November 10, 2012

Beautiful Mooshu Scenery

Ahoy Pirates!

Today I lost connection on Pirate101, and you wouldn't believe the pictures I had a chance to take! I couldn't believe that even if I lost connection I had a chance to take these beautiful pictures. If you would like to you can take these pictures as your own, enjoy! :)

Beautiful Sunset

Look at that view!

If you lose connection on the game, don't get too mad because you may get to take pictures like the pictures above! See you around the Spiral :)

~ Edward Lifegem 


Autumn DreamWalker said...

So so beautiful! Awesome Pictures! :) Thanks for sharing them with us :)

ThatFrostweaver said...


Aedan Morgan/Aaron Starheart said...

KingsIsle definitely did a great job in designing this world, Love the scenery