January 17, 2019

Wizard101: Valentines Art Contest

Hello Wizards!

I hope you're having a wonderful week. Today I'm proud to announce that I've received some codes from our awesome community manager, Mathew, to host a Valentines-themed contest! It's been awhile since I've hosted a contest, so I thought I'd start out with hosting an art contest. Keep reading this post for more information:

Draw A Picture that represents your love for both Wizard101 & the community. Please make sure this drawing is Valentine's Day themed. Drawings, not graphics, will only be accepted for this contest. Well-drawn & inspiring entries will be more likely to win the contest. Include your wizard's name & the finish date on this drawing.

Send The Picture to the email edwardfrostgem@gmail.com with the subject "Valentines Art Contest". Please include your wizard's name in this email and only send one entry. Additional entries from the same or multiple emails will disqualify you from this contest.

1st Prize
15,000 Crowns + Lovely Leopard Pet

2nd Prize
10,000 Crowns + Lovely Leopard Pet

3rd Prize 
5,000 Crowns + Lovely Leopard Pet

Contest BEGINS today and ENDS Thursday, February 7th at 12:00 pm Central. A Contest Winner post will be published on February 9th with three winners of this contest. Above you'll see the prizes that these three winners will receive. Good luck to everyone that enters & if you have any questions - feel free to comment below!

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