June 16, 2011

Question: #1


Well I got this question from Facebook! This is my first question so enjoy!

How do I get the header of my blog be in the center?
~Autumn Dreamwalker

Well, to answer your question. When you choose your header before you choose a photo, don't forget to look at the options before you choose a file to put as your header. There is an option called "Shrink to fit" this will make your photo fit your blog, I had this issue before with my blog- I think most do remember the Forest lord photo taking up 99% of my blog! Kidding! Anyways, make sure you click that before you choose a file for your header. Good luck!

~ Edward Lifegem


Anonymous said...

Thank you Edward Lifegem!

Fin and Quinn said...

lol that was hilarious :p

(the forest lord I mean)
