August 3, 2015

NXP Welcome Back Event!

Ahoy Pirates!

Did you know Autumn Walker from Secrets of the Spiral is back and blogging again?!! She is and she is coming back with one of her amazing events. We'll both be hosting an NXP Welcome Back event to farm Spartacos for nautical experience, scrip and gear if needed, in Aquila. There will also be contests such as a scavenger hunt at Autumn Walker's Haunted Grotto house. Lets see how many pirates we can get in the game..! Here's more information about the event:

Saturday, August 8, 2015

2:00 P.M. CST (3:00 P.M. Eastern)

Archaen Skyway in the One-Eyed Jack Realm near Captain Spartacos for half of the time, and the other half of the time will be spent of Autumn's Haunted Grotto for contests!

- Meet in Avery's Court, One-Eyed Jack Realm before the event if you need a port there. Add Edward, my witchdoctor, or Autumn Walker. 


Autumn DreamWalker said...

Sounds like fun! I'll be there! :P

Anonymous said...

I have question that doesn't have anything to do with this lol. What is the NPC looking thing in the top left corner of your blog above the frost giant? I've just never seen it before and it looks cool!
Also, I wish I could go to the welcome back party but , unfortunately, I am in an area with with a limited amount of gigs to use. Could you record the party so people who missed it can see?

Edward Lifegem said...

@Anonymous - That's the level 88 Fire Spell, Sun Serpent. :) I agree, the Spell is amazing. :D I don't know how much I can record, but I'll try my best to record a little. I don't have the full version of fraps yet, so I can only record 30 seconds. I'm hoping to get the full version soon so I can record a lot more events and post them on YouTube. Thank you for your comment, and we'll miss you. I'll be sure to make a Recap post for sure!

Unknown said...

I'll be there! My pirate name is Darling Lily Kelly, and I am only level 29, yes. But I'm sure this will probably give me lots of XP haha. I was linked to this by a friend on the Pirate101 Message Boards because I needed nautical XP.

Edward Lifegem said...

@Dana - I can't wait to see you there! All levels are welcome to attend. We're also going to have a few contests afterward if you would like to attend that. :) If something happens to your ship (like mine when I attended an event in Marleybone), you're always welcome to hop onto one of our ships to gain nautical that way too!

Unknown said...

Darn nab i missed the NXP event. Darn.

Edward Lifegem said...

@Justin - You missed Frostcaller's NXP Event, but Autumn and I are hosting another one this Saturday! I hope to see you there! :D

Unknown said...

Thanks! I've gained a few nautical levels, but my ship is still probably gonna sink lol. I'll be happy to get onto one of your ships.

Unknown said...

Excited for it! I'm waiting. By the way, I have menu chat only. So it might be hard to communicate. How about we chat on some site so I can communicate with you easier?

Edward Lifegem said...

@Dana - I am too! Yes, I have a Twitter account @EdwardLifegem if you would like to. :) I might not be on much since I'm going to record a video for the game. Don't forget to add my character (or Autumn's Witchdoctor) so you can hop onto one of our pirate ships. :D