April 7, 2014

My Wizard101 Memories!

Hello Wizards,

I've been thinking about how much I've changed since creating my first wizard on July 4th, 2009. I can't believe how much I've change since 2009. I still can't believe soon I can finally tell everyone I've been playing Wizard101 for five years. I don't know how much hours I've played on Wizard101 but I know I've enjoyed every single hour I've been on the game. Don't worry, this isn't my last post and I'm not quitting the game, I just like thinking about how much the game has change and how much it's change me.

As you know, I've been playing the game since 2009 and I've been through a lot of test realms and events. I remember when Wizard101 had a contest on the test realm where everyone could redeem a code to win a prize for the live realm. I also remember my first test realm with mounts.. Wow, mounts have change the game so much. I'm happy Kingsisle added mounts because if we didn't have them, we'd have to run around on our feet. Wait what? Run around without mounts?! Yes there was a time where we had to do that :P The first time I logged onto the test realm, we had well over 100,000 crowns (could have been 200,000) to spend on mounts and I remember going to Olde Town and racing our mounts with other wizards. The first mounts to be released was horses, lions, brooms and dragons. Everyone on the test realm had a mount and we all enjoyed racing them around. :) No, I didn't win the race, but I still had fun. :D I met tons of new friends in 2009 and I'm glad to say now that even though I don't get to talk to them, they are and will still be my first best friends on Wizard101. *see image above* :)

After all of the test realms in 2009 I met the community in 2010. I know many of you know that Mary and I created our blogs Pie Loving Necromancer and well... Wizard101... I know, I know, strange name but I didn't know what to name my blog! :P The Friendly Necromancer really inspired me to blog because he made blogging seem like so much fun and I thought it would be nice to create my blog to let everyone know how I was doing on the game and what's happening in the spiral. That's where my idea of Around the Spiral with Edward Lifegem started. I created my life wizard in 2010 and I thought it would be a great idea to call my blog Around the Spiral with Edward Lifegem after another name switch (wizard101->the life of a wizard or something like that->around the spiral with edward lifegem). Another wonderful memory I remember is going to Diary of a Wizard's Ravenwood Ball & Birthday Bash. I went to the first one and I didn't know anyone other than Mary. I was shy, but I still felt like this was the community that I would love to be friends with. During the 2nd Ravenwood Ball (see above), I met a lot of wizards since the first one and I was good friends with everyone. The 3rd one in 2012 was also awesome, I miss Fallon, Diary of a Wizard and events like these. In 2013 there wasn't a Ravenwood Ball which was crazy because I was hoping there would be one every year. It's okay that sometimes things don't happen but it doesn't mean it won't happen this year or the next. I hope Diary of a Wizard/ Fallon comes back soon. :) 

I know I didn't tell you everything that happened in the past or it would have to be every post I've made on this site. I want to tell you that every post on this blog is a great Wizard101 memory. I love making posts for this blog because one day in 20-25 years I can come back to my site and remember that I had a great time with all of you all. I'm so happy I have all of these memories even the bad ones because they make me stronger. Thank you all for everything! I just want you to know that you're all special and I'm glad I joined Wizard101 on that rainy 4th of July so I could meet all of you. :) Now... I think it's time to start making new memories. I don't hang on to the past, I remember the past because it will be part of the future one day. Thank you for reading, I hope you all have a ton of great memories too. I would also like to thank Kingsisle for making this wonderful game, Wizard101. :)


Elijah Light Thief said...

I started playing on April 4th 2009, and i remember the test realm with mounts, i was disappointing that the dying mounts in that test realm never went to live. :/ I am glad you love w101! I do too! :D

AnonymousBeholder said...

In response to your memories, I've had a great time reading everything you've had to say about the game! I my self have been playing since October 2008, this was considered BETA. Crowns gear was sold as Gold because Kingsisle had yet to round up enough players. I of course remember all of the retired gears, my favorite robe was The Dusty Coat Of The Vampire. It was a death robe that looked much like the Pirate Garb on Wizard101. I still have some of my retired items including the Coat Of Stomping which is a storm robe version of the Pirate Garb, but I accidentally deleted my death version long time ago, and that was my favorite one. To this day I regret it. But I enjoyed reading this and I'm glad you've made good memories.

-Miguel Strong