June 22, 2019

Are You Still There, Edward Lifegem?

Hello Wizards!

I hope you're having a wonderful June! It's crazy how fast time has gone by. The last time I made a blog post was just over a month ago. A few of you may be asking why exactly I haven't been making any new blog posts. Well... here's my answer!

Over the past month, I've been side questing on my myth wizard (for SpiralVision), preparing for our upcoming August in-game event, the Holiday Mashup, and I started a new job! I've clearly been most busy with the new job, but I've also been trying to edit some videos for the Holiday Mashup which keeps me busy the rest of the time outside of relaxing. I won't go into too much detail about what exactly I do, but I am excited to work where I work. It's been going quite well. Outside of my excitement for this new job, I am also excited about the upcoming Holiday Mashup!

Editing videos, like a few scenes from one video that I'm editing, and thinking up new epic activities have taken the longest. I am so excited to officially announce the event on July 4th! I'll also be hosting an epic raffle, thanks to Kingsisle. I hope you're able to enter this raffle. With that, this event will be one of the best events that we've ever had. Now is the time to start thinking about what you're going to wear at this year's event. :D

While it seems that I haven't been as active in the community as previous months/years, I still have many plans for this blog (especially since it's heading into its 10th year), the events, streaming, etc. I hope you're able to join us on our new adventures going forward. I'm still here & I'm not going anywhere. Thank you all again for your support. :) Let's make this Summer an epic one!

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