blogging about it so all of you can see what will happen in the spiral soon! Yesterday there wasn't much happening for Pirate101 so I decided to start leveling my swashbuckler on his main quest again. :D Yesterday I had to talk to a lot of people and most of the post is about different people to find out where the missing shipment was. I still had a lot of fun questing again on my swashbuckler. :)

The last time I quest on my swashbuckler I had to help Gilbert and Sullivan find a lost shipment and in return they would help me find out where Mustang Sally is. I had to locate Mr. Rockstraw to find out what happened to their shipment and he said the shipment was stolen. Yesterday, Sullivan told me that they need the shipment because their associates were waiting for it. Sullivan told me he wanted me to deliver a note to Captain Corcoran to let him know there was a delay in the shipment. On my way to Captain Corcoran, I ran into Blind Mew. Blind Mew told me he heard noises by the storm drain (the one where I talk to Mr. Rockstraw) and he heard wooden crates being carried away from the drain. Blind Mew heard the main guy talk with a Valencian accent and Blind Mew said it sounded like horseshoes when he walked around. That means we have to look for a unicorn that stole the contraband. After I talk to Blind Mew, I went on and talk to Captain Corcoran to tell him about the shipment delay. Captain Corcoran knew that the unicorn that stole the contraband was a unicorn named Iago. Corcoran went on and said I needed to talk to Bill Bobstay in Scrimshaw to find out if he could tell me where I could find Nick Deadeye since he knows Iago. I know.. I'm telling you everything that happened so the story/quest makes a little more sense. :) Anyways, after sailing to Scrimshaw Bill told me I could find Nick Deadeye on the Scrimshaw Island. 

I had to battle Nick Deadeye since he was protecting Iago but after I defeated him he told me where to find Iago with all of the contraband. Nick told me that I could find Iago in a vortex in Port Regal called The Maelstrom of Malice. Once I found him I had to battle him as well and it wasn't hard to find him at all. I think questing yesterday was the easiest quests I've done on the game so far! I was worried this post wouldn't make sense since I really didn't do much other than talk to a lot of not so much people. :P After I collected the shipment, I traveled back to Sullivan and gave him the shipment. After I gave him the shipment I collected from Iago, he told me that he talk to Mustang Sally a few weeks before and that Sally was in Port Regal to free a prisoner from Fort Elena but she was captured and she's a prisoner now. Sullivan then said she was working with a pirate named, Catbeard (Meow, Meow, Meow). That's where I stop questing yesterday since I was busy afterwards. I can't wait to talk to Catbeard, he's actually a friend of mine. :) Until next time, I'll see you around the spiral!

Farming Event Code: