November 30, 2018

Wizard101: Christmas Returns To The Spiral (2018)

It's that time of year again! Felix Navidad has returned with all of the classic Christmas items, decorations, and quests! If you make your way through the Commons & Shopping District, you'll see all of the Holiday decorations (you may notice a few new ornaments on the tree in the commons).

You should also visit Felix Navidad in the commons where he provides numerous items to buy such as the Santa Outfit (perfect for this year's Santa Run - Sunday, December 19th), various Christmas-Themed wands, and Holiday Pets. I've provided a list of these items & prices below:

Santa Hat (750 Crowns)
 Santa Robe (1500 Crowns)
 Santa Boots (250 Crowns)

Frostman Pet (1500 Crowns)
Christmas Elf (1500 Crowns)
Yuletide Spirit (3000 Crowns)

(The Higher Level, The Higher The Cost)
Candle Wand (300, 500, 2500)
Candy Wand (300, 500, 2500)
Gingerbread Wand (300, 500, 2500)
Nutcracker Wand (300, 500, 2500)
Sweet Staff (300, 500, 2500)
Mint Staff (300, 500, 2500)
Ornamental Paper Staff (300, 500, 2500)
Star Staff (300, 500, 2500)

If you'd rather buy recently added items, you can check out the Crowns Shop for all of your favorite Christmas-Themed game card packs, mounts & pets. Feel free to view images below for a list straight from the crowns shop of all of the Holiday Items!

If you want to farm for items, you can always check out Nightshade (Haunted Cave) or Krampus (Ravenwood - located behind Kelvin The Ice Tree). You will need a Skeleton Key to access the Krampus fight! You can earn Skeleton Keys by buying the Winterland Pack or completing the Wizard City Quest "Unlocking The Truth" which can be found in the Wizard City Library. Thank you so much, Kingsisle, for another fun Yuletide Celebration. If anyone reading this post would like more information about this year's Yuletide Event (including the 12 Days of the Spiral), feel free to click on the link below! Merry Christmas, Everyone! 

View More Information About Yuletide 2018

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