March 27, 2013

Edward VS. The Summer Palace

Ahoy Pirates!

I started questing Edward Cringle again this week, I'm sorry for the lack of posts. I've been having too much fun with the Pet Hunt :) I'm back and blogging again though about my questing adventures with Edward Cringle. As you see in the Title I had to go to a dungeon called The Summer Palace! I know this dungeon from bad experience on my other characters. There's no way I'll no longer think that because I leveled right through there, I was very surprised that I made it through there. I wasn't defeated once!

I had to defeat ships before, I finally made it to the drains of the Summer Palace!

These crabs have no chance of surviving. Yes my companion was promoted!

We made it out of the drains, you know these monkeys won't make it.

I've never called your kind short, have I?

We all know how this ended!

I didn't want to blog too much about defeating the boss, he's very rude and doesn't deserve that much attention. Anyways lol.. I'm very glad I made it through this dungeon without dying. I'm hoping there won't be anymore dungeons, I have a feeling there will be a few more dungeons in this world. Wish me luck! If you're wondering what next posts will be about, here's the picture of a hint what I'm going to do next!