August 1, 2013

Arrrgust Pirate101 Raffle!

Ahoy Pirates!

One Eyed Jack gave me so many great codes to giveaway and I have no idea what to do with them... No actually... I do, Give them away! I decided to have a raffle instead of the original contest since this is going to be a pretty great contest and everyone has a chance to win! Read more for details on the raffle and see the raffle itself below the details!

What prizes can you win?

1st Pirate who wins the raffle- 
(One) Random Class House, Pack O Porters, 10k crowns

2nd-4th Pirates who win the raffle-
(Three) Pack O Porters + 5,000 Crowns

5th-19th Pirates who win the raffle-
(Fifteen) 2,500 Crowns!

More Information:

The Witchdoctor house above is not a guarantee, you can get one of the class houses if you're the first pirate that wins on the raffle. You can use the transporters to get to your other houses a lot faster without waiting for it to load. If you get a Pack O Porters, you'll get 6 of them to use plus the 5,000 crowns. If you don't win any of the prizes above, fifteen of you have a chance to win 2,500 crowns. Good luck to all of you and please redeem your codes if you win so they don't expire! If you win a the contest I'll email you. Expect an email from Contest ends August 15th 2013, Update: I will announce the winners of the Raffle tomorrow morning around 5-7:00 A.M. CST. I will email all of the winners through the email they entered with so make sure to check this post tomorrow morning for the winners and emails if you won!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Anonymous said...

Swashie house :3

Elizabeth GoldenThistle said...

I like the Privateer house!

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Thank you so much for this raffle! I LOVE The Priv. House!

Anonymous said...

the witchdoctor's house is definitly the coolest of all the houses, well in my personnal opinion! thanks for this contest :)

Chris DragonBlade said...

WitchDoctor House is my favorite because I am a WitchDoctor and it really appeals to me but is very spooky o_o I also like the swashbuckler house :)

tabitha said...

witchdoctor's house

Swordroll said...

I don't know why everyone likes the Swash house so much - too spread out with a tiny interior! My favorite is the Buccaneer house. It's all about the atmosphere - it's great!

Unknown said...

Me Favorite house is Swashbuckler House!!!

Unknown said...

Of course the Swashbuckler House! I've been a swashbuckler for a very long time! I enjoy all the talents and especially the teacher! Sneaky is my thing :)

Unknown said...

Swashbuckler, of course! Swashes rule!

Unknown said...

My favorite is and always will be the Witchdoctor House.

Unknown said...

WitchDoctor House even though i'm not that class lol

Paige Dreamcloud said...

Witchdoctor looks pretty cool to me :)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I love the Privateer house. Its all-around a great house!


Anonymous said...

(: HIYA!!!!

Anonymous said...

I like the witchdoctor's home

Jackshadowrider said...

Swashbuckler house

tatiana shadowflame said...

The privateer house is my fav :)

David1822 said...

My favorite is the Witchdoctor house. :)

Unknown said...

Swashbuckler House!

Swashbuckler FTW! c:

Unknown said...

i hope i win i just started p101 and i want a fresh start

Evan Silver said...

My favorite is the Rake's Lagoon. :)

SorceressMiklai said...

I can't help but love the colors (Purple & Green are my fave colors other than turquoise) and the ambiance of the Witchdoctor's Haunted Grotto. I thought the feathered decorations were so effervescent and the theme was just absolutely perfect for this class.

Oy, ED! Why you gotta make me pick just ONE!!! You know I can't cause I'm an equal-opportunity pirate :P So you can go with my WD one as my MOSTEST favorite but I still love them all & can't wait to decorate them.

Entire villas, Secret passageways, Interactive shooting & training games, the outside environment effects, the colors, but also because they ALL are sooo EPICALLY HUGE!!


Unknown said...

Love the swash house! So exotic and fancy at the same time. :)

Ernis said...

My favourite house is the Swashbuckler house. :D

Unknown said...

Witchdoctor house is by far my favorite :)

Unknown said...

i like witchdoctor!

Unknown said...

The privateer is my favorite house :) because that is my favorite pirate :D

Unknown said...

My favorite class house is buccaneer because it is look like Marleybone or Valenica place!

Dapurenergy said...

out of the house I have seen my favorite is the buccaneer's house the squid is just a lot of fun.

Unknown said...

I Like witchdoctor becuase its more mysterious

Anonymous said...

My favourite is the Witchdoctor house! :)

Unknown said...

Priavteer is probably my favorite :)

Duncan StormThief said...

Witchdoctors house definitively! :)

H.J. Hawkins said...

I wanna win, I wanna win!!! Nice blog and great contests. Good luck to all the tributes...err...contestants.

jewelshadowcast said...

I have shwashbuckler house, but would love to have witchdoc one too :D

Unknown said...

My fav. house would definitely be the Privateer House =)

Unknown said...

My favouriter is Privateer!

AlexisGem said...

Swashbuckler house :)

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

I love the haunted grotto.

Unknown said...

I'm a Buccaneer and so Buccos house is my FAVORITE!

Unknown said...

Swashbuckler House all the way!:D

Unknown said...

The Buccanneer House

Hippos'R'us said...

Swashbucker!!! You know it! ;)

Unknown said...

Swashbuckler for life

Unknown said...

Any house I would like. Swashbuckler of course, is best! But I am not picky!

Unknown said...

I like the Swashbuckler house

Zigg said...

I love the Witch Doctor house even though I am a Musketeer...

Unknown said...

Swashbuckler is pretty sweet!

Cameron RedGem said...

Swashbuckler house

Kyle TrollStone said...

Swashbuckler for the house

Cameron RedGem said...

My favorite house out of the new P101 Class Houses is Swashbuckler.

Unknown said...

I like the privateer house.

Unknown said...

Personally Im a swashbuckler but I honestly think the witchdoctor's lair is pretty epic ;D

Unknown said...

I like the Swashbuckler class house.

tigra101 said...

I think the Whichdoctor's lair is the best :)

Caleb said...


Cole Crow said...

My absolute favorite class house is the Privateer's. It just fits the admiral theme perfectly. Plus, there are THREE HOUSES inside the house; how can that not be epic?!

Besides, I'm a Privateer. So I'm biased.

Unknown said...


Karyn said...

I haven't seen any of the houses... but I'm a witchdoctor so I guess I'd wand that one.

Unknown said...

Privateer House!

Unknown said...

I like the Witchdoctor house

Anonymous said...

I like the Privateer house because of it's underground tunnels and intractable Privateer fountain. I'ma Witchdoctor and my friend talked me into buying it. honesty I thought it would be be not as great as everybody said it would be, but now I know not to relay on roamers and to not judge a book by it's cover. Now i see the error of my ways and I hope other people will see it too. :D

Mason S. said...

Swash for sure :D

Unknown said...

defenetly the witchdoctor house it is the best house on pirate101

Unknown said...

muskateer house bad spelling but whatever

Unknown said...

I like the swashbuckler house. :)

DeusExInvicte said...

Definitely the swashbuckler's house. The only class to play. ;)

PhilipC said...

Probably either the Witchdoctor or Swashbuckler house.

TugaPirate said...

My favorite house gotta be the Buccaneer one, but maybe, that's because I'm a buccaneer, hmmm...

Unknown said...

i really have no idea because they don't offer preview

Unknown said...

My favourite is probably the swashbuckler's house :) i've seen it, my bro got it (he chose it just because hes a swashy himself XD) and it looks really awesome :)