August 13, 2011

Spiral Live Starts Today!

Hello Wizards,

Now, the title explains it all, Spiral Live will start today. I can't wait until it does start I will be listening in tonight to listen to their first episode. I wonder how much people will attend tonight for their first episode? I hope a lot do! Anyways, I made a post about Spiral Live not too long ago explaining what Spiral Live is and some more information about it. I decided to make another post to do the same thing today. Anyways, some may know that Spiral Live is a new podcast that Blaze Shadowhorn, Amber Rosepetal, and Nicholas Lionrider is hosting. I can't wait to listen in. I hope you guys are ready! I bet a lot will join. Today I told a friend on Facebook that if I was hosting a podcast like that, I would be very nervous, and I am sure you would hear me dropping things and everything! Anyways, good luck on not doing that tonight guys, and I hope I didn't cause you any bad luck saying that. Here is some more information about Spiral Live.

Spiral Live: 
The first Episode will air today, August 13, 2011.
The times of the episode are:
8:30 EST- Eastern Time Zone
7:30 CST- Central Time Zone
5:30 PST- Pacific Time Zone
6:30 MDT- Mountain Time Zone

A couple of links I would like to you to go to are the Spiral Live site:!listen-live

The Spiral Live Livestream:

Last but not least, the Spiral Live Facebook Event Page:

Count me as a supporter of Spiral Live, because I am sure it will be awesome. I might even put up a Spiral Live Page tab on my blog soon. Oh and, if you guys want to send questions to them, you can send it to, Good luck again guys!

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