January 2, 2014

Rest In Peace, Allan Ghostdust

I would like to tell the family of Allan Ghostdust that I'm very sorry for your loss. I am praying for you and I know God will help you through this tough time. I'm really speechless about this, no, I'm shocked. I am so sorry for your loss and I know I didn't know Allan well but I know he was a good person and I wish I could have met him in game. I want the family of Allan to know that the community cares about you and we are keeping you in our thoughts/ praying for you. I would also like to thank Kingsisle for making Allan's wish come true! You've made a huge wish of his come true and I'm sure he was happy you did. I love that Kingsisle cares and they even put his character in game and let him choose which dialog for Allan Ghostdust to have in the game. Allan, we will miss you. RIP! 

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